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1 tev027001_JNK0010 Inquire
2 tev027001_SEL0011 Ask Felice about the Nopon Bazaar.
3 tev027001_JNK0020 Discuss
4 tev027001_SEL0021 Ask Felice if anything is troubling her.
5 tev027001_JNK0010 tev027001_JNK0010
6 tev027001_SEL0031 Ask Felice what it was like during the attack.
7 tev027001_JNK0020 tev027001_JNK0020
8 tev027001_SEL0021 tev027001_SEL0021
9 tev027001_JNK0010 tev027001_JNK0010
10 tev027001_SEL0051 Ask Felice what the Nopon were doing during the[ST:n ]attack.
11 tev027001_JNK0020 tev027001_JNK0020
12 tev027001_SEL0021 tev027001_SEL0021
13 tev027001_JNK0010 tev027001_JNK0010
14 tev027001_SEL0071 Ask Felice about the Nopon caravan.
15 tev027001_JNK0020 Discuss
16 tev027001_SEL0021 tev027001_SEL0021
17 tev027001_JNK0010 tev027001_JNK0010
18 tev027001_SEL0091 Ask Felice where Chiroro is.
19 tev027001_JNK0020 tev027001_JNK0020
20 tev027001_SEL0101 Ask Felice if anything is troubling her.
21 tev027001_SEL1011 Ask Felice about the Nopon.
22 tev027001_SEL1021 Ask Felice about recent developments.
23 tev027001_SEL1041 Ask Felice about recent developments.
24 tev027001_MSG0001 It looks like the rare items on sale here are brought in[ST:n ]by Nopon from across Mira.[ST:wait ]
25 tev027001_MSG0002 The accessories on display were so cool that I walked[ST:n ]right into their trap. When shopping is this fun,[ST:n ]you know there has to be a catch.[ST:wait ]
26 tev027001_MSG0003 They're such smooth little talkers that you end up[ST:n ]buying all kinds of junk you don't need.[ST:wait ]
27 tev027001_MSG0004 If you need to haggle with them, definitely remember to[ST:n ]keep your wits about you.[ST:wait ]
28 tev027001_MSG0010 Oh my god, this is mortifying. I just got through[ST:n ]telling Dana she needs to \"find a way to shine\" if she[ST:n ]wants to reel in this guy she likes...[ST:wait ]
29 tev027001_MSG0011 And now look whose head is sparkling brighter than[ST:n ]a freshly waxed floor. My head! Dana is gonna have[ST:n ]a field day with this.[ST:wait ]
30 tev027001_MSG0012 I can hear her already: \"Oh, wow. That is one shiny[ST:n ]noggin, chrome dome! Don't go blinding any Skell[ST:n ]pilots with that!\" Ugh![ST:wait ]
31 tev027001_MSG0013 I need to find a wig before she has a chance to give[ST:n ]me any crap.[ST:wait ]
32 tev027001_MSG0014 That Chiroro character is gonna get it for selling[ST:n ]me that snake oil![ST:wait ]
33 tev027001_MSG0020 Luckily, NLA runs evacuation drills, so we knew exactly[ST:n ]what to do in an emergency.[ST:wait ]
34 tev027001_MSG0021 We were able to get to safety with minimal casualties.[ST:wait ]
35 tev027001_MSG0022 A lot of that was because the Nopon hadn't moved in[ST:n ]yet. I shudder to think how things would've gone down[ST:n ]if THEY were around.[ST:wait ]
36 tev027001_MSG0023 They probably would've freaked out and disrupted the[ST:n ]entire evacuation.[ST:wait ]
37 tev027001_MSG0024 Then, right when we were at our most frazzled,[ST:n ]they would have aggressively tried to sell us pepper[ST:n ]spray or home security cameras or something.[ST:wait ]
38 tev027001_MSG0030 Are you kidding? The bazaar was probably the[ST:n ]liveliest place around.[ST:wait ]
39 tev027001_MSG0031 The second they caught wind we were under attack,[ST:n ]the Nopon immediately broke out a stash of food[ST:n ]rations and emergency survival products.[ST:wait ]
40 tev027001_MSG0032 They played us like a bunch of terrified little fiddles.[ST:n ]I could've sworn I heard one of them literally shout,[ST:n ]\"Buy this crap if want to live!\"[ST:wait ]
41 tev027001_MSG0033 Well, I must be a total sucker, 'cause even I caved and[ST:n ]bought myself a \"bomb-proof hood.\"[ST:wait ]
42 tev027001_MSG0034 Then again, it DID prevent everyone in the shelter from[ST:n ]seeing what happened to my hair, so I guess that still[ST:n ]counts as self-defense.[ST:wait ]
43 tev027001_MSG0040 Did you notice the Nopon have a caravan in[ST:n ]Cauldros? As in, where the Ganglion base is?[ST:wait ]
44 tev027001_MSG0041 I told Chiroro to step up her game, but I never[ST:n ]imagined she'd send her people into that death trap.[ST:wait ]
45 tev027001_MSG0042 The Nopon are a lot of things, but those cute little[ST:n ]swindlers are definitely not cowards.[ST:wait ]
46 tev027001_MSG0043 I guess when the smell of rare and lucrative[ST:n ]merchandise comes wafting over, \"life and limb\" take[ST:n ]a solid second place.[ST:wait ]
47 tev027001_MSG0048 The merchants at the Nopon bazaar said they spotted[ST:n ]Chiroro in Oblivia.[ST:wait ]
48 tev027001_MSG0049 Don't tell me she went someplace as dangerous as that[ST:n ]just to find me some hair-growth medicine...[ST:wait ]
49 tev027001_MSG0050 Because that would legitimately make me feel bad.[ST:wait ]
50 tev027001_MSG0055 Oh my god, this is mortifying. I just got through[ST:n ]telling Dana she needs to \"find a way to shine\" if she[ST:n ]wants to reel in this guy she likes...[ST:wait ]
51 tev027001_MSG0056 And now look whose head is sparkling brighter than[ST:n ]a freshly waxed floor. My head! Dana is gonna have[ST:n ]a field day with this.[ST:wait ]
52 tev027001_MSG0057 I can hear her already: \"Oh, wow. That is one shiny[ST:n ]noggin, chrome dome! Don't go blinding any Skell[ST:n ]pilots with that!\" Ugh![ST:wait ]
53 tev027001_MSG0058 I need to find a wig before she has a chance to give[ST:n ]me any crap.[ST:wait ]
54 tev027001_MSG1001 Those little fellas make the slog all the way from[ST:n ]Noctilum in the west to Cauldros in the north,[ST:n ]and they do it over and over again.[ST:wait ]
55 tev027001_MSG1002 In the process, they manage to find stuff rare enough to[ST:n ]make the most accomplished Curator giggle in delight.[ST:wait ]
56 tev027001_MSG1003 Those guys are some seriously hardcore merchants.[ST:n ]Not just Chiroro—all of them![ST:wait ]
57 tev027001_MSG1004 Sometimes I think we still have a few things to learn[ST:n ]from the locals.[ST:wait ]
58 tev027001_MSG1010 Oh! Guess what! When I was at work, Victoria told me[ST:n ]she likes my hair the way it is! Or isn't or...whatever.[ST:wait ]
59 tev027001_MSG1011 I respect her fashion opinion more than anyone else[ST:n ]in the city, so to hear her say that pretty much made[ST:n ]my existence.[ST:wait ]
60 tev027001_MSG1012 Seriously, I feel like a brand-new woman now.[ST:n ]I'm ready to work my butt off and make NLA's fashion[ST:n ]scene really shine![ST:wait ]
61 tev027001_MSG1017 I had lunch with Dana for the first time in a while the[ST:n ]other day, and you won't believe this...[ST:wait ]
62 tev027001_MSG1018 She was wearing an eyeball! This girl was actually[ST:n ]wearing a real indigen EYEBALL necklace.[ST:n ]That is just so...wrong.[ST:wait ]
63 tev027001_MSG1019 After she was done trying to explain why it was \"hip,\"[ST:n ]I made her take it off and gave her something less...[ST:n ]anatomical to wear.[ST:wait ]
64 tev027001_MSG1020 Crisis averted. Thank you, fashion intervention![ST:wait ]
65 tev027001_MSG1021 I mean geez! I know her heart's in the right place,[ST:n ]but a third eye isn't going to help her nab a boyfriend.[ST:wait ]