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1 tev023501_JNK0010 Inquire
2 tev023501_SEL0011 Ask Berry about NLA.
3 tev023501_JNK0020 Discuss
4 tev023501_SEL0021 Ask Berry if she has any interesting news.
5 tev023501_SEL0031 Ask Berry about Mira's oceans.
6 tev023501_SEL0041 Ask Berry about the Earthlife Colonization Project.
7 tev023501_SEL0051 Ask Berry about the city of NLA.
8 tev023501_MSG0001 New LA was nearly complete when we were forced to[ST:n ]crash-land here on Mira.[ST:wait ]
9 tev023501_MSG0002 Those damned xenoforms couldn't wait just a little[ST:n ]while longer? Ugh! How I loathe them...[ST:wait ]
10 tev023501_MSG0003 Anyway, that's why the roads are only partially finished[ST:n ]and lack side barriers to keep people from falling off.[ST:wait ]
11 tev023501_MSG0004 I hear someone once fell all the way to the bottom![ST:n ]Took a whole team of Mediators to rescue him.[ST:wait ]
12 tev023501_MSG0005 That reminds me: Kaisis offered to escort me home[ST:n ]that day, but I refused. I could tell he had some[ST:n ]ulterior motive in mind.[ST:wait ]
13 tev023501_MSG0008 Oh, you missed quite the brouhaha here the other day![ST:wait ]
14 tev023501_MSG0009 Once again, Kaisis was insisting that I let him escort[ST:n ]me home.[ST:wait ]
15 tev023501_MSG0010 But I could tell he had something else in mind,[ST:n ]so I flatly refused.[ST:wait ]
16 tev023501_MSG0011 Just then, a Mediator named Tracey came by and[ST:n ]mistakenly assumed from our conversation that he was[ST:n ]trying to abduct me![ST:wait ]
17 tev023501_MSG0012 Then she slapped a set of handcuffs on him and tried[ST:n ]to lead him away![ST:wait ]
18 tev023501_MSG0013 No matter what Kaisis said, she wouldn't listen.[ST:n ]She said her \"detective's instincts\" made it clear that[ST:n ]this was an abduction.[ST:wait ]
19 tev023501_MSG0014 Honestly, she seems a little bit...unstable.[ST:n ]I hope she doesn't cause a more serious problem[ST:n ]someday...[ST:wait ]
20 tev023501_MSG0020 Sometimes I log on to research data probes to look at[ST:n ]the views from the Miran coastlines.[ST:wait ]
21 tev023501_MSG0021 And on rare occasions, I spot small islands on the[ST:n ]horizon.[ST:wait ]
22 tev023501_MSG0022 I wonder if those sorts of islands are scattered[ST:n ]throughout Mira's seas?[ST:wait ]
23 tev023501_MSG0023 I can't imagine many BLADEs have even tried to visit[ST:n ]such isolated places.[ST:wait ]
24 tev023501_MSG0024 So if you were to work up the courage to swim out[ST:n ]there, who knows what sort of treasure you might find?[ST:wait ]
25 tev023501_MSG0026 A great many ships were launched as[ST:n ]part of the Earthlife Colonization Project.[ST:n ]I wonder if the others are safe?[ST:wait ]
26 tev023501_MSG0027 I mean, what if the Ganglion found them and[ST:n ]destroyed them?[ST:wait ]
27 tev023501_MSG0028 ...No, I'm sure they're okay. We probably haven't[ST:n ]heard from them because they haven't yet found a[ST:n ]suitable planet on which to land.[ST:wait ]
28 tev023501_MSG0029 I need to toughen up. It's because of these moments of[ST:n ]weakness that Kaisis has such designs on me![ST:wait ]
29 tev023501_MSG0035 I've been complaining to the maintenance teams about[ST:n ]how easy it is to fall here because of the insufficient[ST:n ]guard rails.[ST:wait ]
30 tev023501_MSG0036 But I must admit, it makes me a little sad to think[ST:n ]about them filling in the ground eventually.[ST:wait ]
31 tev023501_MSG0037 Hmmm... Maybe before they block it off,[ST:n ]I should take Kaisis to see the water below.[ST:wait ]
32 tev023501_MSG0038 He always seems like he has something to say,[ST:n ]but he just won't spit it out.[ST:wait ]
33 tev023501_MSG0039 He keeps saying he'll tell me once the city is finished,[ST:n ]but nuts to that! I'm just going to make him tell me![ST:wait ]