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1 tev016002_MSG0001 Hey! You're that new [ST:Gender p1=guy p2=gal ], aren'tcha?[ST:wait ]
2 tev016002_MSG0002 The new crew member that Elma found, right?[ST:n ]I was wondering what sorta person you'd be.[ST:wait ]
3 tev016002_MSG0003 You're a handsome one, that's for sure...[ST:n ]Yessir! I like the cut of your jib.[ST:wait ]
4 tev016002_MSG0004 You're a pretty one, that's for sure...[ST:n ]Yes, ma'am! I like the cut of your jib.[ST:wait ]
5 tev016002_MSG0005 Well, welcome to New LA. We're happy to have you.[ST:wait ]
6 tev016002_MSG0006 I'm sure there's all sorts of stuff you have to do before[ST:n ]you get situated, eh? Paperwork and whatnot?[ST:wait ]
7 tev016002_MSG0007 In that case, you can just hop right into that transport[ST:n ]that's idling over there, and it'll take you straight to the[ST:n ]administrative district.[ST:wait ]