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1 qev075201_MSG0001 Oh ho! It's the mighty warrior from before![ST:n ]I thought fate might see fit to cross our paths again,[ST:n ]and here we are.[ST:wait ]
2 qev075201_MSG0002 Shall we celebrate this happy accident with a quick[ST:n ]round of sparring?[ST:wait ]
3 qev075201_JNK0010 Accept
4 qev075201_SEL0011 Fall into a combat stance and nod grimly.
5 qev075201_JNK0020 Decline
6 qev075201_SEL0021 Explain to Gi Zang that fighting within[ST:n ]the city limits is frowned upon.
7 qev075201_MSG0003 Ah ha ha! You are truly a wonder, my friend![ST:wait ]
8 qev075201_MSG0004 However, the last time I started fighting in the streets,[ST:n ]I received a severe tongue-lashing from the humans.[ST:n ]Some weak-livered hand-wringing about public safety...[ST:wait ]
9 qev075201_MSG0005 How does Noctilum strike you as a backdrop instead?[ST:wait ]
10 qev075201_MSG0006 Ah, yes. In fact, the other day I received a severe[ST:n ]tongue-lashing from the humans about just this.[ST:n ]Some weak-livered hand-wringing about public safety...[ST:wait ]
11 qev075201_MSG0007 But I do not wish to make trouble for your kind,[ST:n ]so thank you for reminding me.[ST:wait ]
12 qev075201_MSG0008 What say you to Noctilum as a backdrop, then?[ST:wait ]
13 qev075201_MSG0009 It's a perfect spot to apply some of the classic Hundred[ST:n ]Hellions guerrilla-warfare tactics.[ST:wait ]
14 qev075201_MSG0010 This will be a different match than our last,[ST:n ]I assure you. So then? Shall we battle?[ST:wait ]
15 qev075201_MSG0011 I knew you would say that. How amusing...[ST:wait ]
16 qev075201_MSG0012 I've only crossed blades with you once before,[ST:n ]but we already feel like old companions of war.[ST:wait ]
17 qev075201_JNK0030 Agree
18 qev075201_SEL0031 Nod at Gi Zang's assessment.
19 qev075201_JNK0040 Disagree
20 qev075201_SEL0041 Tell Gi Zang that you don't feel any special connection.
21 qev075201_MSG0013 My master always said that if I truly wanted to grow,[ST:n ]I must find a rival who could be both my closest friend[ST:n ]and strongest enemy.[ST:wait ]
22 qev075201_MSG0014 I wager that he had someone like you in mind.[ST:wait ]
23 qev075201_MSG0015 Got your guard up already? Heh. I've never been good[ST:n ]at that kind of mental game. My master always[ST:n ]chastised me for revealing my heart to my foes.[ST:wait ]
24 qev075201_MSG0016 I imagine there is much you could teach me.[ST:wait ]
25 qev075201_MSG0017 I shall go ahead to the entrance of Noctilum.[ST:n ]When you are ready, meet me at the bridge[ST:n ]that is known as the Elephant's Trunk![ST:wait ]
26 qev075201_MSG0018 ...Not bad. I was camouflaged with the forest most[ST:n ]thoroughly, and yet you spotted me.[ST:wait ]
27 qev075201_MSG0019 If sneak attacks are out, there is nothing left but a[ST:n ]head-on showdown.[ST:wait ]
28 qev075201_MSG0020 You find me here as well?[ST:n ]You are a tough one to fool.[ST:wait ]
29 qev075201_MSG0021 You make this fun, though. Let us continue![ST:wait ]
30 qev075201_MSG0022 Enough. You've made it clear that clever tricks won't[ST:n ]get me anywhere with you.[ST:wait ]
31 qev075201_MSG0023 No more guerrilla tactics from this point forward.[ST:n ]Now we fight face-to-face as warriors![ST:wait ]
32 qev075201_MSG0024 I am Gi Zang, last survivor of the Hundred Hellions[ST:n ]and inheritor of my master's sword. I draw it n—OW![ST:n ]...Dammith. I bith my tongth.[ST:wait ]
33 qev075201_JNK0050 Urge
34 qev075201_SEL0051 Tell Gi Zang to try his line again.
35 qev075201_JNK0060 Ignore
36 qev075201_SEL0061 Begin the fight as if nothing happened.
37 qev075201_MSG0025 Y-yeath, thath didn't counth! *ahem*[ST:n ]I am Gi Zangth, lasth thurvivor of the Hundr...[ST:n ]DAMMITH! It'sth all schwollen![ST:wait ]
38 qev075201_MSG0026 One momenth... Bluuuuurrrrrrrgh![ST:n ]...Good grief, that really stings.[ST:wait ]
39 qev075201_MSG0027 My grandfather always said a warrior needs to[ST:n ]introduce himself before fighting a duel, so I've[ST:n ]practiced that line over and over.[ST:wait ]
40 qev075201_MSG0028 But such formal odes have always come hard to me.[ST:n ]Let us just have a good fight, shall we? Here we go![ST:wait ]
41 qev075201_MSG0029 Owwww. Goodness, that really stings...[ST:wait ]
42 qev075201_MSG0030 My grandfather always said a warrior needs to[ST:n ]introduce himself before fighting a duel, so I've[ST:n ]practiced that line over and over.[ST:wait ]
43 qev075201_MSG0031 Many thanks for letting my lack of decorum go.[ST:n ]Let us just have a good fight, shall we? Here we go![ST:wait ]
44 qev075201_MSG0032 Oof... You are stronger than the last time.[ST:wait ]
45 qev075201_MSG0033 If anything, I feel as if there's even MORE distance[ST:n ]between us now. My grandfather would be ashamed,[ST:n ]were he around to see it. I must work harder![ST:wait ]
46 qev075201_JNK0070 Ask about Relations
47 qev075201_SEL0071 Inquire about Zang's grandfather.
48 qev075201_JNK0080 Ask about Strength
49 qev075201_SEL0081 Find out why Zang seeks to become more powerful.
50 qev075201_MSG0034 He fought back a Prone force two hundred deep single-[ST:n ]handed. He was the hero of the Hundred Hellions![ST:wait ]
51 qev075201_MSG0035 I was an orphan of war, but he took me in and raised[ST:n ]me as his own, grooming me to be his successor.[ST:wait ]
52 qev075201_MSG0036 He was a stern and unforgiving man. If ever I begged[ST:n ]off in practice, he would throw me down a waterfall[ST:n ]without batting an eye.[ST:wait ]
53 qev075201_MSG0037 But on days I truly pushed myself to my limits,[ST:n ]he would prepare his famous ytarashroom stew and[ST:n ]regale me with stories of battles past.[ST:wait ]
54 qev075201_MSG0038 Ah, memories... That stew was divine.[ST:wait ]
55 qev075201_MSG0039 A shame I won't get the chance to taste it again.[ST:wait ]
56 qev075201_JNK0090 Inquire[ST:wait ]
57 qev075201_SEL0091 Ask Gi Zang why he can't eat[ST:n ]more of his grandfather's stew.
58 qev075201_JNK0100 Deflect[ST:wait ]
59 qev075201_SEL0101 Change the topic by asking where Gi Zang grew up.
60 qev075201_MSG0040 The rest of the Hundred Hellions have moved on from[ST:n ]this life.[ST:wait ]
61 qev075201_MSG0041 Our strength existed solely to preserve the kingdom.[ST:n ]That was our creed and we held to it, fighting the[ST:n ]Ganglion even after we Wrothians bent the knee.[ST:wait ]
62 qev075201_MSG0042 They burned our forest. Our houses. Our families...[ST:n ]I was the only one who survived.[ST:wait ]
63 qev075201_MSG0043 My grandfather also achieved the honorable end of a[ST:n ]true warrior. With his dying breath, he bade me use[ST:n ]his sword to save the Wrothian people.[ST:wait ]
64 qev075201_MSG0044 I did not have the chance to die with the rest of them,[ST:n ]for Prince Jiarg forbade it. Instead I lived and became[ST:n ]a pawn of the Ganglion.[ST:wait ]
65 qev075201_MSG0045 I will never suffer that humiliation again.[ST:n ]This time I shall avenge my friends, whatever the cost![ST:wait ]
66 qev075201_MSG0046 And for that, I need strength enough to stand unbowed[ST:n ]against anyone. Then I can go on living...for them![ST:wait ]
67 qev075201_MSG0047 So that I might kill every last one of the dastards who[ST:n ]wiped out the Hundred Hellions![ST:wait ]
68 qev075201_MSG0048 Everyone in the hidden village fought back against the[ST:n ]Ganglion to the bitter end. Even after the Wrothians[ST:n ]bent the knee, we fought on.[ST:wait ]
69 qev075201_MSG0049 They burned our forest. Our houses. Our families...[ST:n ]I was the only one who survived.[ST:wait ]
70 qev075201_MSG0050 My grandfather also achieved the honorable end of a[ST:n ]true warrior. With his dying breath, he bade me use[ST:n ]his sword to save the Wrothian people.[ST:wait ]
71 qev075201_MSG0051 I did not have the chance to die with the rest of them,[ST:n ]for Prince Jiarg forbade it. Instead I lived and became[ST:n ]a pawn of the Ganglion.[ST:wait ]
72 qev075201_MSG0052 I will never suffer that humiliation again.[ST:n ]This time I shall avenge my friends, whatever the cost![ST:wait ]
73 qev075201_MSG0053 And for that, I need strength enough to stand unbowed[ST:n ]against anyone. Then I can go on living...for them![ST:wait ]
74 qev075201_MSG0054 Meanwhile, I hope we might spar again sometime.[ST:n ]...Here. This is for going to the trouble of coming all[ST:n ]the way out here.[ST:wait ]
75 qev075201_MSG0055 ...And for listening. It feels good to share some of the[ST:n ]burdens which lie heavy on my heart.[ST:wait ]
76 qev075201_MSG0056 Until we meet again, my friend![ST:wait ]