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1 tev023201_JNK0010 Inquire[ST:wait ]
2 tev023201_SEL0011 Ask Rosie about her work.[ST:wait ]
3 tev023201_JNK0020 Discuss[ST:wait ]
4 tev023201_SEL0021 Ask Rosie if she's heard any interesting rumors.[ST:wait ]
5 tev023201_MSG0001 My team is researching issues related to New LA's[ST:n ]sustainability—particularly concerning water.[ST:wait ]
6 tev023201_MSG0002 Using this purification plant to process wastewater and[ST:n ]rainwater for reuse would be solution enough,[ST:n ]don't you think?[ST:wait ]
7 tev023201_MSG0003 Nevertheless, Ajoa's gotten it into her head that there's[ST:n ]some big shortage looming, and the only solution is to[ST:n ]use water from outside the city.[ST:wait ]
8 tev023201_MSG0004 You know the only reason for that is because[ST:n ]Ian is handsome and she wants to work together[ST:n ]with him at the lake. Ugh! So unprofessional![ST:wait ]
9 tev023201_MSG0008 Some nutty lady has been pestering people at the[ST:n ]cathedral recently.[ST:wait ]
10 tev023201_MSG0009 She's going around claiming that some god called the[ST:n ]\"Bringer of Miracles\" led New LA to crash on Mira.[ST:wait ]
11 tev023201_MSG0010 Begging the obvious question: Where was Mr. Miracles[ST:n ]when the xenoforms attacked us in the first goddamn[ST:n ]place?![ST:wait ]
12 tev023201_MSG0011 Ugh. I try to pray at church every day, but now I[ST:n ]totally dread it because I know this batcrap-crazy lady[ST:n ]is going to hassle me.[ST:wait ]
13 tev023201_JNK0010 tev023201_JNK0010
14 tev023201_SEL1011 Ask Rosie about her work.[ST:wait ]
15 tev023201_JNK0020 tev023201_JNK0020
16 tev023201_SEL1021 Ask Rosie about recent developments.[ST:wait ]
17 tev023201_MSG0012 As the population expands and production increases,[ST:n ]the water shortages my team anticipated have totally[ST:n ]materialized.[ST:wait ]
18 tev023201_MSG0013 But there's no need to worry—the Biahno water-[ST:n ]purification plant that we built has stabilized our[ST:n ]water supply.[ST:wait ]
19 tev023201_MSG0014 It wasn't a plan that I supported at first, but I've come[ST:n ]around now that I see how much good it's doing for[ST:n ]the city.[ST:wait ]
20 tev023201_MSG0019 Ajoa and Ian have transferred to the Biahno water-[ST:n ]purification plant.[ST:wait ]
21 tev023201_MSG0020 ...What, me? Oh, hell no. I wouldn't be caught dead[ST:n ]over there.[ST:wait ]
22 tev023201_MSG0021 The whole area is still crawling with indigens, right?[ST:n ]What fool would want to be stationed there?[ST:wait ]
23 tev023201_MSG0022 That's why I had no complaints when Ian assigned me[ST:n ]to manage the New LA office instead.[ST:wait ]
24 tev023201_MSG0023 ...Even though I suspect he did it so that those two[ST:n ]lovebirds wouldn't have me interrupting them at their[ST:n ]little lakeside retreat![ST:wait ]
25 tev023201_JNK0010 tev023201_JNK0010
26 tev023201_SEL2011 Ask Rosie about the effects of[ST:n ]xenoforms moving to NLA.[ST:wait ]
27 tev023201_JNK0020 tev023201_JNK0020
28 tev023201_SEL2021 Ask Rosie about recent developments.[ST:wait ]
29 tev023201_MSG0024 The growing xenoform population has had a major[ST:n ]impact on New LA.[ST:wait ]
30 tev023201_MSG0025 We don't want them on the public dole, so that[ST:n ]means giving them jobs in order for them to become[ST:n ]self-reliant.[ST:wait ]
31 tev023201_MSG0026 It also forces us to increase our production of food and[ST:n ]potable water.[ST:wait ]
32 tev023201_MSG0027 Oh, and they need places to live as well.[ST:n ]And yeah, we have that big Ma-non ship,[ST:n ]but we can't have them living like refugees forever![ST:wait ]
33 tev023201_MSG0028 So I don't have time to sit around licking my wounds.[ST:n ]I have to get out there and do what I can for them.[ST:wait ]
34 tev023201_MSG0031 With my friends gone, there's no one left to manage[ST:n ]the Biahno water-purification plant.[ST:wait ]
35 tev023201_MSG0032 After that...incident, I was hoping we could run some[ST:n ]kind of automated maintenance routine at the plant so[ST:n ]no one had to go there anymore...[ST:wait ]
36 tev023201_MSG0033 But that's a pipe dream, because a lot of the plant's[ST:n ]maintenance can only be performed by human hands.[ST:wait ]
37 tev023201_MSG0034 That means I'm going to have to be the one to head[ST:n ]out there—and that scares the heck out of me.[ST:wait ]
38 tev023201_JNK0010 tev023201_JNK0010
39 tev023201_SEL2011 tev023201_SEL2011
40 tev023201_JNK0020 Discuss[ST:wait ]
41 tev023201_SEL3021 Ask Rosie about recent developments.[ST:wait ]
42 tev023201_MSG0035 The Orphe have created autosentries for the[ST:n ]Biahno water-purification plant![ST:wait ]
43 tev023201_MSG0036 ...Oh, you helped them with that? Wow![ST:n ]You really ARE the [ST:Gender p1=hero p2=heroine ] of New LA![ST:wait ]
44 tev023201_MSG0037 Well, thanks to you, it sounds like we no longer need[ST:n ]to worry about indigen attacks there.[ST:wait ]
45 tev023201_MSG0038 Then I've got no excuse. For the good of New LA—[ST:n ]and to make sure my colleagues' sacrifice was not in[ST:n ]vain—I'm going to go![ST:wait ]
46 tev023201_JNK0010 tev023201_JNK0010
47 tev023201_SEL4011 Ask Rosie about her colleagues.
48 tev023201_JNK0020 tev023201_JNK0020
49 tev023201_SEL4021 Ask Rosie about recent developments.
50 tev023201_JNK0010 tev023201_JNK0010
51 tev023201_SEL4031 Ask Rosie about her colleagues.
52 tev023201_JNK0020 tev023201_JNK0020
53 tev023201_SEL4021 tev023201_SEL4021
54 tev023201_MSG0039 I just heard from Ajoa! She says she's finally up[ST:n ]and moving around again.[ST:wait ]
55 tev023201_MSG0040 She even told me a little about what happened.[ST:wait ]
56 tev023201_MSG0041 Apparently a cantor laid eggs inside of her in order[ST:n ]to take advantage of the organic components of her[ST:n ]mimeosome.[ST:wait ]
57 tev023201_MSG0042 ...Oh my god, I can't even imagine it.[ST:n ]They really are aliens, aren't they?[ST:wait ]
58 tev023201_MSG0043 Well, I'd better get to work. I don't want Ajoa to be[ST:n ]disappointed in me when she makes it back over here.[ST:wait ]
59 tev023201_MSG0046 Having Tan'celeg around has been a huge help.[ST:n ]Now when I have technical issues, I can bring them[ST:n ]straight to him.[ST:wait ]
60 tev023201_MSG0047 The only problem is that whenever I'm just grumbling[ST:n ]about something, he takes it seriously and proposes[ST:n ]some rational solution.[ST:wait ]
61 tev023201_MSG0048 He's so serious! It's like talking to a man who just[ST:n ]doesn't listen, you know?[ST:wait ]
62 tev023201_MSG0049 But, uh...keep that between you and me, okay?[ST:n ]As a work partner, he's fantastic. I'd hate to lose him![ST:wait ]
63 tev023201_MSG0058 I heard back from the team of analysts who were[ST:n ]investigating what...used to be Ajoa.[ST:wait ]
64 tev023201_MSG0059 Apparently a cantor laid eggs inside of her in order[ST:n ]to take advantage of the organic components of her[ST:n ]mimeosome.[ST:wait ]
65 tev023201_MSG0060 ...Oh my god, I can't even imagine it.[ST:n ]They really are aliens, aren't they?[ST:wait ]
66 tev023201_MSG0061 It must have been so horrible...[ST:wait ]
67 tev023201_MSG0062 Anyway, from this day forth, I've decided to take good[ST:n ]care of this place...just like Ajoa and Ian would have.[ST:wait ]