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1 tev022501_JNK0010 Inquire[ST:wait ]
2 tev022501_SEL0011 Ask Raleigh about Mira.[ST:wait ]
3 tev022501_JNK0020 Discuss[ST:wait ]
4 tev022501_SEL0021 Ask Raleigh about recent developments.[ST:wait ]
5 tev022501_JNK0010 tev022501_JNK0010
6 tev022501_SEL0031 Ask about Raleigh's BLADE colleagues.[ST:wait ]
7 tev022501_JNK0020 tev022501_JNK0020
8 tev022501_SEL0021 tev022501_SEL0021
9 tev022501_JNK0010 tev022501_JNK0010
10 tev022501_SEL0041 Ask about Raleigh's BLADE colleagues.[ST:wait ]
11 tev022501_JNK0020 tev022501_JNK0020
12 tev022501_SEL0021 tev022501_SEL0021
13 tev022501_JNK0010 tev022501_JNK0010
14 tev022501_SEL0051 Ask Raleigh about data probes.[ST:wait ]
15 tev022501_JNK0020 tev022501_JNK0020
16 tev022501_SEL0021 tev022501_SEL0021
17 tev022501_JNK0010 tev022501_JNK0010
18 tev022501_SEL0061 Ask Raleigh about data probes.
19 tev022501_JNK0020 tev022501_JNK0020
20 tev022501_SEL0021 Ask Raleigh about recent developments.[ST:wait ]
21 tev022501_MSG0001 Mira is a huge world, and we still know next to[ST:n ]nothing about it.[ST:wait ]
22 tev022501_MSG0002 Our base at New LA is well established, but we're[ST:n ]now in the same position as our ancestors who landed[ST:n ]at Plymouth Rock with a whole new world to explore.[ST:wait ]
23 tev022501_MSG0003 And to achieve that goal, we'll need to install data[ST:n ]probes throughout Mira.[ST:wait ]
24 tev022501_MSG0004 Did you already hear about FrontierNav from Defense[ST:n ]Secretary Nagi?[ST:wait ]
25 tev022501_MSG0005 If you haven't, you should go ask him.[ST:n ]I think he's waiting for you at the BLADE barracks.[ST:wait ]
26 tev022501_MSG0008 I'm a member of Team Corwin, which is centered[ST:n ]around Captain Corwin and his band of explorers[ST:n ]from back on Earth.[ST:wait ]
27 tev022501_MSG0009 It's a team loaded with former professional explorers.[ST:n ]Can you imagine a better group for surveying Mira?[ST:wait ]
28 tev022501_MSG0010 A lot of BLADEs get swept up in the idea of joining a[ST:n ]team like that and going on grand adventures.[ST:wait ]
29 tev022501_MSG0011 And while I'm a sub-leader now, I must admit that I[ST:n ]used to be one of them. ...I suppose I still am, actually.[ST:wait ]
30 tev022501_MSG0012 As a veteran of the Coalition forces, I was initially[ST:n ]assigned to Irina's Interceptors division.[ST:wait ]
31 tev022501_MSG0013 But when I heard Corwin talk about his ambitions,[ST:n ]I decided I wanted to be a part of them and applied[ST:n ]for a transfer to the Pathfinders.[ST:wait ]
32 tev022501_MSG0014 The captain really is a fascinating person. As a new[ST:n ]recruit, I'm sure they're working you hard, but you[ST:n ]should speak with Corwin if you ever have the chance.[ST:wait ]
33 tev022501_MSG0022 Nelson's team has recently begun surveying unexplored[ST:n ]areas.[ST:wait ]
34 tev022501_MSG0023 As a fellow Pathfinder, I pray for their safe return.[ST:wait ]
35 tev022501_MSG0038 You're that new recruit from Elma's team that[ST:n ]discovered what happened to Nelson's crew, right?[ST:wait ]
36 tev022501_MSG0039 You have my thanks for that. My team has worked[ST:n ]with Nelson's on many occasions, and we were all[ST:n ]terribly worried about them.[ST:wait ]
37 tev022501_MSG0040 Your report was heartbreaking, but at least now we[ST:n ]finally know what happened.[ST:wait ]
38 tev022501_MSG0041 As Pathfinders, my team has resolved to fill the void[ST:n ]left by their passing and do everything we can to[ST:n ]expand FrontierNav throughout Mira.[ST:wait ]
39 tev022501_MSG0054 In addition to regular data probes, there are auxiliary[ST:n ]models that can be placed in neighboring placement[ST:n ]sites to improve the surrounding probes' capabilities.[ST:wait ]
40 tev022501_MSG0055 By putting them to clever use, we Pathfinders can[ST:n ]significantly increase the amount of resources we mine[ST:n ]and revenue we earn.[ST:wait ]
41 tev022501_MSG0056 Our job is more than just tromping around Mira[ST:n ]installing data probes, you know?[ST:wait ]
42 tev022501_MSG0057 The best Pathfinders are the ones who plan from day[ST:n ]one how to make the most of such options.[ST:wait ]
43 tev022501_MSG0073 Have you heard of duplicator probes?[ST:n ]They're a type of auxiliary probe.[ST:wait ]
44 tev022501_MSG0087 I'm told they can duplicate the functions of the[ST:n ]data probe they are placed adjacent to on the[ST:n ]FrontierNav grid.[ST:wait ]
45 tev022501_MSG0088 If true, it's something that could be put to really good[ST:n ]use...[ST:wait ]
46 tev022501_MSG0089 Basically, it would allow us to double the capabilities of[ST:n ]the limited amount of high-performance data probes[ST:n ]that are available to us.[ST:wait ]
47 tev022501_MSG0090 You could make a considerable amount of revenue by[ST:n ]using them wisely.[ST:wait ]
48 tev022501_JNK0010 tev022501_JNK0010
49 tev022501_SEL0051 tev022501_SEL0051
50 tev022501_JNK0020 tev022501_JNK0020
51 tev022501_SEL1021 Ask Raleigh about recent developments.[ST:wait ]
52 tev022501_JNK0010 tev022501_JNK0010
53 tev022501_SEL0061 tev022501_SEL0061
54 tev022501_JNK0020 tev022501_JNK0020
55 tev022501_SEL1021 tev022501_SEL1021
56 tev022501_MSG0074 We managed to rescue Bates back in Noctilum.[ST:wait ]
57 tev022501_MSG0075 However, while we were there, we were attacked by a[ST:n ]mysterious xenoform that called herself \"Tempera.\"[ST:wait ]
58 tev022501_MSG0076 She was extremely strong, and seemed to hate humans[ST:n ]for some reason.[ST:wait ]
59 tev022501_MSG0077 I doubt that she's just going to leave us alone now.[ST:n ]I'd better tell the other Pathfinders to be alert.[ST:wait ]
60 tev022501_JNK0010 tev022501_JNK0010
61 tev022501_SEL0051 Ask Raleigh about data probes.[ST:wait ]
62 tev022501_JNK0020 tev022501_JNK0020
63 tev022501_SEL2021 Ask Raleigh about recent developments.[ST:wait ]
64 tev022501_JNK0010 tev022501_JNK0010
65 tev022501_SEL0061 tev022501_SEL0061
66 tev022501_JNK0020 Inquire[ST:wait ]
67 tev022501_SEL2021 tev022501_SEL2021
68 tev022501_MSG0078 Thanks to you, Bates was able to make it home safely.[ST:wait ]
69 tev022501_MSG0079 Poor kid really seems traumatized by what happened.[ST:n ]Just walking past a Skell earlier was enough to trigger[ST:n ]a memory that left him quivering.[ST:wait ]
70 tev022501_MSG0080 Was that Tempera woman in the black Skell really so[ST:n ]terrifying?[ST:wait ]
71 tev022501_MSG0081 Well, I'd better warn the other Pathfinders about her.[ST:n ]I have a bad feeling this isn't over yet...[ST:wait ]
72 tev022501_JNK0010 tev022501_JNK0010
73 tev022501_SEL3011 Ask Raleigh about team leaders.
74 tev022501_JNK0020 tev022501_JNK0020
75 tev022501_SEL3021 Ask Raleigh about recent developments.
76 tev022501_MSG0082 Ha! That reminds me—do you know why only our team[ST:n ]addresses its leader as \"Captain\"?[ST:wait ]
77 tev022501_MSG0083 Captain Corwin is fond of saying, \"We may have guns,[ST:n ]but we aren't soldiers—we're a team of adventurers[ST:n ]exploring an uncharted world, and I am your captain!\"[ST:wait ]
78 tev022501_MSG0084 He says it so often that everyone just started calling[ST:n ]him that.[ST:wait ]
79 tev022501_MSG0085 I guess it's the people who embody a team's ideals that[ST:n ]naturally gravitate towards becoming the leader.[ST:wait ]
80 tev022501_MSG0086 I'm sure it's like that with your Elma, hmm?[ST:n ]Only when you have a person like that can a team[ST:n ]truly come together.[ST:wait ]
81 tev022501_MSG0091 We've suffered a great many losses,[ST:n ]but Team Corwin is still standing strong.[ST:wait ]
82 tev022501_MSG0092 Bates, Peter, and Captain Corwin have all made it[ST:n ]back to us alive.[ST:wait ]
83 tev022501_MSG0093 And it's all thanks to you. I could never have[ST:n ]accomplished what you did myself.[ST:wait ]
84 tev022501_MSG0094 So thank you. We're all honored to be working with[ST:n ]you to further expand FrontierNav![ST:wait ]
85 tev022501_JNK0010 tev022501_JNK0010
86 tev022501_SEL4011 Ask Raleigh about team leaders.
87 tev022501_JNK0020 tev022501_JNK0020
88 tev022501_SEL4021 Ask Raleigh about recent developments.[ST:wait ]
89 tev022501_MSG0095 Did I ever tell you why only our team addressed its[ST:n ]leader as \"Captain\"?[ST:wait ]
90 tev022501_MSG0096 Captain Corwin was fond of saying, \"We have guns,[ST:n ]but we aren't soldiers—we're a team of adventurers[ST:n ]exploring an uncharted world, and I am your captain!\"[ST:wait ]
91 tev022501_MSG0097 He said it so often that everyone just started calling[ST:n ]him that.[ST:wait ]
92 tev022501_MSG0098 I guess it's the people who embody a team's ideals that[ST:n ]naturally gravitate towards becoming the leader.[ST:wait ]
93 tev022501_MSG0099 And once a team loses that person,[ST:n ]I suspect that few are able to survive.[ST:wait ]
94 tev022501_MSG0100 Sadly, I doubt Team Corwin will fare any differently.[ST:wait ]
95 tev022501_MSG0105 I already told this to Peter, but...I'm thinking about[ST:n ]dissolving the team.[ST:wait ]
96 tev022501_MSG0106 I just don't have the strength to shoulder all of what[ST:n ]I'd be inheriting from Captain Corwin.[ST:wait ]
97 tev022501_MSG0107 I hope Team Elma continues to enjoy the success you've[ST:n ]had, and that you never end up where we are now.[ST:wait ]