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1 qev090604_MSG0001 Xenos are rotten to their bones. Every last one of them.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
2 qev090604_MSG0002 I hope I never so much as have to look at one again.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
3 qev090604_MSG0003 Now...let's do what we came to do.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
4 qev090604_MSG0004 Namo Amitabhaya![ST:n ]That monster put up a respectable fight.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
5 qev090604_MSG0005 We had our share of detours, but the job is done.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
6 qev090604_MSG0006 Let's head back and give Eleonora our report.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
7 qev090604_MSG0007 What just happened?[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
8 qev090604_MSG0008 Did that Ma-non save our lives with this?[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
9 qev090604_MSG0009 Mmm...[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
10 qev090604_MSG0010 It matters not now. Let's focus on the mission.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
11 qev090604_MSG0011 I won't allow myself to be distracted because of some xeno.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]