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1 qev092201_MSG0004 I see. Homesickness for Earth has you crying yourself to sleep.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
2 qev092201_MSG0005 I know it's silly. I should just tough it out and get over it.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
3 qev092201_MSG0006 Not at all. I miss Earth as much as you do.[ST:n ]I think everyone here does.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
4 qev092201_MSG0007 There's no reason to feel shame or guilt about it.[ST:n ]This is a trauma we all share.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
5 qev092201_MSG0008 Really? I didn't think people as strong as you[ST:n ]still thought about it.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
6 qev092201_MSG0009 Of course we do. And I know this is hard,[ST:n ]so I appreciate your courage in bringing it up.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
7 qev092201_MSG0010 No, no, thank you. I feel bad taking up[ST:n ]so much of your time with this.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
8 qev092201_MSG0011 It's my pleasure. And any time you feel this way again,[ST:n ]come find me, all right?[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
9 qev092201_MSG0012 I hope sharing this burden will help you begin[ST:n ]to heal and move forward with life.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
10 qev092201_MSG0013 It will. Thanks so much, Hope![ST:wait ][ST:n ]
11 qev092201_MSG0014 I just assumed you BLADEs were all serious, scary types.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
12 qev092201_MSG0015 I couldn't have been more off the mark.[ST:n ]I'm really glad I decided to talk to you.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
13 qev092201_MSG0016 All right, then. Next client, please![ST:wait ][ST:n ]
14 qev092201_MSG0017 I apologize for the wait.[ST:n ]Now then, how can I help you today?[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
15 qev092201_JNK0010 Query
16 qev092201_SEL0011 Ask Hope what she does, exactly.
17 qev092201_JNK0020 Confess
18 qev092201_SEL0021 Tell Hope you're struggling to find 10 natural pearls.
19 qev092201_MSG0018 Oh, everything from giving directions[ST:n ]to solving crimes to life counseling.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
20 qev092201_MSG0019 It all fits under the Mediator umbrella.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
21 qev092201_MSG0020 So if anything's troubling you, feel free to share.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
22 qev092201_MSG0021 Oh, are you in this line of work as well?[ST:n ]Thank you for your service.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
23 qev092201_MSG0022 ...So then. You're searching for 10 natural pearls, right?[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
24 qev092201_MSG0023 I have a pearl necklace here that should suffice,[ST:n ]if you're amenable?[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
25 qev092201_MSG0024 Hope, no! That necklace is a memento of your father![ST:wait ][ST:n ]
26 qev092201_MSG0025 You can't keep giving things away[ST:n ]to the first stranger who asks![ST:wait ][ST:n ]
27 qev092201_MSG0026 No, it's all right. I'm certain my father would be pleased[ST:n ]if it made someone happy.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
28 qev092201_MSG0027 Here, it's yours. And please don't worry about it.[ST:n ]I hope it helps.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
29 qev092201_MSG0028 Are you sure? Like, REALLY sure?[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
30 qev092201_MSG0029 It's sweet how you always worry, Ornella.[ST:n ]You remind me of my mother.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
31 qev092201_MSG0030 You've been watching out for me ever since we landed here.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
32 qev092201_MSG0031 Oh, but we're keeping clients waiting.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
33 qev092201_MSG0032 Ah, yeah, I guess. ...All right, next please![ST:wait ][ST:n ]
34 qev092201_MSG0033 Heya, Hope. I need advice in a big bad way.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
35 qev092201_MSG0034 My, we're getting a lot of BLADEs today.[ST:n ]Do you need help with a mission?[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
36 qev092201_MSG0035 No, this is more...personal.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
37 qev092201_MSG0036 So, um... Do you know if these mimeosome[ST:n ]bodies know. Conceive?[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
38 qev092201_MSG0037 As in...children?! I, uh... Um...[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
39 qev092201_MSG0038 See, I've started living with this guy,[ST:n ]and we've been talking, and...You know.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
40 qev092201_MSG0039 Y-yes, of course. Though, I'm, uh...I'm afraid[ST:n ]that's a bit outside my...[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
41 qev092201_MSG0040 Er, what about you? Do you know anything about this?[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
42 qev092201_JNK0030 Suggest
43 qev092201_SEL0031 Say that the world must be made safe[ST:n ]before thinking about bringing children into it.
44 qev092201_JNK0040 Lecture
45 qev092201_SEL0041 Say that bringing children into a[ST:n ]world like this is selfish and wrong.
46 qev092201_MSG0041 Yes! Exactly! What an insightful observation.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
47 qev092201_MSG0042 In other words, if you focus on achieving BLADE's goals,[ST:n ]eventually everything will work out fine.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
48 qev092201_MSG0043 I...see. I guess that makes sense.[ST:n ]And it's great motivation to work hard, too.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
49 qev092201_MSG0044 All right, well...thanks to you both for the advice![ST:wait ][ST:n ]
50 qev092201_MSG0045 Phew! Thank you. I was really thrown for a loop there.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
51 qev092201_MSG0046 Oh. Wow. You're...really blunt.[ST:n ]But I see where you're coming from.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
52 qev092201_MSG0047 I suppose we do have bigger worries at the moment.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
53 qev092201_MSG0049 But every mission we do helps to change that.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
54 qev092201_MSG0050 Which means I have to do my best![ST:n ]Aw, thanks, Hope. I feel way better.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
55 qev092201_MSG0051 Er, sorry to make you be the one to handle that.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
56 qev092201_MSG0052 But I appreciate it. I just blanked on what to tell her.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
57 qev092201_MSG0053 Next in line, step up, please![ST:wait ][ST:n ]
58 qev092201_MSG0054 Lularita needs mega favor mega fast![ST:wait ][ST:n ]
59 qev092201_MSG0055 Well, this sounds serious. What can I help you with?[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
60 qev092201_MSG0056 Drongo Caravan is under attack[ST:n ]from awful beasties in Cauldros![ST:wait ][ST:n ]
61 qev092201_MSG0057 BLADE lady must stop monsters and save caravan![ST:wait ][ST:n ]
62 qev092201_MSG0058 Oh, that's terrible! But I'm afraid I'm only a Mediator.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
63 qev092201_MSG0059 I don't have the training or equipment[ST:n ]to take on a mission like that by myself.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
64 qev092201_MSG0060 BLADE lady not help?[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
65 qev092201_MSG0060_02 Lularita heard you solve problems for free.[ST:n ]Came long way to demand aid![ST:wait ][ST:n ]
66 qev092201_MSG0061 This total fraud![ST:wait ][ST:n ]
67 qev092201_MSG0061_2 Drongo Caravan doomed! So many Nopon die![ST:wait ][ST:n ]
68 qev092201_MSG0062 I'm so, so sorry, but this is something[ST:n ]I just can't handle alone...[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
69 qev092201_JNK0050 Assist
70 qev092201_SEL0051 Offer to assist Hope with the problem.
71 qev092201_JNK0060 Watch
72 qev092201_SEL0061 Wait and see what happens.
73 qev092201_MSG0063 You'd do that?! Goodness, I don't know what to... Thank you.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
74 qev092201_MSG0064 I know I can't do everything,[ST:n ]but it still pains me to sit by while people suffer.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
75 qev092201_MSG0065 Lularita count on friends. Lularita explain messy details[ST:n ]when friends come to caravan.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
76 qev092201_MSG0066 Thank you again for offering to help.[ST:n ]I suppose this means we'll be traveling to Cauldros together.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
77 qev092201_MSG0067 My name is Hope Alanzi.[ST:n ]I'll do my best not to get in the way.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
78 qev092201_MSG0068 qev092201_MSG0068
79 qev092201_MSG0068_m What about lazy friend?[ST:n ]Two of you together are strong enough to help.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
80 qev092201_MSG0068_f What about lazy friend?[ST:n ]Two of you together are strong enough to help.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
81 qev092201_MSG0069 qev092201_MSG0069
82 qev092201_MSG0069_m Um, us? The two of us? Help you?[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
83 qev092201_MSG0069_f Um, us? The two of us? Help you?[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
84 qev092201_MSG0070 Lularita count on friends.[ST:n ]Lularita explain messy details when friends come to caravan.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
85 qev092201_MSG0071 Well that certainly escalated quickly.[ST:n ]I don't suppose you'd help, would you?[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
86 qev092201_MSG0072 Please? It seems like she's going regardless,[ST:n ]and without you, she's likely to get killed.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
87 qev092201_MSG0073 I'd really appreciate it! I promise not to get in your way.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
88 qev092201_MSG0074 Together, I just know we can keep these poor Nopon safe.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]