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1 refs JNL_quest1901#Civil Protection 1 - 1
You have received an order from an ancient terminal.[XENO:n ] Destroy the Mechon that are disobeying orders. Defeat 5 [System:Color name=item ]M67/HASTE[/System:Color ] Mechon in Agniratha. You completed the terminal's orders but the[XENO:n ] Mechon are still just as strong.
1 refs JNL_quest1901#Civil Protection 1 - 2
You have received an order from an ancient terminal.[XENO:n ] Destroy the Mechon that are disobeying orders. Defeat 6 [System:Color name=item ]M36/SACRE[/System:Color ] Mechon in Agniratha. You completed the terminal's orders but the[XENO:n ] Mechon are still just as strong.
1 refs JNL_quest1901#Civil Protection 1 - 3
You have received an order from an ancient terminal.[XENO:n ] Destroy the Mechon that are disobeying orders. Defeat 3 [System:Color name=item ]Offensive/BRAVE[/System:Color ] Mechon in Agniratha. You completed the terminal's orders but the[XENO:n ] Mechon are still just as strong.
1 refs JNL_quest1901#Civil Protection 2 - 1
You have received an order from an ancient terminal.[XENO:n ] Destroy the Mechon that are disobeying orders. Defeat 6 [System:Color name=item ]M55/DREAD[/System:Color ] Mechon in Agniratha. You completed the terminal's orders but the[XENO:n ] Mechon are still just as strong.
1 refs JNL_quest1901#Civil Protection 2 - 2
You have received an order from an ancient terminal.[XENO:n ] Destroy the Mechon that are disobeying orders. Defeat 4 [System:Color name=item ]M67/RADAR[/System:Color ] Mechon in Agniratha. You completed the terminal's orders but the[XENO:n ] Mechon are still just as strong.
1 refs JNL_quest1901#Civil Protection 2 - 3
You have received an order from an ancient terminal.[XENO:n ] Destroy the Mechon that are disobeying orders. Defeat 4 [System:Color name=item ]M87/GRAND[/System:Color ] Mechon in Agniratha. You completed the terminal's orders but the[XENO:n ] Mechon are still just as strong.
1 refs JNL_quest1901#Military Status 1 - 1
You have received an order from an ancient terminal.[XENO:n ] Destroy the Mechon that is disobeying orders. Defeat [System:Color name=item ]Vagabond Allocer[/System:Color ] in the area of Helas[XENO:n ] Pillar in Agniratha. You completed the terminal's orders but the[XENO:n ] Mechon are still just as strong.
1 refs JNL_quest1901#Military Status 1 - 2
You have received an order from an ancient terminal.[XENO:n ] Destroy the Mechon that is disobeying orders. Defeat [System:Color name=item ]Wise Gremory[/System:Color ] in the area of[XENO:n ] Zedonia Plaza in Agniratha. You completed the terminal's orders but the[XENO:n ] Mechon are still just as strong.
1 refs JNL_quest1901#Military Status 2 - 1
You have received an order from an ancient terminal.[XENO:n ] Destroy the Mechon that is disobeying orders. Defeat [System:Color name=item ]Meditative Varla[/System:Color ] in the Zedonia Plaza[XENO:n ] area of Agniratha. You completed the terminal's orders but the[XENO:n ] Mechon are still just as strong.
1 refs JNL_quest1901#Military Status 2 - 2
You have received an order from an ancient terminal.[XENO:n ] Destroy the Mechon that is disobeying orders. Defeat [System:Color name=item ]Wrathful Orobas[/System:Color ] in the area of Dios Pillar[XENO:n ] in Agniratha. You completed the terminal's orders but the[XENO:n ] Mechon are still just as strong.
1 refs JNL_quest1901#Agniratha Beautification 1
You received an order from an ancient terminal.[XENO:n ] The destroyed buildings need to be restored.[XENO:n ] Find collectables to act as the raw materials. Collect 4 [System:Color name=item ]New Part Ss[/System:Color ] from small Mechon[XENO:n ] in Agniratha. Collect 5 [System:Color name=item ]Fairy Tale Diodes[/System:Color ] in Agniratha. You completed the terminal's orders and[XENO:n ] helped the restoration of Agniratha.
1 refs JNL_quest1901#Agniratha Beautification 2
You received an order from an ancient terminal.[XENO:n ] The destroyed buildings need to be restored.[XENO:n ] Find collectables to act as the raw materials. Collect 3 [System:Color name=item ]New Part Ls[/System:Color ] from large Mechon[XENO:n ] in Agniratha. Collect 6 [System:Color name=item ]Grape Springs[/System:Color ] in Agniratha. You completed the terminal's orders and[XENO:n ] helped the restoration of Agniratha.
1 refs JNL_quest1901#Telethia Investigation 1
You received an order from an ancient terminal.[XENO:n ] The terminal is analysing the Telethia that attacked[XENO:n ] Agniratha. Investigate the Telethia corpses. Investigate the small Telethia around Helas Pillar[XENO:n ] in Agniratha. Investigate the small Telethia around Dios Pillar[XENO:n ] in Agniratha. Investigate the small Telethia around the Effigy of[XENO:n ] Meyneth in Agniratha. Investigate the small Telethia around Calcos[XENO:n ] Pillar in Agniratha. You completed the terminal's order. The analysis[XENO:n ] shows that they are Phoenix Telethia.
1 refs JNL_quest1901#Telethia Investigation 2
You received an order from an ancient terminal.[XENO:n ] The terminal is analysing the Telethia that attacked[XENO:n ] Agniratha. Investigate the Telethia corpses. Investigate the large Telethia with three heads[XENO:n ] in the Residential District 1 of Agniratha. Investigate the large Telethia with three heads[XENO:n ] around Helas Pillar in Agniratha. Investigate the large Telethia with three heads[XENO:n ] on Telethia Bridge in Agniratha. Investigate the large Telethia with three heads[XENO:n ] in the Judicial District of Agniratha. You completed the terminal's order. The analysis[XENO:n ] shows that they are Gigas Telethia.
1 refs JNL_quest1901#865
1 refs JNL_quest1901#866
1 refs JNL_quest1901#867
1 refs JNL_quest1901#868
1 refs JNL_quest1901#869
1 refs JNL_quest1901#870
1 refs JNL_quest1901#871
1 refs JNL_quest1901#872
1 refs JNL_quest1901#873
1 refs JNL_quest1901#874
1 refs JNL_quest1901#875
1 refs JNL_quest1901#876
1 refs JNL_quest1901#877
1 refs JNL_quest1901#878
1 refs JNL_quest1901#879
1 refs JNL_quest1901#Shrine Transport
The transporter to the Meyneth Shrine within[XENO:n ] Agniratha is locked. Find a way to unlock it[XENO:n ] and use the transporter. Use the Verification Devices on the four pillars[XENO:n ] to unlock the transporter. Activate the transporter in the Data Centre at the[XENO:n ] top of the Central Tower. Go to the transporter that will take you[XENO:n ] to the Meyneth Shrine. You arrived at the transporter to the[XENO:n ] Meyneth Shrine.
1 refs JNL_quest1901#Pillar Verification Devices
The transporter to the Meyneth Shrine is locked.[XENO:n ] Use the Verification Devices on the pillars to unlock it. Use the Verification Device on Calcos Pillar. Use the Verification Device on Helas Pillar. Use the Verification Device on Dios Pillar. Use the Verification Device on Cleas Pillar. You have unlocked the transporter to the[XENO:n ] Meyneth Shrine.
1 refs JNL_quest1901#882
1 refs JNL_quest1901#883
1 refs JNL_quest1901#884
1 refs JNL_quest1901#Save Bionis
The Mechonis is being operated by Yaldabaoth.[XENO:n ] Stop its attack on the Bionis. Defeat the 3 [System:Color name=item ]Energy Devices[/System:Color ] around Yaldabaoth. You destroyed the Energy Devices and stopped[XENO:n ] the destruction of Bionis.
1 refs JNL_quest1901#886
1 refs JNL_quest1901#887
1 refs JNL_quest1901#888
1 refs JNL_quest1901#889
1 refs JNL_quest1901#890