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1 qev070202_MSG0001 Wup, wup? Heeeey, it's you, kid! You finally got here![ST:wait ]
2 qev070202_MSG0002 Now I can finally say good-bye to roughing it like[ST:n ]some kind of Neanderthal.[ST:wait ]
3 qev070202_MSG0003 I've been living a novel existence since the day I took[ST:n ]off in my Miramobile, let me tell you...[ST:wait ]
4 qev070202_JNK0010 Query
5 qev070202_SEL0011 Ask what Professor B is doing here.
6 qev070202_JNK0020 Praise
7 qev070202_SEL0021 Express admiration for Professor B[ST:n ]surviving in the wild for so long.
8 qev070202_MSG0004 Okay, so I DID cross the &a3*«%z threshold.[ST:n ]That's like 99 percent of time travel.[ST:wait ]
9 qev070202_MSG0005 But after that, I got thrown back into this time period.[ST:n ]Almost as if something was blocking my way.[ST:wait ]
10 qev070202_MSG0006 It's been no picnic, let me tell you—I got thrown here[ST:n ]when my time travel attempt failed.[ST:wait ]
11 qev070202_MSG0007 I've been living off primordial creature meat ever since.[ST:n ]...Blech.[ST:wait ]
12 qev070202_MSG0008 My Miramobile was intact, at least, so I haven't had[ST:n ]to worry about being rained on. Still, it's been quite[ST:n ]a rustic experience.[ST:wait ]
13 qev070202_MSG0009 I'm sure you have many more questions where that one[ST:n ]came from, kid, but would you mind dealing with these[ST:n ]damn idiots that are surrounding us first?[ST:wait ]
14 qev070202_MSG0010 ...What, you didn't notice them, kid? Tsk tsk![ST:n ]It seems pretty clear they followed you here.[ST:wait ]
15 qev070202_MSG0011 They're probably Gadd's goons.[ST:n ]You remember? That human who attacked you?[ST:n ]He seemed awfully eager to pay me a visit.[ST:wait ]
16 qev070202_MSG0012 I'll be reclining in my Miramobile in the meantime.[ST:n ]Let me know when you've mopped them up,[ST:n ]would you? Thanks, kid.[ST:wait ]
17 qev070202_JNK0030 Accept
18 qev070202_SEL0031 Give a confident nod in response.
19 qev070202_JNK0040 Inquire
20 qev070202_SEL0041 Ask why Professor B doesn't help you fight.
21 qev070202_MSG0013 Professional as ever! I'm sure you've got it well in hand.[ST:wait ]
22 qev070202_MSG0014 Sadly, I haven't been able to recharge my trusty[ST:n ]$@?ºº# blaster after all the primordial creature[ST:n ]hunting I've been doing. Sucker's out of juice.[ST:wait ]
23 qev070202_MSG0015 But come on—this is child's play for a pro like you![ST:wait ]
24 qev070202_MSG0016 Just let me know when you're ready to go, kid.[ST:wait ]
25 qev070202_MSG0017 All set?[ST:wait ]
26 qev070202_MSG0018 Not that the likes of Gadd will give you any trouble,[ST:n ]am I right?[ST:wait ]
27 qev070202_JNK0050 Agree
28 qev070202_SEL0051 Assure Professor B that you've got this.
29 qev070202_JNK0060 Wait
30 qev070202_SEL0061 Tell Professor B that you still need a minute.
31 qev070202_MSG0019 Happy hunting, then![ST:wait ]
32 qev070202_MSG0020 ...Hey, Gadd! How long are you planning to play[ST:n ]hide-and-seek, precisely?[ST:wait ]
33 qev070202_MSG0021 You won't get your grubby mitts on my tech by hiding,[ST:n ]you know![ST:wait ]
34 qev070202_MSG0022 ...Tch. You up and disappeared on me, and now I find[ST:n ]you've been camping out here this whole time?[ST:wait ]
35 qev070202_MSG0023 Well, vacation's over, Professor. Now all that's left is[ST:n ]figuring out what happens next.[ST:wait ]
36 qev070202_MSG0024 Tell you what—why don't we let your little guard dog[ST:n ]there decide how this goes down?[ST:wait ]
37 qev070202_MSG0025 Will it be: A) You hand the professor over quietly,[ST:n ]nobody gets hurt, and we live happily ever after?[ST:wait ]
38 qev070202_MSG0026 Or B) You resist like an idiot, I kill you anyway,[ST:n ]then I scrape out the good professor's brains and take[ST:n ]what's inside?[ST:wait ]
39 qev070202_MSG0027 Choice is all yours, pal. I got no complaints,[ST:n ]so long as I get what I'm after.[ST:wait ]
40 qev070202_JNK0070 Surrender
41 qev070202_SEL0071 Tell Gadd that you give up, so long as[ST:n ]he promises not to hurt Professor B.
42 qev070202_JNK0080 Fight
43 qev070202_SEL0081 Tell Gadd that you're going to[ST:n ]finish this once and for all.
44 qev070202_MSG0028 Of all the... How a«p%*8o can you be?![ST:n ]Nobody's THAT gullible![ST:wait ]
45 qev070202_MSG0029 You really think they're the type to keep a promise?[ST:n ]Just get fighting already, kid![ST:wait ]
46 qev070202_MSG0030 And here we were having such a nice conversation.[ST:n ]Looks like I'll have to murder you after all.[ST:wait ]
47 qev070202_MSG0031 If I had a credit for every time I hear that one...[ST:n ]Tragic how none of 'em realize till it's too late.[ST:wait ]
48 qev070202_MSG0032 You can see it in their eyes as they're lying there[ST:n ]bleeding out: \"I shoulda...gone with...choice A...\"[ST:n ]Ah, well. What're you gonna do?[ST:wait ]
49 qev070202_MSG0033 Looks like they're waiting for you to make the first[ST:n ]move, kid.[ST:wait ]
50 qev070202_MSG0034 Make sure you're well prepared, then go put those[ST:n ]punks down.[ST:wait ]
51 qev070202_MSG0035 ...Damn idiots. I can only imagine the scientist that[ST:n ]would use that lot as hired goons.[ST:wait ]
52 qev070202_MSG0036 Even if they did get their hands on my knowledge,[ST:n ]it'd take them centuries to make any sense of it![ST:wait ]
53 qev070202_MSG0037 They can't see an inch past their own blasted noses.[ST:n ]Science is all about keeping your eyes a hundred paces[ST:n ]down the road as you work![ST:wait ]
54 qev070202_MSG0038 The moment they start spending time stealing others'[ST:n ]work instead of doing their own, it's a lost cause. Bah.[ST:wait ]
55 qev070202_JNK0090 Agree
56 qev070202_SEL0091 Concur with Professor B's assessment.
57 qev070202_JNK0100 Disagree
58 qev070202_SEL0101 Argue with Professor B.
59 qev070202_MSG0039 Although...there ARE those in this era working to[ST:n ]author their own new chapter in history.[ST:wait ]
60 qev070202_MSG0040 Veven's one of them, despite all his inexperience.[ST:n ]The future I come from was built in part by such folks.[ST:wait ]
61 qev070202_MSG0041 So I've got to do what I can as well. And to do that,[ST:n ]I need to get back to NLA.[ST:wait ]
62 qev070202_MSG0042 Wup, wup! You've got sympathy even for their kind,[ST:n ]kid?[ST:wait ]
63 qev070202_MSG0043 Well, I'll grant you that peer emulation can be a valid[ST:n ]form of scientific inquiry.[ST:wait ]
64 qev070202_MSG0044 But if you let mimicry become a habit without creating[ST:n ]anything original from it, you're only asking to get[ST:n ]culled at some point.[ST:wait ]
65 qev070202_MSG0045 But that's enough talk out of me. It's time we got the[ST:n ]Miramobile back to New LA so I can practice what I[ST:n ]preach.[ST:wait ]
66 qev070202_MSG0046 Er, but could you possibly gather some blast chard[ST:n ]from around here in Oblivia, kid? We need it to fuel[ST:n ]the Miramobile.[ST:wait ]
67 qev070202_MSG0047 Hmm, the n%%*x*« appeared properly,[ST:n ]and the a••*%$k completely disappeared as well...[ST:wait ]
68 qev070202_MSG0048 At that point, the time leap should basically have[ST:n ]been guaranteed. Sure enough, this planet must be[ST:n ]#*3::u%$j5±...[ST:wait ]
69 qev070202_MSG0049 Hmmm...[ST:wait ]
70 qev070202_MSG0050 Think you can get me that blast chard, kid? I need it to[ST:n ]fuel the Miramobile and get her back to the city.[ST:wait ]
71 qev070202_MSG0051 Can't get on with my work until I've got a proper lab[ST:n ]to work in.[ST:wait ]
72 qev070202_MSG0052 Get your hands on that fuel? Once the tank's full,[ST:n ]I can have my Miramobile back to New LA in no time.[ST:wait ]
73 qev070202_MSG0053 That should be more than enough to get this sucker[ST:n ]back. Next stop, New LA![ST:wait ]
74 qev070202_MSG0054 See you back at the lab, kid! ...Oh, and I've got[ST:n ]another big project I'll need your help with, all right?[ST:wait ]
75 qev070202_JNK0110 Accept
76 qev070202_SEL0111 Smile and tell Professor B to drive safe.
77 qev070202_JNK0120 Inquire
78 qev070202_SEL0121 Ask what this important new research is.
79 qev070202_MSG0055 Ha! Good old [ST:playername ],[ST:n ]as thoughtful as ever.[ST:wait ]
80 qev070202_MSG0056 But I'm folding space-time here, kid.[ST:n ]Traffic jams and fender-benders are for commoners.[ST:wait ]
81 qev070202_MSG0057 I'll be back in New LA on a faster-than-light c&»‹*![ST:wait ]
82 qev070202_MSG0058 Curious as ever, I see. You actually remind me of me.[ST:n ]Have I ever mentioned that, kid?[ST:wait ]
83 qev070202_MSG0059 Well, I'm going to get to the bottom of the mystery[ST:n ]surrounding this planet. This isn't just about getting[ST:n ]back to my time anymore—it is a test![ST:wait ]
84 qev070202_MSG0060 The gods of science have thrown down the gauntlet,[ST:n ]and I'll meet their challenge no matter what.[ST:wait ]
85 qev070202_MSG0061 All right, here we go. Miramobiiiiiiiileeeee...LAUNCH![ST:wait ]