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1 tev012701_JNK0010 Inquire[ST:wait ]
2 tev012701_SEL0011 Ask Fosdyke about the White Whale's crew.[ST:wait ]
3 tev012701_JNK0020 Discuss[ST:wait ]
4 tev012701_SEL0021 Ask Fosdyke about recent developments.[ST:wait ]
5 tev012701_MSG0001 The crew of the White Whale was composed of various[ST:n ]specialists thought capable of enduring the rigors of[ST:n ]space travel.[ST:wait ]
6 tev012701_MSG0003 At the moment I am merely a poet adrift in this[ST:n ]strange world. But as a star sailor, my skills were[ST:n ]second to none.[ST:wait ]
7 tev012701_MSG0004 Every resident of this city is a master of some crucial[ST:n ]skill—even the ones who didn't join BLADE.[ST:wait ]
8 tev012701_MSG0005 They've all been assigned to the duty that best suits[ST:n ]their talents, and are now working for the good of[ST:n ]New LA.[ST:wait ]
9 tev012701_MSG0006 Of course, not everyone was willing to play their role.[ST:n ]You can still find a few odd drop-outs like myself[ST:n ]if you know where to look.[ST:wait ]
10 tev012701_MSG0009 I take it you're a BLADE?[ST:n ]I was one myself, until recently.[ST:wait ]
11 tev012701_MSG0010 But things happened, and I ended up leaving BLADE.[ST:n ]Now I live my life composing poetry that no one's[ST:n ]interested in buying.[ST:wait ]
12 tev012701_MSG0011 What about you? Would you care to purchase a[ST:n ]copy of my poetry anthology, \"The Celeste Three\"?[ST:wait ]
13 tev012701_MSG0012 Each poem is a shimmering nugget of dream-stuff[ST:n ]condensed from the rich inspirations I've found on Mira![ST:n ]I'm quite sure you'd enjoy it.[ST:wait ]