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1 qev092501_MSG0001 So you made it. Why am I not surprised?[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
2 qev092501_MSG0002 Who else'd have the stones to turn up for an experimental[ST:n ]Skell test flight? Stones in your head, I mean.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
3 qev092501_MSG0003 You and Doug are the only ones crazy enough to even try.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
4 qev092501_MSG0004 That's a horrible way to put it, Commander![ST:wait ][ST:n ]
5 qev092501_MSG0005 I mean, sure, previous tests often involved[ST:n ]engine explosions and lots of fire...[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
6 qev092501_MSG0006 And there was that one that went berserk[ST:n ]and crashed itself into the sea...[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
7 qev092501_MSG0007 But that's all a perfectly natural part of the R&D process![ST:wait ][ST:n ]
8 qev092501_MSG0008 ...Right?[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
9 qev092501_JNK0010 Agree
10 qev092501_SEL0011 Say that such things are an[ST:n ]acceptable price to pay for science.
11 qev092501_JNK0020 Disagree
12 qev092501_SEL0021 Say that no project is worth such risk.
13 qev092501_MSG0009 Ho, she got you wrapped around[ST:n ]her itty-bitty finger, don't she?[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
14 qev092501_MSG0010 Doug, too. For all his grousin', that boy[ST:n ]just keeps comin' back for more.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
15 qev092501_MSG0011 I don't get it. Must be addicted to the rush, I suppose.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
16 qev092501_MSG0012 Commander, risking life and limb in the name of[ST:n ]science is a noble cause and its own reward![ST:wait ][ST:n ]
17 qev092501_MSG0013 Yeah, yeah.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
18 qev092501_MSG0014 Oh, come on, you too?![ST:wait ][ST:n ]
19 qev092501_MSG0014_2 Risking life and limb in the name of science[ST:n ]is a noble cause and its own reward![ST:wait ][ST:n ]
20 qev092501_MSG0015 Sure it is, and I'll be sure to tell that to Doug's next of kin.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
21 qev092501_MSG0016 Anyway, enough chitchat.[ST:n ]Lin, why don't you walk 'em through it.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
22 qev092501_MSG0017 Right.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
23 qev092501_MSG0018 I've been mulling over why all my[ST:n ]flight-pack designs keep...blowing up.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
24 qev092501_MSG0019 I think I've finally found the cause.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
25 qev092501_MSG0020 Conventional Skells just don't have[ST:n ]the energy to provide enough lift.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
26 qev092501_MSG0021 So I've taken a step back and redesigned a Skell from scratch.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
27 qev092501_MSG0022 The result is an Integrated Flight-Capable Skell System![ST:wait ][ST:n ]
28 qev092501_MSG0023 Or I.F.C.S.S. for short.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
29 qev092501_MSG0024 Forget the stupid acronym. I financed this,[ST:n ]and I say we're calling it a Skell flight module. [ST:wait ][ST:n ]
30 qev092501_MSG0025 Oh, and did I mention I also got the[ST:n ]arms manufacturers on board to help out?[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
31 qev092501_MSG0026 Really?! You're the best, Commander![ST:wait ][ST:n ]
32 qev092501_MSG0027 Yeah, well, that ain't the hard part.[ST:n ]We can't have any more failures, you hear me?[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
33 qev092501_MSG0028 This time, it's a sure thing, my friend.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
34 qev092501_MSG0029 The two of us are taking part in development[ST:n ]to make certain of that.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
35 qev092501_MSG0030 Isobe! Jajanni![ST:wait ][ST:n ]
36 qev092501_MSG0031 Well, if the bigwigs at Sakuraba and C&C aren't worried,[ST:n ]I guess I shouldn't be either.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
37 qev092501_MSG0032 Yes, although we do have a slight concern[ST:n ]regarding a lack of materials, don't we?[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
38 qev092501_MSG0033 How much concern we talking here?[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
39 qev092501_MSG0034 Well, our final check turned up one significant problem.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
40 qev092501_MSG0035 As it stands now, our chances of success[ST:n ]are maybe...10 percent, you know?[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
41 qev092501_MSG0036 That ain't good. What if we fix this little problem?[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
42 qev092501_MSG0037 99.9999999 percent success. Right, Jajanni?[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
43 qev092501_MSG0038 Yes yes. Near perfect odds, aren't they?[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
44 qev092501_MSG0039 Then the answer's clear.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
45 qev092501_MSG0040 Sorry to surprise you with this,[ST:n ]but can you go salvage the materials?[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
46 qev092501_JNK0030 Accept
47 qev092501_SEL0031 Say that you'll handle it.
48 qev092501_JNK0040 Decline
49 qev092501_SEL0041 Tell Commander Vandham that you're[ST:n ]no good at gathering missions.
50 qev092501_MSG0041 Awesome! I know you'll find them in no time.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
51 qev092501_MSG0042 Aw, don't be so modest. You'll be fine![ST:wait ][ST:n ]
52 qev092501_MSG0043 I'm sure you'll have them gathered in no time.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
53 qev092501_MSG0044 All right then. Bring the materials back here[ST:n ]once you round them all up.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
54 qev092501_MSG0045 Lin, you use this time for another final systems check.[ST:n ]This is our last shot at it.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
55 qev092501_MSG0046 Understood, sir. I'm on it.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
56 qev092501_MSG0046_2 I promise to get this big bucket of love[ST:n ]into the Miran skies before long![ST:wait ][ST:n ]
57 qev092501_MSG0047 Welcome back! That was one hell of a maiden flight.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
58 qev092501_MSG0049 She passed the test.[ST:n ]We'll get rolling on mass production ASAP.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
59 qev092501_MSG0050 YESSS![ST:wait ][ST:n ]
60 qev092501_MSG0050_2 This makes everything worth it![ST:wait ][ST:n ]
61 qev092501_MSG0051 Sure, I put poor Doug through hell[ST:n ]and wound up wasting some rare materials...[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
62 qev092501_MSG0052 But I had to do this. I had to make my dream a reality.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
63 qev092501_JNK0050 Inquire
64 qev092501_SEL0051 Ask Lin why this was so important to her.
65 qev092501_JNK0060 Ponder
66 qev092501_SEL0061 Ask Lin how many failures she[ST:n ]experienced to reach this point.
67 qev092501_MSG0053 You know, before they died, my parents[ST:n ]began this as an independent research project.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
68 qev092501_MSG0054 But they passed away before they could finish the design.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
69 qev092501_MSG0055 That's how the flight pack got started.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
70 qev092501_MSG0056 A device that can let any Skell fly still feels like science fiction.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
71 qev092501_MSG0057 I can't imagine what possessed them[ST:n ]to even attempt such a thing.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
72 qev092501_MSG0058 But I knew I had to finish what they started.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
73 qev092501_MSG0059 I felt like I'd never be a worthy engineer if I didn't.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
74 qev092501_MSG0060 So I called it my last homework assignment.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
75 qev092501_MSG0061 Those are some big shoes to fill.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
76 qev092501_MSG0062 You can rest assured that your folks would be proud as hell.[ST:n ]You know that, right?[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
77 qev092501_MSG0063 Oof, I can't even begin to count how many Skells I've wrecked.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
78 qev092501_MSG0064 I was told to stop about a million times along the way.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
79 qev092501_MSG0065 For a while there, you were in a dead heat[ST:n ]with the local indigens.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
80 qev092501_MSG0066 It was like a race to see who could take out[ST:n ]more Skells, and you were winning.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
81 qev092501_MSG0067 But you were my champion with the higher-ups, Commander.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
82 qev092501_MSG0068 You kept this project alive...[ST:n ]I can't thank you enough.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
83 qev092501_MSG0069 I could see it in your eyes.[ST:n ]That look told me this wasn't just idle curiosity.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
84 qev092501_MSG0070 You had the drive—all I did was bet on it.[ST:n ]And maaan did it ever pay off.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
85 qev092501_MSG0071 You did good, kid.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
86 qev092501_MSG0072 You too. Thanks for all your support.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
87 qev092501_JNK0070 Enthuse
88 qev092501_SEL0071 Promise that you'll use the Skell flight module[ST:n ]to protect everyone in New LA.
89 qev092501_JNK0080 Worry
90 qev092501_SEL0081 Say that Skell pilots will likely[ST:n ]need advanced technical training.
91 qev092501_MSG0078 Damn straight![ST:wait ][ST:n ]
92 qev092501_MSG0078_2 Once we get our people trained up on these,[ST:n ]those Ganglion are history![ST:wait ][ST:n ]
93 qev092501_MSG0079 Hmm, true... I guess we'll have to incorporate[ST:n ]flight school into the Skell license program.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
94 qev092501_MSG0080 Heh heh. I'll design a test that'll have[ST:n ]them new recruits beggin' for mercy![ST:wait ][ST:n ]
95 qev092501_MSG0081 All right, enough jibber-jabber. It's time to get flyin'![ST:wait ][ST:n ]
96 qev092501_MSG0082 With eyes in the sky, we'll track down[ST:n ]that damn Lifehold Core in no time![ST:wait ][ST:n ]
97 qev092501_MSG0083 We're not just making flight packs anymore—[ST:n ]we've redesigned a whole Skell from square one.[ST:wait ]
98 qev092501_MSG0084 A specialized flying Skell? You better believe[ST:n ]this flight module is the real damn deal.[ST:wait ]
99 qev092501_MSG0085 But things like this don't come cheap—or without[ST:n ]lofty expectations. If it doesn't pan out quick,[ST:n ]I might have to pull my support.[ST:wait ]
100 qev092501_MSG0086 So you gotta find a way to make it work.[ST:wait ]
101 qev092501_MSG0087 Well, it's time to take our little flying Skell[ST:n ]out for a spin.[ST:wait ]
102 qev092501_MSG0088 The future of BLADE rides with you and all that junk,[ST:n ]ya know?[ST:wait ]
103 qev092501_MSG0089 But if it proves feasible, it'll expand BLADE's reach[ST:n ]in ways we can't even begin to imagine.[ST:wait ]