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1 refs ma04a_FLD_AutoTalk#2
mob_test_0703 7 Who'd have thought such a massive ship would sink? I wonder when it was built... 3
2 mob_test_0705 7 Doesn't look like it was a Titan-based vessel... That's some baffling tech right there. 3 1
3 mob_test_0707 10 Ooh, must be some really top-notch goodies in there! Salvager-sense tingling like mad! 3
1 refs ma04a_FLD_AutoTalk#5
mob_test_0701 7 You first. That's the salvager way. Charging headlong into the unknown! 3
5 mob_test_0702 7 Nah, I'll pass. You're the one who's always going on about your amazing swordsmanship. You go first! 3 4
1 refs ma04a_FLD_AutoTalk#7
mob_test_0711 7 14 Probably better to let the Drivers and Blades go in first... I bet it's chock-full of dangerous monsters. 3
7 mob_test_0712 7 14 Yeah... Better leave rough stuff like that to the pros, eh? 3 6