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1 tev062001_JNK0010 Inquire
2 tev062001_SEL0011 Ask Yoyotsu about the Nopon diet.
3 tev062001_JNK0020 Discuss
4 tev062001_SEL0021 Ask Yoyotsu if she's heard any interesting rumors.
5 tev062001_SEL2021 Ask Yoyotsu about recent developments.
6 tev062001_SEL2031 Ask Yoyotsu about the Nopon diet.
7 tev062001_SEL2041 Ask Yoyotsu about the Nopon diet.
8 tev062001_MSG0001 Yoyotsu is on quest to eat every last yummy food[ST:n ]on Mira.[ST:wait ]
9 tev062001_MSG0002 Latest and greatest thing Yoyotsu try is scrumptious[ST:n ]food called \"evello.\"[ST:wait ]
10 tev062001_MSG0003 Dangly thing in throat of evello smell delicious.[ST:n ]Also taste totally crunchy when grilled.[ST:wait ]
11 tev062001_MSG0004 Is this what friends call...delicacy?[ST:n ]And can Yoyotsu sell it?[ST:wait ]
12 tev062001_MSG0008 Mamapon goes out and hunts food we eat.[ST:wait ]
13 tev062001_MSG0009 If it looks edible, chances are Mamapon has bagged it[ST:n ]at least once.[ST:wait ]
14 tev062001_MSG0010 Mamapon says her next hunting trip will be to Twisty[ST:n ]Turny Tree! Humans call it Coil Tree Cape.[ST:wait ]
15 tev062001_MSG0011 Hmm, does that mean fish? Yoyotsu want to eat fish![ST:n ]Yum![ST:wait ]
16 tev062001_MSG0012 tev062001_MSG0012
17 tev062001_MSG0013 tev062001_MSG0013
18 tev062001_MSG0014 tev062001_MSG0014
19 tev062001_MSG0015 tev062001_MSG0015
20 tev062001_MSG0016 Yoyotsu forgot to pack lunch when going to look[ST:n ]for Satsu. Meh![ST:wait ]
21 tev062001_MSG0017 So Yoyotsu ate raw kusakiri stag beetles and grilled[ST:n ]morphling flounders instead.[ST:wait ]
22 tev062001_MSG0018 Mumutsu said Yoyotsu could survive anywhere![ST:wait ]
23 tev062001_MSG0019 Is that major compliment? Is this birth of wilderness[ST:n ]survivor Yoyotsu?[ST:wait ]
24 tev062001_MSG0025 Yoyotsu is on quest to eat every last yummy food[ST:n ]on Mira.[ST:wait ]
25 tev062001_MSG0026 Latest and greatest thing Yoyotsu try is scrumptious[ST:n ]food called \"lophid liver.\"[ST:wait ]
26 tev062001_MSG0027 [ST:playername ] can try it too! So easy![ST:wait ]
27 tev062001_MSG0028 Just defeat lophid, then rip open belly and tear out[ST:n ]gooey, delicious liver.[ST:wait ]
28 tev062001_MSG0029 Watching liver quiver will make friend shiver![ST:n ]It is true Miran delicacy.[ST:wait ]
29 tev062001_MSG0035 Yoyotsu is on quest to eat every last yummy food[ST:n ]on Mira.[ST:wait ]
30 tev062001_MSG0036 Deeeeep deep-deep-deep in Noctilum is place with[ST:n ]lots of red branches. Has friend seen it?[ST:wait ]
31 tev062001_MSG0037 Anyway, there is huuuuge bird there![ST:wait ]
32 tev062001_MSG0038 It look really strong—but Yoyotsu know delicacy when[ST:n ]Yoyotsu see one.[ST:wait ]
33 tev062001_MSG0039 What Yoyotsu would not give to sink teeth into such[ST:n ]tasty treat![ST:wait ]