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1 tev001491_MSG0001 The more I hear about this scumbag,[ST:n ]the more I want to punch him.[ST:wait ]
2 tev001491_MSG0002 Men like that need their asses kicked so they can[ST:n ]remember their proper place![ST:wait ]
3 tev001491_MSG0003 Oh. Hey, [ST:playername ].[ST:wait ]
4 tev001491_MSG0004 You spying on our girl chat? Not that I care,[ST:n ]but I worry you might not be able to handle it.[ST:n ]Men can be so delicate.[ST:wait ]
5 tev001491_JNK0010 Listen
6 tev001491_SEL0011 Tell Irina you can handle it.
7 tev001491_JNK0020 Escape
8 tev001491_SEL0021 Flee in terror.
9 tev001491_MSG0005 Well, you've got pluck, at least. So I'll fill you in.[ST:wait ]
10 tev001491_MSG0006 Oh, don't give me that scared little puppy look![ST:n ]I'd actually like to get your opinion on this.[ST:n ]No one's going to hurt you. ...Probably.[ST:wait ]
11 tev001491_MSG0007 So one of our fellow BLADEs has been putting the[ST:n ]moves on this girl here for a while now.[ST:wait ]
12 tev001491_MSG0008 But then she found out he's been hitting on her friends,[ST:n ]too. He's even asked ME out for drinks a few times![ST:wait ]
13 tev001491_MSG0009 She thought he really liked her, but it turns out he's[ST:n ]just after every girl with a pulse. What do you think[ST:n ]about men like that?[ST:wait ]
14 tev001491_JNK0030 Admire
15 tev001491_SEL0031 Fearlessly claim that he sounds like your kind of guy.
16 tev001491_JNK0040 Insult
17 tev001491_SEL0041 Say that he sounds like a despicable sleazebag.
18 tev001491_MSG0010 You're one of them![ST:wait ]
19 tev001491_MSG0011 ......[ST:wait ]
20 tev001491_MSG0012 Well, I'm sure the colonel knows how to deal with your[ST:n ]type, but that doesn't make me feel any better about[ST:n ]having someone like you on our team.[ST:wait ]
21 tev001491_MSG0013 What you do on your own time is your business, [ST:n ]but if you look sideways at any of our BLADE women,[ST:n ]I'll have you singing soprano for the rest of your life.[ST:wait ]
22 tev001491_MSG0014 You men are all the same. Pa-THETIC![ST:wait ]
23 tev001491_MSG0015 I had a feeling you were a man of integrity.[ST:n ]Hell, I'd actually buy YOU a drink![ST:wait ]
24 tev001491_MSG0016 But we gotta teach these jerks that we're not as stupid[ST:n ]as they seem to think.[ST:wait ]
25 tev001491_MSG0017 If they're gonna act like animals, maybe it's time we[ST:n ]showed 'em how Interceptors deal with unruly beasts.[ST:wait ]
26 tev001491_MSG0018 Ah, perfect timing. We were just having some[ST:n ]emergency girl talk. You want to get in on this?[ST:wait ]
27 tev001491_MSG0019 After all, outside of your team with the colonel,[ST:n ]there aren't all that many women in BLADE.[ST:wait ]
28 tev001491_MSG0020 It's rare that we get a chance to talk without having to[ST:n ]hold back because some dumb guy is hanging around.[ST:wait ]
29 tev001491_JNK0050 Agree
30 tev001491_SEL0051 Tell Irina that you've yearned for some girl talk.
31 tev001491_JNK0060 Observe
32 tev001491_SEL0061 Say that you've never seen Irina[ST:n ]hold back around anyone.
33 tev001491_MSG0021 I know, right? Next time we'll have to do this at a bar[ST:n ]and talk all night long.[ST:wait ]
34 tev001491_MSG0022 Okay, so our girlfriend here? Well, one of our fellow[ST:n ]BLADEs has been putting the moves on her big time.[ST:wait ]
35 tev001491_MSG0023 Ha! I'll give you that. Holding back has never been my[ST:n ]strong suit. Or any suit, actually.[ST:wait ]
36 tev001491_MSG0024 I'm just saying it's nice to speak freely, you know?[ST:n ]I mean, Gwin is a nice guy, but most of them can be[ST:n ]such obnoxious louts.[ST:wait ]
37 tev001491_MSG0025 Anyway, it's about our girlfriend here. One of our[ST:n ]fellow BLADEs has been putting the moves on her lately.[ST:wait ]
38 tev001491_MSG0026 But then she found out he's been hitting on her friends,[ST:n ]too. He's even asked ME out for drinks a few times![ST:wait ]
39 tev001491_MSG0027 She thought he really liked her, but it turns out he's[ST:n ]just after every girl with a pulse. What a lowlife, right?[ST:wait ]
40 tev001491_JNK0070 Agree
41 tev001491_SEL0071 Claim that such behavior is despicable.
42 tev001491_JNK0080 Disagree
43 tev001491_SEL0081 Say that you really go for the bad-boy type.
44 tev001491_MSG0028 I know, right? You'd better watch out for creeps[ST:n ]like that yourself.[ST:wait ]
45 tev001491_MSG0029 You're a lot cuter than I am, so I bet they're all over[ST:n ]you like a cheap suit.[ST:wait ]
46 tev001491_JNK0090 Agree
47 tev001491_SEL0091 Promise to be careful.
48 tev001491_JNK0100 Object
49 tev001491_SEL0101 Insist that Irina is just as cute as you.
50 tev001491_MSG0030 Good girl. And if anyone starts creeping on you,[ST:n ]come straight to me. All right?[ST:wait ]
51 tev001491_MSG0031 I'll show him what we Interceptors do to unruly beasts.[ST:wait ]
52 tev001491_MSG0032 Wh-what are you talking about! That's crazy![ST:wait ]
53 tev001491_MSG0033 Have you been drinking on the job or something?[ST:n ]You're not even making sense right now.[ST:wait ]
54 tev001491_MSG0034 Anyway, if a guy steps out of line, you tell me,[ST:n ]all right?[ST:wait ]
55 tev001491_MSG0035 I'll show him what we Interceptors do to unruly beasts.[ST:wait ]
56 tev001491_MSG0036 Ooo-kay. Wow.[ST:wait ]
57 tev001491_MSG0037 You say that with such certainly. It almost makes me[ST:n ]wonder if I'm overreacting.[ST:wait ]
58 tev001491_MSG0038 Well, regardless, there's no shortage of creeps in[ST:n ]BLADE, so you gotta watch out for the bad ones.[ST:n ]Especially if you're into that sort of guy![ST:wait ]
59 tev001491_MSG0039 But if anyone steps out of line, make sure you come[ST:n ]straight to me. I'll show him what we Interceptors[ST:n ]do to unruly beasts.[ST:wait ]