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1 tev024501_JNK0010 Inquire[ST:wait ]
2 tev024501_SEL0011 Ask Joy about her work.[ST:wait ]
3 tev024501_JNK0020 Discuss[ST:wait ]
4 tev024501_SEL0021 Ask Joy if she's heard any interesting rumors.[ST:wait ]
5 tev024501_JNK0010 tev024501_JNK0010
6 tev024501_SEL0031 Ask Joy about the Ma-non.[ST:wait ]
7 tev024501_JNK0020 tev024501_JNK0020
8 tev024501_SEL0021 tev024501_SEL0021
9 tev024501_JNK0010 Inquire
10 tev024501_SEL0051 Ask Joy about damage suffered in the attack.
11 tev024501_JNK0020 tev024501_JNK0020
12 tev024501_SEL0061 Ask Joy if she's heard any interesting rumors.[ST:wait ]
13 tev024501_JNK0010 tev024501_JNK0010
14 tev024501_SEL0071 Ask Joy about the people of NLA.
15 tev024501_JNK0020 tev024501_JNK0020
16 tev024501_SEL0061 tev024501_SEL0061
17 tev024501_SEL1021 Ask Joy about recent developments.
18 tev024501_MSG0001 I work as a counselor. ...Hmm? You're asking why[ST:n ]I'm not working now? On the contrary, I'm taking[ST:n ]one of my own treatments![ST:wait ]
19 tev024501_MSG0002 Now that the dust has settled from our crash landing,[ST:n ]people are becoming more psychologically vulnerable[ST:n ]to stress-related flashbacks.[ST:wait ]
20 tev024501_MSG0003 Personally, I advise my clients to come here and play[ST:n ]sports rather than popping pills.[ST:wait ]
21 tev024501_MSG0004 Sports are a wonderful treatment. Sweating together[ST:n ]deepens bonds and washes the grime off our brains.[ST:wait ]
22 tev024501_MSG0005 And if you still don't believe me, I'll prove it by[ST:n ]challenging you to a match![ST:wait ]
23 tev024501_MSG0006 After our game, I know you'll look just as refreshed as[ST:n ]Charles does.[ST:wait ]
24 tev024501_MSG0008 Even BLADEs have their movements restricted until they[ST:n ]acclimate themselves to the job.[ST:wait ]
25 tev024501_MSG0009 After they've completed a couple of major missions,[ST:n ]however, they're considered a full-fledged BLADE and[ST:n ]can go wherever they please.[ST:wait ]
26 tev024501_MSG0010 Once you're that confident in your own skills,[ST:n ]why not set off for some remote destination?[ST:wait ]
27 tev024501_MSG0011 As soon as you experience the true majesty of Mira's[ST:n ]landscape, you'll begin to fully appreciate the[ST:n ]magnitude of what BLADE is trying to accomplish.[ST:wait ]
28 tev024501_MSG0020 Have you seen how the Ma-non play? It's delightful![ST:n ]They can experience the game in a way that we who[ST:n ]are constrained by the rules cannot.[ST:wait ]
29 tev024501_MSG0021 They possess incredible technology,[ST:n ]yet speak and behave almost like children.[ST:wait ]
30 tev024501_MSG0022 Perhaps within those habits lies the secret to their[ST:n ]technological prowess?[ST:wait ]
31 tev024501_MSG0023 But when I suggested as much to Charles,[ST:n ]he just claimed that they're happy-go-lucky[ST:n ]and put an end to the conversation.[ST:wait ]
32 tev024501_MSG0028 I am truly glad the Ma-non came for us.[ST:wait ]
33 tev024501_MSG0029 Thanks to them, the civilian population of New LA[ST:n ]was spared from having to see combat firsthand.[ST:wait ]
34 tev024501_MSG0030 Unlike you BLADEs, we civilians are unaccustomed to[ST:n ]warfare. So to have our own city attacked...[ST:wait ]
35 tev024501_MSG0031 Needless to say, it has been a source of anxiety that[ST:n ]many people wish to discuss with me. And naturally,[ST:n ]it's an anxiety that I feel as well.[ST:wait ]
36 tev024501_MSG0032 If I didn't have sports to clear my head and heart,[ST:n ]I don't know how I could go on![ST:wait ]
37 tev024501_MSG0037 Have you heard the rumors of small islands in the far[ST:n ]reaches of Mira's ocean?[ST:wait ]
38 tev024501_MSG0038 BLADEs have apparently found a number of them in a[ST:n ]variety of locations.[ST:wait ]
39 tev024501_MSG0039 The image of an island at the end of the sea inspires[ST:n ]such exciting memories of the Age of Discovery![ST:wait ]
40 tev024501_MSG0045 Lately, in my job as counselor, the discussion topics[ST:n ]that I've been dealing with have changed a great deal.[ST:wait ]
41 tev024501_MSG0046 People want to talk about their anxiety for the future.[ST:n ]That itself is nothing new, but the futures they see are[ST:n ]now far brighter that the ones they imagined previously.[ST:wait ]
42 tev024501_MSG0047 My clients talk of marrying and starting a family,[ST:n ]or finding a career beyond BLADE—topics that are[ST:n ]better suited for this court than a counselor's office![ST:wait ]
43 tev024501_MSG0048 I imagine returning to our fleshly bodies will dredge up[ST:n ]new anxieties. But for now, I hope we can take some[ST:n ]time to reflect upon our newfound peace.[ST:wait ]
44 tev024501_MSG0049 I taught the rules of tennis to the Orphean, Ton'barac.[ST:n ]He absorbed them and was ready to play right away![ST:wait ]
45 tev024501_MSG0050 He's already a master of tennis tactics and theory.[ST:n ]If he could just commit some moves to muscle memory, [ST:n ]he could easily be the best player in New LA.[ST:wait ]
46 tev024501_MSG0051 The only issue is that he seems to view tennis not as[ST:n ]a sport, but as some sort of human...ritual.[ST:wait ]
47 tev024501_MSG0052 A ritual venting of stress, perhaps?[ST:wait ]