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1 tev012501_JNK0010 Inquire[ST:wait ]
2 tev012501_SEL0011 Ask Peter about the work that the Pathfinders do.[ST:wait ]
3 tev012501_JNK0020 Discuss[ST:wait ]
4 tev012501_SEL0021 Ask Peter if anything is troubling him.[ST:wait ]
5 tev012501_SEL0031 Ask Peter about Oblivia.[ST:wait ]
6 tev012501_SEL0041 Ask Peter about Noctilum.[ST:wait ]
7 tev012501_SEL0051 Ask Peter about FrontierNav's installation progress.[ST:wait ]
8 tev012501_MSG0001 What's this? Another fan?[ST:wait ]
9 tev012501_MSG0003 Well, I suppose it's inevitable that a man as handsome[ST:n ]and skilled as myself would attract this sort of attention.[ST:wait ]
10 tev012501_MSG0004 Regardless, I always strive to be courteous to my fans,[ST:n ]so I'll answer your question about my body of work[ST:n ]with the Pathfinders.[ST:wait ]
11 tev012501_MSG0005 Our primary duty is to range throughout Mira and[ST:n ]install data probes.[ST:wait ]
12 tev012501_MSG0006 After all, without our efforts to expand FrontierNav[ST:n ]with these probes, BLADE would be hard pressed to[ST:n ]make any progress in their survey of the planet.[ST:wait ]
13 tev012501_MSG0009 And so, as FrontierNav expands, missions that were[ST:n ]not previously available become possible to pursue.[ST:wait ]
14 tev012501_MSG0010 That sets the stage for completing important objectives[ST:n ]such as seeking out possible locations of parts of the[ST:n ]Lifehold.[ST:wait ]
15 tev012501_MSG0011 It is a grueling and dangerous job, but for the sake[ST:n ]of humanity's future, pursue it I must![ST:wait ]
16 tev012501_MSG0014 That idiot Bates has installed his data probe in the[ST:n ]wrong place yet again![ST:wait ]
17 tev012501_MSG0015 And so it falls upon me to go out there and correct[ST:n ]his mistake. How I tire of dealing with rank amateurs.[ST:wait ]
18 tev012501_MSG0016 This will be quite the expedition! But I hope I might find[ST:n ]unexplored territories and scenic viewpoints along the[ST:n ]way, giving me chances to toast the majesty of nature.[ST:wait ]
19 tev012501_MSG0017 I pray that you also make the time to relax during[ST:n ]your missions. There's no need to exhaust yourself[ST:n ]out there.[ST:wait ]
20 tev012501_MSG0025 There's an enormous stone bridge known as[ST:n ]Big Arch in the northern part of Oblivia.[ST:wait ]
21 tev012501_MSG0026 Apparently there's a FrontierNav probe placement site[ST:n ]at the start of that arch.[ST:wait ]
22 tev012501_MSG0027 But to reach it, you need to ascend from the Aaroy[ST:n ]Plain base camp and cross the Twin Arches.[ST:wait ]
23 tev012501_MSG0028 And that area is reported to be firmly under the[ST:n ]Ganglion's control.[ST:wait ]
24 tev012501_MSG0029 What a grueling job that will be! If you're intending[ST:n ]to take it on yourself, make sure you're well-prepared[ST:n ]for the effort.[ST:wait ]
25 tev012501_MSG0044 There's a natural bridge formation known as the[ST:n ]Great Trident Crossing in the northern part of Noctilum.[ST:wait ]
26 tev012501_MSG0045 That leads to the dangerous Hushflood area,[ST:n ]which is a major indigen habitat.[ST:wait ]
27 tev012501_MSG0046 And yet, there seem to be numerous FrontierNav probe[ST:n ]placement sites along the banks of that stream.[ST:wait ]
28 tev012501_MSG0047 Why must reaching FrontierNav probe sites always be[ST:n ]such a bother?[ST:wait ]
29 tev012501_MSG0048 The Poindexters who calculate their locations must[ST:n ]truly have it out for us Pathfinders![ST:wait ]
30 tev012501_MSG0063 Thanks to your hard work and the exertions of us[ST:n ]Pathfinders, an impressive amount of data probes[ST:n ]have been installed.[ST:wait ]
31 tev012501_MSG0064 Just as America was rapidly stripped of its mystery by[ST:n ]its ever-spreading colonists, so too will the uncharted[ST:n ]wilds of Mira be tamed.[ST:wait ]
32 tev012501_MSG0065 It makes me a little sad to think of it, and not only[ST:n ]because we Pathfinders will soon be out of a job![ST:wait ]
33 tev012501_MSG0066 Perhaps we should make the most of it by opening[ST:n ]tour companies and leading the people of New LA to[ST:n ]some of Mira's rarely-seen sights...[ST:wait ]
34 tev012501_SEL1021 Ask Peter about recent developments.[ST:wait ]
35 tev012501_JNK0010 tev012501_JNK0010
36 tev012501_SEL0041 tev012501_SEL0041
37 tev012501_JNK0020 Discuss[ST:wait ]
38 tev012501_JNK0010 tev012501_JNK0010
39 tev012501_SEL0051 tev012501_SEL0051
40 tev012501_JNK0020 tev012501_JNK0020
41 tev012501_MSG0067 My deepest thanks to you. Your victory over Bates has[ST:n ]filled my pockets and heart alike.[ST:wait ]
42 tev012501_MSG0068 Hmm? You look confused...[ST:wait ]
43 tev012501_MSG0069 Were you unaware that the members of Team Corwin[ST:n ]had been wagering on the outcome?[ST:wait ]
44 tev012501_MSG0070 But I'm calling it a win-win. Bates returned with his life,[ST:n ]and I won a substantial sum. You really have come in[ST:n ]quite handy, [ST:playername ].[ST:wait ]
45 tev012501_MSG0073 You must let me buy you drink a sometime.[ST:n ]Really, it's the least I could do.[ST:wait ]
46 tev012501_JNK0010 tev012501_JNK0010
47 tev012501_SEL0041 Ask Peter about Noctilum.[ST:wait ]
48 tev012501_JNK0020 Discuss[ST:wait ]
49 tev012501_JNK0010 tev012501_JNK0010
50 tev012501_SEL0051 Ask Peter about FrontierNav's installation progress.[ST:wait ]
51 tev012501_JNK0020 tev012501_JNK0020
52 tev012501_SEL0071 Ask Peter about recent developments.[ST:wait ]
53 tev012501_MSG0074 Even the stoic Captain Corwin seemed dispirited after[ST:n ]that last incident.[ST:wait ]
54 tev012501_MSG0075 I joined Corwin because I thought he would lead me to[ST:n ]many new and spectacular Miran sights.[ST:wait ]
55 tev012501_MSG0076 I can't allow him to roll over and die so easily.[ST:n ]We need him to keep carrying the team![ST:wait ]
56 tev012501_MSG0079 I am confident that our team will continue to be at[ST:n ]the forefront of exploring Mira's uncharted lands.[ST:wait ]
57 tev012501_MSG0082 And if we are ever attacked like that again,[ST:n ]we'll flee as far as our feet can carry us![ST:wait ]
58 tev012501_SEL3021 Ask Peter about recent developments.[ST:wait ]
59 tev012501_SEL0071 Ask Peter about recent developments.[ST:wait ]
60 tev012501_MSG0084 Team Corwin is no more, but I will never forget our[ST:n ]eminent captain.[ST:wait ]
61 tev012501_MSG0085 We chased after him like children as he led us to[ST:n ]spectacular sights in his pursuit of a new world for[ST:n ]all humanity.[ST:wait ]
62 tev012501_MSG0086 Thanks to him, we saw and experienced things that[ST:n ]we never could have otherwise.[ST:wait ]
63 tev012501_MSG0089 That's why I don't think anyone—even Bates—could[ST:n ]regret having been a part of his team.[ST:wait ]