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1 tev032401_JNK0010 Inquire
2 tev032401_SEL0011 Ask Jajanni about Ma-non technology.[ST:wait ]
3 tev032401_JNK0020 Discuss
4 tev032401_SEL0021 Ask Jajanni about recent developments.
5 tev032401_JNK0010 tev032401_JNK0010
6 tev032401_SEL0031 Ask Jajanni about the device Lin is building.[ST:wait ]
7 tev032401_JNK0020 tev032401_JNK0020
8 tev032401_SEL0041 Ask Jajanni about recent developments.
9 tev032401_JNK0010 tev032401_JNK0010
10 tev032401_SEL1011 Ask Jajanni about Skell flight modules.[ST:wait ]
11 tev032401_JNK0020 tev032401_JNK0020
12 tev032401_SEL1021 Ask Jajanni about recent developments.[ST:wait ]
13 tev032401_MSG0001 The Ma-non aren't exactly fans of creating things that[ST:n ]hurt people, you know?[ST:wait ]
14 tev032401_MSG0002 So when discussions arose to work with you to create[ST:n ]weaponry...[ST:wait ]
15 tev032401_MSG0003 Well, I suppose you'd say that not everyone was on[ST:n ]board? We actually argued about it for some time.[ST:wait ]
16 tev032401_MSG0004 But in the end, we agreed that it would be unfair to[ST:n ]kick back and do do nothing while you put your lives[ST:n ]in danger, right?[ST:wait ]
17 tev032401_MSG0005 So we agreed to start Candid & Credible as a means[ST:n ]of providing you weapons, you see?[ST:wait ]
18 tev032401_MSG0006 Things that go boom may not be our specialty, but[ST:n ]Ma-non technology is the finest in the cosmos, right?[ST:n ]So please use our products to to save this city.[ST:wait ]
19 tev032401_MSG0011 Did you know that one of our finest technicians has[ST:n ]moved down to to the hangar under the administrative[ST:n ]district?[ST:wait ]
20 tev032401_MSG0012 I think he decided to open a repair shop?[ST:wait ]
21 tev032401_MSG0013 You should be careful if you go speak to the old guy,[ST:n ]however. He can be kind of...touchy?[ST:wait ]
22 tev032401_MSG0014 Frankly, I'm not even sure you and he will be able to[ST:n ]get along? But I hope you do, because he could be a[ST:n ]huge help to you![ST:wait ]
23 tev032401_MSG0020 Lin asked us a whole barrage of questions about how[ST:n ]our ship's flight systems work, you know?[ST:wait ]
24 tev032401_MSG0021 And now I finally know the reason, don't I?[ST:n ]She was working on a spectacular modification that[ST:n ]grants your Skells flight capabilities![ST:wait ]
25 tev032401_MSG0022 I respect Lin's ingenuity, even if she has a host of[ST:n ]technical problems she must still overcome...[ST:wait ]
26 tev032401_MSG0023 I hope her big dream becomes a big reality,[ST:n ]don't you?[ST:wait ]
27 tev032401_MSG0028 The other day I decided to do a little research into[ST:n ]what the other arms manufacturers are making, right?[ST:n ]So I went out and bought a Sakuraba weapon...[ST:wait ]
28 tev032401_MSG0029 It's actually quite impressive. You can tell they take[ST:n ]pride in their quality, can't you?[ST:wait ]
29 tev032401_MSG0030 I did a little poking around to find out who their[ST:n ]lead engineer is, you know? Turns out it's an older[ST:n ]fellow by by the name of Isobe.[ST:wait ]
30 tev032401_MSG0031 I observed him from a distance, and all he did was yell[ST:n ]at his workers. So I didn't dare approach him to ask[ST:n ]more specific questions, you see?[ST:wait ]
31 tev032401_MSG0032 Still, I hope that one day we can talk shop?[ST:wait ]
32 tev032401_MSG1001 The Skell flight modules should allow you to reach[ST:n ]previously inaccessible areas and further your research,[ST:n ]correct?[ST:wait ]
33 tev032401_MSG1002 They also let you attack enemies on the ground with[ST:n ]impunity, right? I imagine that must be be fun...[ST:wait ]
34 tev032401_MSG1003 But all that flying around expends a great deal of fuel,[ST:n ]doesn't it? It's probably something you want to keep in[ST:n ]mind at all times.[ST:wait ]
35 tev032401_MSG1004 You don't want to be a mile off the ground when you[ST:n ]run out of fuel, no? That would be so so bad.[ST:wait ]
36 tev032401_MSG1005 So enjoy flying Mira's skies, but don't forget to keep[ST:n ]one eye on your fuel at all times, okay?[ST:wait ]
37 tev032401_MSG1010 After burning the midnight oil with Isobe to get the[ST:n ]project done, he actually opened up a little...[ST:wait ]
38 tev032401_MSG1011 Now C&C and Sakuraba are periodically sharing tech[ST:n ]and improving our services. Which is great, yes?[ST:wait ]
39 tev032401_MSG1012 The thing is, Isobe let me have an up-close-and-[ST:n ]personal look at your Skell tech, and I have to say...[ST:wait ]
40 tev032401_MSG1013 Well, honestly, it's way beyond anything else you you[ST:n ]humans have cooked up. Huge parts of it are just[ST:n ]completely out of your league. Er, no offense?[ST:wait ]
41 tev032401_MSG1014 I wonder who the original architect was?[ST:n ]Isobe didn't know, which just adds to to the mystery.[ST:wait ]