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1 tev015301_JNK0010 Inquire
2 tev015301_SEL0011 Ask Letrick about this place.
3 tev015301_JNK0020 Discuss
4 tev015301_SEL0021 Ask Letrick if anything is troubling him.
5 tev015301_JNK0010 tev015301_JNK0010
6 tev015301_SEL0031 Ask Letrick about the Ma-non.
7 tev015301_JNK0020 tev015301_JNK0020
8 tev015301_SEL0021 tev015301_SEL0021
9 tev015301_JNK0010 tev015301_JNK0010
10 tev015301_SEL0041 Ask Letrick about the damage sustained in the attack.
11 tev015301_JNK0020 tev015301_JNK0020
12 tev015301_SEL0021 tev015301_SEL0021
13 tev015301_JNK0010 tev015301_JNK0010
14 tev015301_SEL0051 Ask Letrick about the Lifehold Core.
15 tev015301_JNK0020 tev015301_JNK0020
16 tev015301_SEL0021 tev015301_SEL0021
17 tev015301_SEL1021 Ask Letrick about recent developments.
18 tev015301_SEL2021 Ask Letrick about recent developments.
19 tev015301_MSG0001 This cathedral is for everyone. All congregants are[ST:n ]welcome, regardless of their ideology.[ST:wait ]
20 tev015301_MSG0002 Even Jo from the café in the commercial district comes[ST:n ]here to pray regularly.[ST:wait ]
21 tev015301_MSG0003 She always comes to repent for the destruction[ST:n ]she's caused.[ST:wait ]
22 tev015301_MSG0004 If only that penitence would lead to some[ST:n ]improvement in her behavior...[ST:wait ]
23 tev015301_MSG0008 Hmm. Lately I have become a little concerned about[ST:n ]a young lady named Fraisie.[ST:wait ]
24 tev015301_MSG0009 She's been going around and pushing her beliefs on[ST:n ]everyone she encounters.[ST:wait ]
25 tev015301_MSG0010 I have no desire to challenge her beliefs,[ST:n ]but I don't want her bothering the other congregants.[ST:wait ]
26 tev015301_MSG0015 The Ma-non have been asking a number of difficult[ST:n ]questions.[ST:wait ]
27 tev015301_MSG0016 For example, one of them asked me for data on the[ST:n ]specific effects of prayer.[ST:wait ]
28 tev015301_MSG0017 When I explain that I am not able to quantify peace[ST:n ]of mind, he asked to see the schematics for the[ST:n ]mimeosome component that handles peace of mind.[ST:wait ]
29 tev015301_MSG0018 It's just one impossible question after another.[ST:n ]And I'm neither a scientist nor a theologian, so I have[ST:n ]no idea how to answer these sorts of queries.[ST:wait ]
30 tev015301_MSG0020 The attack on New LA left deep scars on the hearts[ST:n ]of its residents.[ST:wait ]
31 tev015301_MSG0021 While our bodies may be strong mimeosomes,[ST:n ]our souls are still frail.[ST:wait ]
32 tev015301_MSG0022 Even Jo from the Sunshine Café is praying more[ST:n ]fervently than before in the hopes that no more lives[ST:n ]need be lost.[ST:wait ]
33 tev015301_MSG0030 At long last, returning to our flesh-and-blood bodies[ST:n ]has become a real possibility.[ST:wait ]
34 tev015301_MSG0031 But there are more than a few people in our[ST:n ]congregation who would prefer not to do so.[ST:wait ]
35 tev015301_MSG0032 They're enticed by the possibility of trading a transient[ST:n ]form for eternal life.[ST:wait ]
36 tev015301_MSG0033 Even Jo, perhaps our most fervent of congregants,[ST:n ]has been extolling the convenience of having a[ST:n ]repairable body.[ST:wait ]
37 tev015301_MSG0034 I'm sure everyone has their reasons, but...[ST:n ]Well, even after we finally achieved our goal,[ST:n ]it seems humans can't help but thirst for more.[ST:wait ]
38 tev015301_MSG1001 I never would have guessed that Fraisie was plotting[ST:n ]something so horrible.[ST:wait ]
39 tev015301_MSG1002 Don't misunderstand me—sharing one's beliefs and[ST:n ]seeking conformity from others are not sins in and[ST:n ]of themselves.[ST:wait ]
40 tev015301_MSG1003 But an act of deception at that scale tarnishes the[ST:n ]reputation of this entire church![ST:wait ]
41 tev015301_MSG1004 I am truly relieved that you and your Ma-non friend,[ST:n ]Dr. Staccata, were able to stop her before this scandal[ST:n ]escalated into a tragedy.[ST:wait ]
42 tev015301_MSG2001 I heard that Fraisie was deceived by a xenoform that[ST:n ]was capable of impersonating humans.[ST:wait ]
43 tev015301_MSG2002 Before she landed here on Mira, she was simply an[ST:n ]unusually devout young woman. But perhaps that faith[ST:n ]became her undoing.[ST:wait ]
44 tev015301_MSG2003 Once she's had a chance to reflect upon her misdeeds,[ST:n ]I will welcome her back to the church with open arms.[ST:wait ]