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1 qev080404_MSG0001 I bought the weapons, Mother, but...[ST:n ]Where is everyone else? Where are the others?[ST:wait ]
2 qev080404_MSG0002 Being the boss of an empty cave isn't exactly the career[ST:n ]opportunity I had in mind![ST:wait ]
3 qev080404_MSG0003 Oh, quit your whinging! Who do you think I am?[ST:wait ]
4 qev080404_MSG0004 I am Fortun, keeper of the galaxy's wisdom![ST:n ]My daughters will crowd here any day now,[ST:n ]sick with worry for their dear mother![ST:wait ]
5 qev080404_MSG0005 Then we will use the arms you have assembled to raze[ST:n ]New LA to the ground! Eeee hee hee hee![ST:wait ]
6 qev080404_MSG0006 Erio and [ST:playername ] will pay dearly for[ST:n ]humiliating—[ST:wait ]
7 qev080404_MSG0007 This... No! How are you here?![ST:wait ]
8 qev080404_JNK0010 Explain
9 qev080404_SEL0011 Tell Fortun that you tracked her here.
10 qev080404_JNK0020 Shout
11 qev080404_SEL0021 Angrily vow to thwart Fortun's scheme.
12 qev080404_MSG0008 How very conscientious of you. But ultimately useless.[ST:n ]I simply decided to take a little vacation here.[ST:wait ]
13 qev080404_MSG0009 There is no cause for you to trouble yourself on my[ST:n ]account. Why don't you hurry back to your city?[ST:wait ]
14 qev080404_MSG0010 ......[ST:wait ]
15 qev080404_MSG0011 Now, Lyvia! Kill! You are more than a match for [ST:Gender p1=him p2=her ]![ST:wait ]
16 qev080404_MSG0012 Eep! Y-you can bluster all you like.[ST:n ]I'm not s-scared of you![ST:wait ]
17 qev080404_MSG0013 Take care of this, Lyvia! Kill [ST:Gender p1=him p2=her ] where [ST:Gender p1=he p2=she ] stands![ST:wait ]
18 qev080404_MSG0014 What?! N-no way![ST:n ]I can't handle [ST:playername ]...[ST:wait ]
19 qev080404_MSG0015 Bah! Defeat this nuisance for me, and I will allow you[ST:n ]to rule all of New LA![ST:wait ]
20 qev080404_MSG0016 Now go! ...Or I shall take back my promise to instate[ST:n ]you as queen of the Definians.[ST:wait ]
21 qev080404_MSG0017 Whaaat? ...Oh, fine! I guess I don't have a choice![ST:wait ]
22 qev080404_MSG0018 S-stop! Time out![ST:wait ]
23 qev080404_MSG0019 Look, all I did was gather some weapons because[ST:n ]Mother said I could be leader of a Definian army.[ST:wait ]
24 qev080404_MSG0020 I never signed on to take over New LA,[ST:n ]and I certainly have no interest in harming you guys![ST:wait ]
25 qev080404_MSG0021 LYVIA! You dare to call yourself my daughter?[ST:n ]You will fight for me so long as you draw breath![ST:wait ]
26 qev080404_MSG0022 Now, kill [ST:playername ] this instant.[ST:n ]Then we shall storm New LA together![ST:wait ]
27 qev080404_MSG0023 No way! ...And quit kidding yourself, Mother—none of[ST:n ]the other sisters are coming.[ST:wait ]
28 qev080404_MSG0024 The Definians are done being your slaves.[ST:n ]We want to work as proper employees.[ST:wait ]
29 qev080404_MSG0025 ...Can you forgive me, [ST:playername ]?[ST:n ]I promise to cut all ties with Mother.[ST:wait ]
30 qev080404_JNK0030 Forgive
31 qev080404_SEL0031 Show mercy to Lyvia.
32 qev080404_JNK0040 Refuse
33 qev080404_SEL0041 Tell Lyvia that she must pay for her crimes.
34 qev080404_MSG0026 Aw, you are SO nice! Thank you![ST:wait ]
35 qev080404_MSG0027 I'd rather work for someone like you than for Mother[ST:n ]any day![ST:wait ]
36 qev080404_MSG0028 I'll get out of the way here. As for Mother,[ST:n ]you have my permission to do your worst.[ST:wait ]
37 qev080404_MSG0029 Well then I have no choice... I didn't want to unleash[ST:n ]my ultimate technique, but you've forced my hand...[ST:wait ]
38 qev080404_MSG0030 RUN AWAAAAAAAAAAY! ...And I promise never to[ST:n ]do it again so please forgive meeee![ST:wait ]
39 qev080404_MSG0031 ......[ST:wait ]
40 qev080404_MSG0032 Really, it is most kind of you to have come all this way[ST:n ]just to pick me up.[ST:wait ]
41 qev080404_MSG0033 Such a dear friend you are. Now let us hurry back to[ST:n ]our home sweet home of New Los Angeles![ST:wait ]
42 qev080404_JNK0050 Destroy
43 qev080404_SEL0051 Eliminate Fortun.
44 qev080404_JNK0060 Agree
45 qev080404_SEL0061 Do as Fortun asks and return her to New LA.
46 qev080404_MSG0034 Whoa what...n-n-NO! Wait! Wait just a minute![ST:n ]This was all a joke, don't you see? Eee hee? A joke?[ST:wait ]
47 qev080404_MSG0035 Look, I did this for you! Aren't you BORED now that[ST:n ]Luxaar is gone? Mmm?[ST:wait ]
48 qev080404_MSG0036 I just wanted to give you a little bit of excitement![ST:n ]You know—as a special surprise gift?[ST:wait ]
49 qev080404_MSG0037 Wait! N-no, don't—GYAAAAAAARRGH![ST:wait ]
50 qev080404_MSG0038 I share your sentiment, but try to hold it in.[ST:n ]Monster or not, she IS my mother.[ST:wait ]
51 qev080404_MSG0039 Besides, if this mess has proven anything, it's that she[ST:n ]holds no sway over the Definians now. No harm in[ST:n ]letting her live when she can't do anything again.[ST:wait ]
52 qev080404_MSG0040 I am pleased to see that your minuscule intellect can[ST:n ]grasp the wisdom of a peaceful resolution.[ST:wait ]
53 qev080404_MSG0041 Now, off you go! Whisk me back to that cesspool of a[ST:n ]city you call h—[ST:wait ]
54 qev080404_MSG0042 Looks like no amount of attitude adjustment is enough[ST:n ]to save this one.[ST:wait ]
55 qev080404_MSG0043 Really, Mother, this is simply pathetic.[ST:n ]No wonder the other sisters abandoned you.[ST:wait ]
56 qev080404_MSG0044 Y-you impudent whelp! Just whom do think you are[ST:n ]speaking to?![ST:wait ]
57 qev080404_MSG0045 A loudmouthed hunk of metal who is tragically also[ST:n ]my mother.[ST:wait ]
58 qev080404_MSG0046 ...I owe you yet again, [ST:playername ].[ST:n ]I'll take responsibility for disciplining Mother.[ST:wait ]
59 qev080404_MSG0047 We'll see you back in the city. [ST:n ]Drop by in a bit, would you?[ST:wait ]