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1 tev001191_MSG0001 Expanding the effective area of the deflector shields[ST:n ]would require optimizing our energy output by at[ST:n ]least eight percent.[ST:wait ]
2 tev001191_MSG0002 The only way to accomplish that is by multiplexing our[ST:n ]energy drivers.[ST:wait ]
3 tev001191_MSG0003 ...All right. I'll prepare a couple of design proposals.[ST:n ]You can bring them to the mechanical team and see[ST:n ]which they think is the most workable.[ST:wait ]
4 tev001191_MSG0004 Oh, hello there, [ST:playername ].[ST:n ]Sorry about that.[ST:wait ]
5 tev001191_MSG0005 I was wrapped up in a conversation about technical[ST:n ]issues with New LA's defenses. ...Which you heard.[ST:n ]Anyway, I didn't even notice you were there.[ST:wait ]
6 tev001191_JNK0010 Praise
7 tev001191_SEL0011 Express admiration for Elma's many talents.
8 tev001191_JNK0020 Worry
9 tev001191_SEL0021 Show concern that Elma is pushing herself too hard.
10 tev001191_MSG0006 That? Oh, it's nothing. I did a little bit of mechanical[ST:n ]engineering work years ago, but it hardly qualifies[ST:n ]as one of \"many\" talents.[ST:wait ]
11 tev001191_MSG0007 Honestly, outside of engineering, combat is my only[ST:n ]noteworthy talent. I can't even cook like Lin.[ST:wait ]
12 tev001191_MSG0008 So I'm determined to see what few talents I do have[ST:n ]put to the best possible use for the people of NLA.[ST:wait ]
13 tev001191_MSG0009 That's very kind of you, [ST:playername ].[ST:n ]But you needn't worry.[ST:wait ]
14 tev001191_MSG0010 I find drafting mechanical schematics to be a fine way[ST:n ]to relax after all the combat we've seen lately.[ST:wait ]
15 tev001191_MSG0011 And besides, in times of need like this, we all need to[ST:n ]contribute in whatever ways we can.[ST:wait ]
16 tev001191_MSG0012 I hope you, too, can avoid being constrained by the[ST:n ]constant demands of BLADE, and can put your other[ST:n ]talents to use now and then for the good of New LA.[ST:wait ]
17 tev001191_JNK0030 Agree
18 tev001191_SEL0031 Say that you aspire to lead just such a life.
19 tev001191_JNK0040 Disagree
20 tev001191_SEL0041 Say that you serve New LA best by focusing on BLADE.
21 tev001191_MSG0013 I'm glad you understand. If everyone used their unique[ST:n ]talents to help everyone else out, I know we'd be able[ST:n ]to survive our current travails.[ST:wait ]
22 tev001191_MSG0014 And beyond that, we'd be better positioned to build a[ST:n ]bright future for all of us here in New LA.[ST:wait ]
23 tev001191_MSG0015 Then we BLADEs could truly say that we're[ST:n ]\"building a legacy.\"[ST:wait ]
24 tev001191_MSG0016 So you'd prefer to hone a single skill in hopes that it'll[ST:n ]let you make greater contributions to New LA?[ST:wait ]
25 tev001191_MSG0017 Hmm. I suppose such a singular focus WOULD let[ST:n ]you perform feats that wouldn't be possible if you[ST:n ]were distracted by other activities...[ST:wait ]
26 tev001191_MSG0018 That way of thinking is a bit...alien to me, but I find[ST:n ]your viewpoint eye-opening. I'm glad we had this talk,[ST:n ][ST:playername ].[ST:wait ]
27 tev001191_MSG0019 But I will say, if that's going to be your focus, I'll be[ST:n ]expecting great things from you on our next mission.[ST:n ]In fact, I'll make sure it's one only you could complete![ST:wait ]