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1 tev056302_MSG0101 Meh-meh! Zazazan should be here by now![ST:n ]Bodada not get one single message since Sylvalum.[ST:wait ]
2 tev056302_MSG0102 What if whole deal has gone south?[ST:wait ]
3 tev056302_JNK0010 Inquire[ST:wait]
4 tev056302_SEL0011 Ask Bodada how he knows Zazazan.[ST:wait ]
5 tev056302_JNK0020 Inform[ST:wait ]
6 tev056302_SEL0021 Assure Bodada that Zazazan is safe and has left[ST:n ]Cauldros.[ST:wait ]
7 tev056302_MSG0103 Zazazan is important to Bodada.[ST:n ]Everything else is not business of friend.[ST:wait ]
8 tev056302_MSG0104 Friend knows Zazazan? Hurray![ST:n ]Zazazan is very important to Bodada.[ST:wait ]
9 tev056302_MSG0105 But Zazazan really needs to get butt in gear and[ST:n ]stop testing patience of Bodada.[ST:wait ]