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1 xs01080100_MSG0001 So this street's what we call Armory Alley.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
2 xs01080100_MSG0002 BLADEs can requisition equipment[ST:n ]from any of the vendors here.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
3 xs01080100_MSG0003 I won't lie—most BLADE members[ST:n ]face danger on a daily basis.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
4 xs01080100_MSG0004 Having the latest gear isn't about impressing your friends—[ST:n ]it's a matter of survival.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
5 xs01080100_MSG0005 True enough.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
6 xs01080100_MSG0006 And that goes not only for your personal armor[ST:n ]and weapons—what we call ground gear—[ST:page p1=150 ]but for Skell equipment as well.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
7 xs01080100_MSG0007 You can even buy whole Skells![ST:n ]Can you imagine owning your own Skell?![ST:wait ][ST:n ]
8 xs01080100_MSG0008 Hmm? Oh right, the tour.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
9 xs01080100_MSG0009 I think all that's left is the heart of BLADE itself—BLADE Tower.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]