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1 tev000692_MSG0001 Hey there, [ST:playername ].[ST:wait ]
2 tev000692_MSG0002 Pretty rare for us to meet on the job like this, eh?[ST:wait ]
3 tev000692_MSG0003 We were just talking weapon maintenance.[ST:wait ]
4 tev000692_MSG0004 As an Interceptor, you never wanna go up against an[ST:n ]indigen with your weapon and armor in anything less[ST:n ]than flawless condition.[ST:wait ]
5 tev000692_JNK0010 Approve
6 tev000692_SEL0011 Praise Frye for not charging in half-cocked.
7 tev000692_JNK0020 Tease
8 tev000692_SEL0021 Ask Frye why he doesn't just use his fists.
9 tev000692_MSG0005 You're damn right we don't charge in half-cocked.[ST:n ]We don't even charge in ALL-cocked! That's a good[ST:n ]way to get yourself eaten by some toothy critter.[ST:wait ]
10 tev000692_MSG0006 There ain't no way a human can overpower some of[ST:n ]these indigens. And if ya can't out-think 'em,[ST:n ]you got no shot at all.[ST:wait ]
11 tev000692_MSG0007 Hey, even I couldn't punch a millesaur to death.[ST:wait ]
12 tev000692_MSG0008 A cinicula, though? Or anything weaker than that?[ST:n ]Yeah, I could take 'em bare-handed.[ST:wait ]
13 tev000692_MSG0009 Hey, lemme bend your ear for a bit, all right?[ST:n ]When I was just a lad, my dad saw me treating my[ST:n ]hunting rifle real rough and told me something.[ST:wait ]
14 tev000692_MSG0010 He said, \"No matter how powerful your weapon,[ST:n ]if you let it break down, it's only an anchor.\"[ST:wait ]
15 tev000692_MSG0012 After that, I made it a point to take real good care[ST:n ]of all my gear.[ST:wait ]
16 tev000692_MSG0014 I even talk to mechanics, like this one, to make sure[ST:n ]everything's in perfect condition.[ST:wait ]
17 tev000692_MSG0013 So then! What's your weapon look like these days?[ST:wait ]
18 tev000692_JNK0030 Rough
19 tev000692_SEL0031 Admit that you're as bad as young Frye.
20 tev000692_JNK0040 Flawless
21 tev000692_SEL0041 Claim that you fastidiously maintain it yourself.
22 tev000692_MSG0015 Ah, hell. We were all young once.[ST:wait ]
23 tev000692_MSG0016 But looking at it from here, it doesn't seem like it's in[ST:n ]such bad shape.[ST:wait ]
24 tev000692_MSG0017 Maybe Elma or Lin maintain it for you while you're[ST:n ]sleeping?[ST:wait ]
25 tev000692_MSG0018 You oughta thank 'em for that.[ST:n ]They might have saved your damn life.[ST:wait ]
26 tev000692_MSG0019 Well, I still got a little touch-up work to do on this[ST:n ]baby at home. Catch ya later.[ST:wait ]
27 tev000692_MSG0020 Right? You know the score.[ST:wait ]
28 tev000692_MSG0021 I'd noticed the pristine condition of your weapon,[ST:n ]but figured someone else had been helping you.[ST:wait ]
29 tev000692_MSG0022 Guess I misjudged you, [ST:playername ].[ST:wait ]
30 tev000692_MSG0023 Well, I ain't gonna stand for someone else having[ST:n ]the best maintained weapon in BLADEā€”I'm heading[ST:n ]home to do a little more touch-up work. Later.[ST:wait ]