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1 tev011901_JNK0010 Inquire
2 tev011901_SEL0011 Ask Dirk about the new crew member.
3 tev011901_JNK0020 Discuss
4 tev011901_SEL0021 Ask Dirk if anything is troubling him.
5 tev011901_SEL0031 Ask Dirk about the new crew member.
6 tev011901_SEL0051 Ask Dirk about Soul Voices.
7 tev011901_SEL1011 Ask Dirk about indigens.
8 tev011901_SEL1021 Ask Dirk about recent developments.
9 tev011901_SEL1051 Ask Dirk about indigens.
10 tev011901_SEL2021 Ask Dirk about recent developments.
11 tev011901_SEL2031 Ask Dirk about recent developments.
12 tev011901_MSG0001 Yeah, I heard that Elma finally discovered a new crew[ST:n ]member on one of her search missions.[ST:wait ]
13 tev011901_MSG0002 I wonder what happened to that survivor?[ST:n ]I'm guessing [ST:Gender p1=he p2=she ] probably became a BLADE?[ST:wait ]
14 tev011901_MSG0003 Maybe I'll run into [ST:Gender p1=him p2=her ] one day.[ST:n ]It would be great if we hit it off![ST:wait ]
15 tev011901_MSG0004 The rest of my team is all seasoned veterans,[ST:n ]so it would be nice to have a chance to talk with[ST:n ]a fellow new recruit.[ST:wait ]
16 tev011901_MSG0005 Not that I'm complaining, mind you.[ST:n ]Experienced BLADEs like Phina have[ST:n ]a lot of great advice to throw my way.[ST:wait ]
17 tev011901_MSG00010 I gotta admit, I have a terrible sense of direction.[ST:n ]I'm always getting lost on bounty missions.[ST:wait ]
18 tev011901_MSG00011 Adelbert—that's the leader of my team, Team Jaeger—[ST:n ]gave me a good piece of advice.[ST:wait ]
19 tev011901_MSG00012 He said, \"When you get lost, look for the trail.[ST:n ]Following the footprints of one who came before[ST:n ]is a sure path to finding your way home.\"[ST:wait ]
20 tev011901_MSG00013 Yeah, that Adelbert's a really impressive guy.[ST:wait ]
21 tev011901_MSG00014 Problem is, when I was following the trail back to[ST:n ]New LA, I ended up way out west in Noctilum![ST:wait ]
22 tev011901_MSG00015 It caused a lot of trouble for my team. Aaaaagain.[ST:n ]There has to be a better way to stay on track.[ST:wait ]
23 tev011901_MSG00020 I've heard a lot about that new BLADE lately.[ST:n ]I think [ST:Gender p1=his p2=her ] name is [ST:playername ]?[ST:wait ]
24 tev011901_MSG00021 They say [ST:Gender p1=he p2=she ] killed a tyrant on [ST:Gender p1=his p2=her ] very first mission![ST:wait ]
25 tev011901_MSG00022 That's incredible. I mean, I'm a Harrier and all,[ST:n ]but tyrants are way out of my league.[ST:wait ]
26 tev011901_MSG00023 Heck, I can barely handle the ovis that roam[ST:n ]around here![ST:wait ]
27 tev011901_MSG00024 It's pathetic that I have to ask someone newer than[ST:n ]me for advice, but I sure wish that new BLADE would[ST:n ]teach me [ST:Gender p1=his p2=her ] combat secrets![ST:wait ]
28 tev011901_MSG00029 Phina taught me to listen carefully to my companions'[ST:n ]voices in battle and approach foes accordingly.[ST:wait ]
29 tev011901_MSG00030 She said that would let me fight with greater strength[ST:n ]than usual, and that it would even help me get back[ST:n ]on my feet after I've taken a beating.[ST:wait ]
30 tev011901_MSG00031 I still have trouble paying attention to the voices[ST:n ]around me when I'm focused on fighting the enemy[ST:n ]in front of me.[ST:wait ]
31 tev011901_MSG00032 But I hope I'll learn how to turn their voices into power[ST:n ]and start bringing down tyrants soon![ST:wait ]
32 tev011901_MSG1001 Some indigens are so indiscriminately violent,[ST:n ]they'll even attack other indigens.[ST:wait ]
33 tev011901_MSG1002 Adelbert was really smart about using them to attack[ST:n ]and weaken our bounty targets.[ST:wait ]
34 tev011901_MSG1003 He was really an incredible guy. I don't know that[ST:n ]there's anyone you'd have wanted by your side more[ST:n ]when battling a dangerous foe.[ST:wait ]
35 tev011901_MSG1009 Phina's finally managed to calm down a bit.[ST:wait ]
36 tev011901_MSG1010 But she still has nightmares every night.[ST:wait ]
37 tev011901_MSG1011 I suppose that's to be expected. I don't care how strong[ST:n ]you are—nobody can watch a friend get killed before[ST:n ]their eyes and not have it affect them.[ST:wait ]
38 tev011901_MSG1012 The wound in her heart may never heal.[ST:wait ]
39 tev011901_MSG1013 I'd trade my own life to save her if I could.[ST:wait ]
40 tev011901_MSG1020 I've heard rumors about indigens that can control[ST:n ]the weather. You probably have too.[ST:wait ]
41 tev011901_MSG1021 I know there are indigens that become unbelievably[ST:n ]strong in specific weather conditions, but controlling it?[ST:n ]No thanks, mister![ST:wait ]
42 tev011901_MSG1022 Anyway, if you allow them to engage you in their[ST:n ]preferred environmental conditions, you are in for a[ST:n ]world of pain.[ST:wait ]
43 tev011901_MSG1023 So always pay attention to the weather when battling[ST:n ]an unfamiliar enemy. Your life could depend on it![ST:wait ]
44 tev011901_MSG1030 Some monsters are so violent once they're enraged,[ST:n ]they won't calm down until they've obliterated[ST:n ]everything around them.[ST:wait ]
45 tev011901_MSG1031 Everyone in Team Jaeger knew to battle such foes[ST:n ]with extremely rapid attacks.[ST:wait ]
46 tev011901_MSG1032 Adelbert would charge in and strike the beast's belly,[ST:n ]while Grette and Phina backed him up.[ST:wait ]
47 tev011901_MSG1033 They'd bring the creature down without giving it time to[ST:n ]mount a counterattack, much less become enraged.[ST:wait ]
48 tev011901_MSG1034 Yeah, they fought like a well-oiled machine.[ST:n ]Even after what happened, I'm proud to have[ST:n ]been a part of that team.[ST:wait ]
49 tev011901_MSG2001 Corwin invited me to do some missions with his team[ST:n ]the other day.[ST:wait ]
50 tev011901_MSG2002 After what happened to my old team, I was ready to[ST:n ]quit BLADE entirely. It was nice to know there was still[ST:n ]someone who wanted to work with me.[ST:wait ]
51 tev011901_MSG2003 But I had to turn him down. I don't think I could bear[ST:n ]to go through that again.[ST:wait ]
52 tev011901_MSG2004 And besides, my place is here now. ...Protecting Phina.[ST:wait ]
53 tev011901_MSG2009 I heard that Corwin was killed in the line of duty.[ST:wait ]
54 tev011901_MSG2010 Pathfinders like him were the tip of the spear in terms[ST:n ]of opening up Mira to human activity.[ST:wait ]
55 tev011901_MSG2011 Without those kind of people around,[ST:n ]what's going to become of BLADE?[ST:wait ]
56 tev011901_MSG2012 Will we even be able to survive on this damn planet?[ST:wait ]