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1 tev000195_MSG0001 Hello, [ST:playername ]. Forgive my intrusion.[ST:wait ]
2 tev000195_MSG0002 I was feeling a bit peckish, and hoped there might be[ST:n ]something to eat in here.[ST:wait ]
3 tev000195_MSG0003 Alas, it appears I was mistaken.[ST:wait ]
4 tev000195_MSG0004 Heading out to the commercial district hardly seems[ST:n ]worth the bother. Perhaps a nice conversation would[ST:n ]sate my hunger instead.[ST:wait ]
5 tev000195_MSG0005 So, [ST:playername ], tell me—[ST:n ]now that you have some field experience under[ST:n ]your belt, what type of missions do you prefer?[ST:wait ]
6 tev000195_JNK0010 Wildlife Assaults
7 tev000195_SEL0011 Hunting down and defeating indigens.
8 tev000195_JNK0020 Trailblazing Missions
9 tev000195_SEL0021 Installing data probes at FrontierNav probe sites.
10 tev000195_JNK0030 Recovery Missions
11 tev000195_SEL0031 Reclaiming debris from the White Whale.
12 tev000195_JNK0040 R&D Missions
13 tev000195_SEL0041 Testing new weapons for arms manufacturers.
14 tev000195_JNK0050 Investigative Missions
15 tev000195_SEL0051 Learning more about Mira.
16 tev000195_JNK0060 Peacekeeping Missions
17 tev000195_SEL0061 Patrolling New LA and resolving citizens' problems.
18 tev000195_MSG0006 Interesting. I might have guessed.[ST:wait ]
19 tev000195_MSG0007 I would very much enjoy having the freedom to choose[ST:n ]missions the way you do.[ST:wait ]
20 tev000195_MSG0008 Chausson and Vandham would berate me for saying[ST:n ]so, but I often find my role as defense secretary to be[ST:n ]a frustrating one.[ST:wait ]
21 tev000195_MSG0009 Do you remember when we found that piece of the[ST:n ]Lifehold in northern Primordia?[ST:wait ]
22 tev000195_MSG0010 It takes at least half a day to get a team organized[ST:n ]and deployed.[ST:wait ]
23 tev000195_MSG0011 Mainly because each team already has its own missions[ST:n ]to take care of.[ST:wait ]
24 tev000195_MSG0012 When we need to dispatch a team quickly, we mostly[ST:n ]have to rely on BLADE operatives that have only just[ST:n ]returned from a deployment.[ST:wait ]
25 tev000195_MSG0013 And that means we have to get all their damaged[ST:n ]equipment turned around and ready to go,[ST:n ]which is a difficult way to operate.[ST:wait ]
26 tev000195_MSG0014 That wasn't the first time we discovered a piece of the[ST:n ]Lifehold only to see it destroyed.[ST:wait ]
27 tev000195_MSG0015 When first we located it, I was determined to secure it[ST:n ]no matter what the cost.[ST:wait ]
28 tev000195_MSG0016 I couldn't wait a single moment longer.[ST:wait ]
29 tev000195_MSG0017 I pulled in what available BLADE operatives I could,[ST:n ]but the operation was slipshod from the start.[ST:wait ]
30 tev000195_MSG0018 And my rash decisions led to their untimely demise.[ST:wait ]
31 tev000195_MSG0019 But when your team came to save us, I realized[ST:n ]something.[ST:wait ]
32 tev000195_MSG0020 A small team of elite BLADEs can respond more[ST:n ]effectively to emergency missions than a large[ST:n ]deployment.[ST:wait ]
33 tev000195_MSG0021 That's why, whenever I long to participate in a field[ST:n ]mission, I always turn to your team first.[ST:wait ]
34 tev000195_MSG0022 Heh. And what do you think about that, hmm?[ST:n ]I'm being preposterous, I know.[ST:wait ]
35 tev000195_MSG0023 But I do expect great things from you.[ST:wait ]
36 tev000195_MSG0024 After all, your team has become the cornerstone of[ST:n ]BLADE.[ST:wait ]
37 tev000195_MSG0025 In any case, I must be getting back to BLADE Tower.[ST:n ]I believe I just remembered where the director general[ST:n ]hides his snacks...[ST:wait ]