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1 tev001293_MSG0001 [ST:playername ]! You're JUST in time.[ST:n ]You have to save me![ST:wait ]
2 tev001293_MSG0002 These women are fawning all over me,[ST:n ]and I don't know what to do...[ST:wait ]
3 tev001293_JNK0010 Suggest
4 tev001293_SEL0011 Advise Lin to accept their adoration with grace.
5 tev001293_JNK0020 Participate
6 tev001293_SEL0021 Join in and begin fawning over Lin.
7 tev001293_JNK0030 Intervene
8 tev001293_SEL0031 Tell the women to go away and stop bothering Lin.
9 tev001293_MSG0003 Hey, don't get me wrong—I'm grateful for the attention.[ST:n ]I really am.[ST:wait ]
10 tev001293_MSG0004 I mean, they invite me out for cake, they ask me to[ST:n ]go on picnics...[ST:wait ]
11 tev001293_MSG0005 They're always wanting to go out on long drives or[ST:n ]to catch a movie together...[ST:wait ]
12 tev001293_MSG0006 They probably think I'm lonely because there aren't[ST:n ]any other girls here my age.[ST:wait ]
13 tev001293_MSG0007 That's really sweet and all, but I can't possibly do[ST:n ]all that stuff in a single day off![ST:wait ]
14 tev001293_MSG0008 H-hey! Stop that! Don't be a creep![ST:wait ]
15 tev001293_MSG0009 It's just... Look, I know they mean well. I mean, they[ST:n ]invite me out for cake, they ask me to go on picnics...[ST:wait ]
16 tev001293_MSG0010 They're always wanting to go out on long drives or[ST:n ]to catch a movie together...[ST:wait ]
17 tev001293_MSG0011 But I'm a busy girl! I've got lots of errands and stuff[ST:n ]to run on my day off—I don't have time for all this![ST:wait ]
18 tev001293_MSG0012 N-no, don't say anything! It's not THAT bad...[ST:wait ]
19 tev001293_MSG0013 It's just... Look, I know they mean well. I mean, they[ST:n ]invite me out for cake, they ask me to go on picnics...[ST:wait ]
20 tev001293_MSG0014 They're always wanting to go out on long drives or[ST:n ]to catch a movie together...[ST:wait ]
21 tev001293_MSG0015 That's really sweet and all, but I can't possibly do[ST:n ]all that stuff in a single day off![ST:wait ]
22 tev001293_JNK0040 Suggest
23 tev001293_SEL0041 Tell Lin she should focus on a single activity.
24 tev001293_JNK0050 Disagree
25 tev001293_SEL0051 Say she COULD do it all if[ST:n ]she made a mission out of it.
26 tev001293_MSG0016 Yeah, you're probably right. If I could pick just one,[ST:n ]I might actually be able to enjoy it.[ST:wait ]
27 tev001293_MSG0017 Hmm... Well, cake is always nice, but a picnic also[ST:n ]sounds pretty great right about now...[ST:wait ]
28 tev001293_MSG0018 I bet going for a nice drive would be fun,[ST:n ]and I always enjoy a good movie...[ST:wait ]
29 tev001293_MSG0019 Wait—I know![ST:wait ]
30 tev001293_MSG0020 I'll invite everyone on an adventure to go search for one[ST:n ]of those great picnic spots we keep hearing about![ST:wait ]
31 tev001293_MSG0021 We can drive there in my Skell, eat some cake and[ST:n ]relax under the sun, then come back home and catch[ST:n ]the latest kaiju flick before we crash. It'll be perfect![ST:wait ]
32 tev001293_MSG0022 Heeeey, not a bad idea! I like the way you think![ST:wait ]
33 tev001293_MSG0023 So let's see, what kind of mission would this be...[ST:wait ]
34 tev001293_MSG0024 Oh, I know! I'll invite everyone on an adventure[ST:n ]to go search for one of those great picnic spots[ST:n ]we keep hearing about![ST:wait ]
35 tev001293_MSG0025 We can drive there in my Skell, eat some cake and[ST:n ]relax under the sun, then come back home and catch[ST:n ]the latest kaiju flick before we crash. Mission complete![ST:wait ]
36 tev001293_MSG0026 Hey, but wait a minute...[ST:wait ]
37 tev001293_MSG0027 If I turn my day off into a it really a day[ST:n ]off anymore?![ST:wait ]