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1 tev000193_MSG0001 Ah, [ST:playername ].[ST:wait ]
2 tev000193_MSG0002 It's good to see that you're learning your way around[ST:n ]the city.[ST:wait ]
3 tev000193_MSG0003 It's been a while since I've had a chance to stroll[ST:n ]through the commercial district like this. It's made[ST:n ]quite an impression on me.[ST:wait ]
4 tev000193_MSG0004 How about you? I can't help but wonder how you see[ST:n ]this city of ours, [ST:playername ].[ST:wait ]
5 tev000193_JNK0010 Praise
6 tev000193_SEL0011 Answer that it's just like being back on Earth.
7 tev000193_JNK0020 Observe
8 tev000193_SEL0021 Comment on humans and xenoforms living together.
9 tev000193_JNK0030 Question
10 tev000193_SEL0031 Grill Nagi about when the city will finally be finished.
11 tev000193_MSG0005 Heh heh. I guess even an amnesiac can sense how[ST:n ]much New LA feels like home.[ST:wait ]
12 tev000193_MSG0006 Of course, we can't recapture the scale of an actual[ST:n ]Earth city overnight. New LA will need time to grow.[ST:wait ]
13 tev000193_MSG0007 But it isn't nostalgia that moved me earlier.[ST:n ]I was struck by something else.[ST:wait ]
14 tev000193_MSG0008 Mira is the first planet we humans have ever colonized.[ST:wait ]
15 tev000193_MSG0009 Even as we struggle with the Ganglion and the missing[ST:n ]Lifehold, we've managed to ally with xenoforms and[ST:n ]eke out a fairly good existence as well.[ST:wait ]
16 tev000193_MSG0010 As I gaze upon this natural landscape, seeing passing[ST:n ]humans and xenoforms interacting peacefully with one[ST:n ]another, it starts to restore my faith.[ST:wait ]
17 tev000193_MSG0011 Perhaps this universe isn't so wretched after all.[ST:wait ]
18 tev000193_MSG0012 I was struck by the exact same thing.[ST:n ]It's truly wonderful.[ST:wait ]
19 tev000193_MSG0013 Mira is the first planet we humans have ever colonized.[ST:wait ]
20 tev000193_MSG0014 Even as we struggle with the Ganglion and the missing[ST:n ]Lifehold, we've managed to ally with xenoforms and[ST:n ]eke out a fairly good existence as well.[ST:wait ]
21 tev000193_MSG0015 As I gaze upon this natural landscape, seeing passing[ST:n ]humans and xenoforms interacting peacefully with one[ST:n ]another, it starts to restore my faith.[ST:wait ]
22 tev000193_MSG0016 Perhaps this universe isn't so wretched after all.[ST:wait ]
23 tev000193_MSG0017 Heh. You don't mince words, do you?[ST:wait ]
24 tev000193_MSG0018 I certainly hope you aren't that...pointed when you're[ST:n ]speaking with the director general.[ST:wait ]
25 tev000193_MSG0019 With BLADE claiming so much of the city's manpower,[ST:n ]the construction teams are seriously understaffed.[ST:wait ]
26 tev000193_MSG0020 As a result, the city itself is progressing at a relatively[ST:n ]sluggish pace. I think that's something we'll just have[ST:n ]to endure for the foreseeable future.[ST:wait ]
27 tev000193_MSG0021 However, I'm well aware that this city will be too small[ST:n ]for all of us once we reclaim our real bodies.[ST:wait ]
28 tev000193_MSG0022 At that point, we plan to enlist the help of our new[ST:n ]xenoform friends and strive to complete projects at[ST:n ]a more aggressive pace. Here's hoping for the best.[ST:wait ]
29 tev000193_MSG0023 In any case, if you don't mind, I'm going to walk[ST:n ]around this area a little bit more.[ST:wait ]
30 tev000193_MSG0024 I'm here looking for a teacup that I can keep in your[ST:n ]section of the barracks.[ST:wait ]
31 tev000193_MSG0025 It's been a pleasure, [ST:playername ].[ST:wait ]