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1 tev011301_JNK0010 Inquire[ST:wait ]
2 tev011301_SEL0011 Ask Jeffrey about indigens.[ST:wait ]
3 tev011301_JNK0020 Discuss[ST:wait ]
4 tev011301_SEL0021 Ask Jeffrey if anything is troubling him.[ST:wait ]
5 tev011301_JNK0010 tev011301_JNK0010
6 tev011301_SEL0031 Ask Jeffrey for his thoughts on[ST:n ]the xenoforms that live in NLA.[ST:wait ]
7 tev011301_JNK0020 Discuss[ST:wait ]
8 tev011301_SEL0021 tev011301_SEL0021
9 tev011301_JNK0010 tev011301_JNK0010
10 tev011301_SEL0041 Ask Jeffrey for his thoughts on[ST:n ]the xenoforms that live in NLA.[ST:wait ]
11 tev011301_JNK0020 tev011301_JNK0020
12 tev011301_SEL0021 tev011301_SEL0021
13 tev011301_MSG0001 There are numerous giant, dinosaur-like creatures on[ST:n ]this planet. It's like we've gone back in time to the[ST:n ]Jurassic period.[ST:wait ]
14 tev011301_MSG0003 But the word \"dinosaur\" doesn't really capture the wide[ST:n ]variety of primordial life here. So we mostly refer to[ST:n ]them as \"indigenous creatures,\" or \"indigens\" for short.[ST:wait ]
15 tev011301_MSG0004 I've been studying them with a BLADE operative named[ST:n ]Vera in our spare time. She actually used to be a[ST:n ]colleague of mine.[ST:wait ]
16 tev011301_MSG0005 So far, all we've learned is that they're substantially[ST:n ]different from the species we knew back on Earth.[ST:wait ]
17 tev011301_MSG0006 Are you a BLADE yourself?[ST:wait ]
18 tev011301_MSG0007 If you are, it would really help our research if you[ST:n ]could bring samples from the indigens you kill during[ST:n ]your missions. So please consider it.[ST:wait ]
19 tev011301_MSG0010 The primary focus of my research is biological materials[ST:n ]with highly venomous or pathogenic properties.[ST:wait ]
20 tev011301_MSG0011 But at the moment, I've run into a bit of a problem:[ST:n ]Our freezers are full, and I'm not sure how to dispose[ST:n ]of toxic samples I no longer need.[ST:wait ]
21 tev011301_MSG0012 I mean, I can't just have the waste-management center[ST:n ]dispose of toxic organs and isolated diseases as if they[ST:n ]were old paper cups![ST:wait ]
22 tev011301_MSG0013 Apparently there are businesses here in New LA that[ST:n ]will illegally dump waste somewhere on Mira.[ST:wait ]
23 tev011301_MSG0014 But a researcher for BLADE command can't turn to such[ST:n ]disreputable elements. The whole situation is beginning[ST:n ]to make my head hurt.[ST:wait ]
24 tev011301_MSG0022 When they arrived here at New LA, we used a[ST:n ]quarantine kit to make sure they didn't have any[ST:n ]unusual or dangerous diseases.[ST:wait ]
25 tev011301_MSG0023 But that's all the research we've done on the xenoforms.[ST:n ]We know essentially nothing about them otherwise.[ST:wait ]
26 tev011301_MSG0024 If you want to know about xenoforms, you shouldn't[ST:n ]waste your time talking to me. You should ask Vera,[ST:n ]who's up on the Ma-non ship.[ST:wait ]
27 tev011301_MSG0025 She has so much passion for her research that she[ST:n ]leaves the BLADE barracks to study xenoforms on a[ST:n ]regular basis.[ST:wait ]
28 tev011301_MSG0026 She's basically my exact opposite—I much prefer to stay[ST:n ]shut up safe in my lab. Anyway, I'm sure she could tell[ST:n ]you something useful.[ST:wait ]
29 tev011301_MSG0041 When they arrived here at New LA, we used a[ST:n ]quarantine kit to make sure they didn't have any[ST:n ]unusual or dangerous diseases.[ST:wait ]
30 tev011301_MSG0042 But that's all the research we've done on the xenoforms.[ST:n ]We know essentially nothing about them otherwise.[ST:wait ]
31 tev011301_MSG0043 If you want to know about xenoforms, you shouldn't[ST:n ]waste your time talking to me. You should ask Vera,[ST:n ]who's up on the Ma-non ship.[ST:wait ]
32 tev011301_MSG0044 I hear that she's recently become extremely close with[ST:n ]a Zaruboggan named Orleron.[ST:wait ]
33 tev011301_MSG0045 I bet she's learned all SORTS of things she never could[ST:n ]have figured out with conventional research methods![ST:wait ]
34 tev011301_MSG0046 Or perhaps I'm just jealous. I only ever viewed her as[ST:n ]a research colleague, but now that she's spending all[ST:n ]her time with someone else...[ST:wait ]
35 tev011301_MSG0047 Well, it makes me realize that I've probably been in[ST:n ]love with her this whole time.[ST:wait ]
36 tev011301_JNK0010 tev011301_JNK0010
37 tev011301_SEL0031 tev011301_SEL0031
38 tev011301_JNK0020 tev011301_JNK0020
39 tev011301_SEL1011 Ask Jeffrey about recent developments.[ST:wait ]
40 tev011301_JNK0010 tev011301_JNK0010
41 tev011301_SEL0041 Ask Jeffrey for his thoughts on[ST:n ]the xenoforms that live in NLA.[ST:wait ]
42 tev011301_JNK0020 tev011301_JNK0020
43 tev011301_SEL1011 tev011301_SEL1011
44 tev011301_MSG0048 Our mimeosomes keep us safe for now. But when we[ST:n ]return to our real bodies, it's possible that we could all[ST:n ]be wiped out by a single germ or contaminant.[ST:wait ]
45 tev011301_MSG0049 That's why I'm trying to gather and research all of the[ST:n ]potential toxins and pathogens on this planet. It's the[ST:n ]only way we humans can be confident in our safety.[ST:wait ]
46 tev011301_MSG0050 And if we do find anything, I hope we can get[ST:n ]Shiraton and his friends to purify it for us.[ST:wait ]
47 tev011301_MSG0051 Humanity has made some pretty valuable friends here[ST:n ]on New LA. It might be what saves us from extinction.[ST:wait ]