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1 tev001795_MSG0001 Okay, let's see... So my first advisory session was[ST:n ]about the Prone's cultural heritage.[ST:wait ]
2 tev001795_MSG0002 The next concerned the Orphe's food reserves,[ST:n ]followed by the Nopon discussing their special[ST:n ]education program.[ST:wait ]
3 tev001795_MSG0003 Oh, [ST:playername ]! I'm sorry.[ST:n ]I didn't see you there.[ST:wait ]
4 tev001795_MSG0004 I was a little preoccupied with my own thoughts.[ST:wait ]
5 tev001795_MSG0005 I've been awfully busy lately, now that I have xenoforms[ST:n ]coming to speak with me as well.[ST:wait ]
6 tev001795_JNK0010 Inquire
7 tev001795_SEL0011 Ask Hope whether it has been[ST:n ]hard not having Ornella around.
8 tev001795_JNK0020 Advise
9 tev001795_SEL0021 Suggest that Hope make a numbered list of priorities.
10 tev001795_JNK0030 Invite
11 tev001795_SEL0031 Invite Hope to visit your pet at the barracks.
12 tev001795_MSG0006 Not having Ornella around certainly hasn't made things[ST:n ]any easier.[ST:wait ]
13 tev001795_MSG0007 But I started all this myself, so I should be able to[ST:n ]continue it by myself.[ST:wait ]
14 tev001795_MSG0008 Really, this is exactly the way things should be.[ST:wait ]
15 tev001795_MSG0009 And since I decided to proceed using my own methods,[ST:n ]it hasn't been that bad at all.[ST:wait ]
16 tev001795_MSG0010 You're probably right.[ST:wait ]
17 tev001795_MSG0011 Some of these issues will take a fair amount of time[ST:n ]to fix.[ST:wait ]
18 tev001795_MSG0012 And some are certainly more urgent than others.[ST:wait ]
19 tev001795_MSG0013 I should prioritize the ones that are the most urgent,[ST:n ]followed by those which can be solved quickly.[ST:wait ]
20 tev001795_MSG0014 Thank you for the advice.[ST:wait ]
21 tev001795_MSG0015 Being able to organize it all like that makes me feel a[ST:n ]little bit better.[ST:wait ]
22 tev001795_MSG0016 Er, while I have you here, can I tell you something?[ST:wait ]
23 tev001795_MSG0017 That's very kind of you, [ST:playername ].[ST:wait ]
24 tev001795_MSG0018 While I appreciate the offer, I'm afraid I won't be[ST:n ]able to take you up on it at the moment.[ST:n ]I still have so much work to do![ST:wait ]
25 tev001795_MSG0019 When I need a break, however, you can be sure I'll be[ST:n ]there with bells on![ST:wait ]
26 tev001795_MSG0020 A little time with your pet should be just the thing to[ST:n ]lift my spirits and reinvigorate me.[ST:wait ]
27 tev001795_MSG0021 But if you have a moment, I'd like to bend your ear[ST:n ]about something.[ST:wait ]
28 tev001795_MSG0022 As you know, we humans have received a great many[ST:n ]benefits from our unions with the xenoforms.[ST:wait ]
29 tev001795_MSG0023 I would like to repay them for all the knowledge and[ST:n ]technology that they've given us.[ST:wait ]
30 tev001795_MSG0024 By talking with them, I've come to learn a lot about[ST:n ]their ways, and also taught them about ours.[ST:wait ]
31 tev001795_MSG0025 The closer our peoples become, the better the world we[ST:n ]can create together.[ST:wait ]
32 tev001795_MSG0026 I firmly believe that.[ST:wait ]
33 tev001795_MSG0027 You in particular have become especially popular with[ST:n ]the xenoforms.[ST:wait ]
34 tev001795_MSG0028 And while I want to continue being of help to you,[ST:n ]I'd also like to see what I can accomplish by myself.[ST:wait ]
35 tev001795_MSG0029 I'm really excited to show you what I can do.[ST:n ]Just you wait and see![ST:wait ]