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1 tev011801_JNK0010 Inquire
2 tev011801_SEL0011 Ask Walter to tell you about himself.
3 tev011801_JNK0020 Discuss
4 tev011801_SEL0021 Ask Walter if anything is troubling him.
5 tev011801_SEL0031 Ask Walter about fighting in Skells.
6 tev011801_SEL0051 Ask Walter about Skell frame levels.
7 tev011801_SEL0071 Ask Walter what to do when a Skell is destroyed.
8 tev011801_SEL1011 Ask Walter if anything is troubling him.
9 tev011801_SEL2011 tev011801_SEL2011
10 tev011801_SEL2021 Ask Walter about recent developments.
11 tev011801_MSG0001 Hmm? Ah, yes. [ST:playername ], isn't it?[ST:n ]Hah! Don't be surprised. It was quite obvious.[ST:wait ]
12 tev011801_MSG0002 Providing guidance to new BLADEs is one of my duties,[ST:n ]so Elma's report made it straight to my desk.[ST:wait ]
13 tev011801_MSG0003 Might I give you one piece of advice?[ST:n ]Do what you must to survive.[ST:wait ]
14 tev011801_MSG0004 Attack your foes from the back or side, but never[ST:n ]head-on. Call it cowardice if you likeā€”it's still quite[ST:n ]preferable to being dead.[ST:wait ]
15 tev011801_MSG0005 I believe the most important asset of a BLADE is the[ST:n ]judgment to calmly assess any situation, no matter how[ST:n ]dire it may appear to be.[ST:wait ]
16 tev011801_MSG0006 That said, a girl named Mia who possesses not a[ST:n ]single shred of that judgment has just applied for a[ST:n ]transfer to BLADE.[ST:wait ]
17 tev011801_MSG0007 I'm not enthusiastic about her prospects. She has pluck,[ST:n ]true, but pluck without judgment is a recipe for an[ST:n ]early and needless death.[ST:wait ]
18 tev011801_MSG0008 I just saw her out behind Division Drive. She seemed[ST:n ]to be thinking quite deeply about something.[ST:wait ]
19 tev011801_MSG0009 Whatever she's plotting, I'm sure it's nothing good.[ST:n ]I hope I can convince her to quit soon.[ST:wait ]
20 tev011801_MSG0010 Are you asking if piloting a Skell makes one invincible?[ST:n ]Not quite. But if you intend to battle foes that are much[ST:n ]larger than yourself, a Skell is usually the right choice.[ST:wait ]
21 tev011801_MSG0011 However, some technicians claim that you are better off[ST:n ]if you choose the right ground gear and affix the right[ST:n ]weapon augments for any specific battle situation.[ST:wait ]
22 tev011801_MSG0012 They go so far as to say that, with the right ground[ST:n ]gear, you can even slay some tyrants that would be[ST:n ]difficult to defeat with a Skell, while you are on foot.[ST:wait ]
23 tev011801_MSG0013 That is an untested theory at the moment.[ST:n ]But I do hope that you will always strive to achieve[ST:n ]your utmost potential in ground combat.[ST:wait ]
24 tev011801_MSG0025 Just having a Skell license doesn't mean that you're[ST:n ]capable of piloting any type of Skell.[ST:wait ]
25 tev011801_MSG0027 You'll need a correspondingly high level of your own[ST:n ]before you can pilot the more powerful models.[ST:wait ]
26 tev011801_MSG0028 Acquiring a Skell license is merely the first step in a[ST:n ]Skell pilot's advancement.[ST:wait ]
27 tev011801_MSG0029 You must continue to work hard if you hope to become[ST:n ]a pilot worthy of a first-rate Skell.[ST:wait ]
28 tev011801_MSG0026 When you purchase a Skell, an insurance policy of[ST:n ]some sort will be included.[ST:wait ]
29 tev011801_MSG0030 As long as your policy is active, your Skell will be[ST:n ]repaired at no charge, even if it's completely destroyed.[ST:n ]But, it may cause you to use up your insurance policy.[ST:wait ]
30 tev011801_MSG0031 If you trash a Skell once the policy has expired, and[ST:n ]without having purchased additional salvage tickets,[ST:n ]you'll have to salvage it at your own expense.[ST:wait ]
31 tev011801_MSG0032 If money is tight, make sure to review your insurance[ST:n ]policies and number of salvage tickets you hold when[ST:n ]selecting which Skell to use on a mission.[ST:wait ]
32 tev011801_MSG0014 I haven't seen Mia around lately. She's that mechanic[ST:n ]who asked for a transfer to BLADE, but... Wait, what?[ST:wait ]
33 tev011801_MSG0015 You say you helped her with her wish to join BLADE?[ST:wait ]
34 tev011801_MSG0016 You gave her gear and weaponry and set her[ST:n ]off on a journey? You fool! How could you?![ST:wait ]
35 tev011801_MSG0017 ...I'm sorry. I'm sure It wasn't your fault.[ST:n ]I know Mia can be quite convincing.[ST:wait ]
36 tev011801_MSG0018 If you happen across her on one of your missions,[ST:n ]might you give her a message for me?[ST:n ]Just tell her not to die, if you would.[ST:wait ]
37 tev011801_MSG0020 Mia passed the BLADE exam on her first try.[ST:wait ]
38 tev011801_MSG0021 But I've heard that the cost of the Skell she stole and[ST:n ]destroyed will be garnished from her reward money.[ST:wait ]
39 tev011801_MSG0022 Nevertheless, it pleases me to see a new student grow[ST:n ]and exceed my expectations like that.[ST:wait ]
40 tev011801_MSG0023 As for you, please continue to assess your situation[ST:n ]and act prudently.[ST:wait ]
41 tev011801_MSG0024 Oh, and don't die.[ST:wait ]