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1 qev070105_MSG0001 Who are you? Another of their assassins?[ST:wait ]
2 qev070105_MSG0002 After what happened to the last guy they sent,[ST:n ]I'm impressed you had the l::#5a»@x* to try me![ST:wait ]
3 qev070105_JNK0010 Correct
4 qev070105_SEL0011 Explain that you are not an assassin.
5 qev070105_JNK0020 Inquire
6 qev070105_SEL0021 Ask what that strange word was.
7 qev070105_MSG0003 Wup, wup? Well, who in the name of Sir Isaac H.[ST:n ]Newton are you then?[ST:wait ]
8 qev070105_MSG0004 I'm not here to give lessons to people trying to kill me.[ST:n ]I'll fry you to a crisp, same as your friend from before![ST:wait ]
9 qev070105_MSG0005 ...Wup, wup? You're...uh...not attacking me.[ST:n ]Why aren't you attacking me?[ST:wait ]
10 qev070105_MSG0006 What? You're a BLADE?[ST:n ]...Yeah, I've heard of 'em.[ST:wait ]
11 qev070105_MSG0007 Hmm. Now that I get a better look at you,[ST:n ]you do look rather a«p%*8o...[ST:wait ]
12 qev070105_MSG0008 Interesting... Yes... And since Veven's practically useless,[ST:n ]maybe this person can help get the y#$k+\\\\••*...[ST:wait ]
13 qev070105_MSG0009 Right then! You there, kid! Pay attention![ST:n ]My name is Professor B°&7k%±l.[ST:wait ]
14 qev070105_MSG0010 If you're looking for work, I've a truly amazing offer[ST:n ]for you.[ST:wait ]
15 qev070105_JNK0030 Query
16 qev070105_SEL0031 Ask the professor what a«p%*8o means.
17 qev070105_JNK0040 Inquire
18 qev070105_SEL0041 Ask the professor what a y#$k+\\\\••* is.
19 qev070105_MSG0011 Huh? You people don't say that? Hmm, how to put it...[ST:wait ]
20 qev070105_MSG0012 In plain English, I'd say it's something like...[ST:n ]well, let's just say \"eager to help.\"[ST:wait ]
21 qev070105_MSG0013 Oh, you heard me talking to myself, did you?[ST:n ]Probably best for us both if you don't know any more.[ST:wait ]
22 qev070105_MSG0014 This language barrier is getting to be a real hassle...[ST:wait ]
23 qev070105_MSG0015 Half the words from the planet I came from aren't even[ST:n ]pronounceable in your language.[ST:wait ]
24 qev070105_MSG0016 I can't even properly introduce myself around here![ST:n ]...Well, there's really nothing for it, I guess.[ST:n ]Just \"Professor B\" will have to do for now.[ST:wait ]
25 qev070105_MSG0017 So then! About this job I have for you.[ST:wait ]
26 qev070105_MSG0018 I need a few things for my current research,[ST:n ]and I'd appreciate if you could secure them.[ST:wait ]
27 qev070105_MSG0019 Should be simple enough for you, hmm?[ST:n ]Especially if I pay you for your trouble?[ST:wait ]
28 qev070105_JNK0050 Ask about Needs
29 qev070105_SEL0051 Inquire as to what Professor B wants.
30 qev070105_JNK0060 Ask about Studies
31 qev070105_SEL0061 Ask Professor B what he is researching.
32 qev070105_MSG0020 Straight to the point, eh? Professionalism. I like it.[ST:wait ]
33 qev070105_MSG0021 First, I'd like you to head west to Waterway Tangle[ST:n ]and collect some tykki sap.[ST:wait ]
34 qev070105_MSG0022 Oh, and this project is highly time-sensitive,[ST:n ]so please do make it fast, all right, kid?[ST:wait ]
35 qev070105_MSG0023 I like a kid with a healthy sense of scientific curiosity.[ST:wait ]
36 qev070105_MSG0024 But keeping this one a secret is good for both our[ST:n ]health, if you catch my drift.[ST:wait ]
37 qev070105_MSG0025 All you need to know is that I need tykki sap.[ST:n ]Head west to Waterway Tangle to find some.[ST:wait ]
38 qev070105_MSG0026 My work is nothing you need to be worried about,[ST:n ]so what do you say? Help me out, kid?[ST:wait ]
39 qev070105_MSG0027 You will?! Great! I KNEW you had a touch of[ST:n ]a«p%*8o about you![ST:wait ]
40 qev070105_MSG0028 I've been shorthanded lately, what with my assistant[ST:n ]Veven wasting his time repairing that silly spaceship.[ST:wait ]
41 qev070105_MSG0029 Anyway, thanks. We're both wanderers through space[ST:n ]stranded on this rock. Gotta help one another out, eh?[ST:wait ]
42 qev070105_MSG0030 The stuff I need is sap from the tykki tree.[ST:n ]You know of Waterway Tangle, west of the city?[ST:n ]You should be able to find the sap there.[ST:wait ]
43 qev070105_MSG0031 You BLADEs specialize in this kind of work, don't you?[ST:n ]So off you go, then! Quick as you like![ST:wait ]
44 qev070105_JNK0070 Accept
45 qev070105_SEL0071 Nod and tell Professor B to leave it to you.
46 qev070105_JNK0080 Inquire
47 qev070105_SEL0081 Ask about Professor B's past.
48 qev070105_MSG0032 Thanks. I need to complete this sucker as soon as I can.[ST:wait ]
49 qev070105_MSG0033 I've grown accustomed enough to life on Mira, but...[ST:n ]Well, there's no place like home, eh?[ST:wait ]
50 qev070105_MSG0034 Sorry, kid, but I don't trust you with that info just yet.[ST:wait ]
51 qev070105_MSG0035 There are just too many people out to get me.[ST:wait ]
52 qev070105_MSG0036 Ah, you're back! Got that tykki sap for me?[ST:wait ]
53 qev070105_MSG0037 Great! Now all I need is a body frame and I can get[ST:n ]this y#$k+\\\\••* up and running.[ST:wait ]
54 qev070105_MSG0038 ...Whuzzat? Somebody named Gadd attacked you[ST:n ]while you were out looking for this?[ST:wait ]
55 qev070105_MSG0039 That's probably my fault.[ST:n ]He's been after my technology for a while now.[ST:wait ]
56 qev070105_MSG0040 He must have realized he was no match for me directly[ST:n ]and decided to pump you for information instead.[ST:wait ]
57 qev070105_JNK0090 Inquire
58 qev070105_SEL0091 Ask Professor B about his technology.
59 qev070105_JNK0100 Worry
60 qev070105_SEL0101 Express concern for Professor B's safety.
61 qev070105_MSG0041 Put it this way, the stuff inside my brain would make a[ST:n ]Ma-non's head explode. They're still banging rocks[ST:n ]together by comparison.[ST:wait ]
62 qev070105_MSG0042 Ha! You think anyone from this time period could take[ST:n ]me? ...Still, that's nice of you. Thanks, kid.[ST:wait ]
63 qev070105_MSG0043 I guess after the trouble I caused, I could make a[ST:n ]special exception and tell you who I am.[ST:wait ]
64 qev070105_MSG0044 Try to hang on to your socks...[ST:wait ]
65 qev070105_MSG0045 I came from the distant terminus of time and space...[ST:n ]I am from the future![ST:wait ]
66 qev070105_MSG0046 Gah ha ha! I might be what you humans will look like[ST:n ]a few hundred million years down the line.[ST:wait ]
67 qev070105_JNK0110 Trust
68 qev070105_SEL0111 Believe Professor B's claim that he came from the future.
69 qev070105_JNK0120 Doubt
70 qev070105_SEL0121 Laugh off Professor B's impossible claim as a joke.
71 qev070105_MSG0047 Truly amazing! You accept my story just like that?[ST:n ]You humans certainly adapt to new situations quickly.[ST:wait ]
72 qev070105_MSG0048 When I first told Veven, the little pill had the gall to[ST:n ]start laughing in my face.[ST:wait ]
73 qev070105_MSG0049 But okay. Great. That makes this quick, I guess.[ST:n ]Thing is, I need to get back to my own time.[ST:wait ]
74 qev070105_MSG0050 And to do that, I need you to find me a car to serve[ST:n ]as the y#$k+\\\\••* frame.[ST:wait ]
75 qev070105_MSG0051 Believe me or don't, that's your call, kid.[ST:n ]Veven laughed even harder than you when I told him.[ST:wait ]
76 qev070105_MSG0052 None of that changes the fact that I need to get back[ST:n ]to my own time as soon as possible.[ST:wait ]
77 qev070105_MSG0053 And to do THAT, I need you to find me a car to serve[ST:n ]as the y#$k+\\\\••* frame.[ST:wait ]
78 qev070105_JNK0130 Inquire
79 qev070105_SEL0131 Ask what, exactly, a y#$k+\\\\••* is.
80 qev070105_JNK0140 Query
81 qev070105_SEL0141 Ask how Professor B hopes to return to his own time.
82 qev070105_MSG0054 Oh, that's right! y#$k+\\\\••* doesn't get across[ST:n ]in English. Hmm, how else to describe it...[ST:wait ]
83 qev070105_MSG0055 It's... Well, it's a device that overcomes the absolute[ST:n ]wall of temporal causality. In layman's terms,[ST:n ]it's a time machine.[ST:wait ]
84 qev070105_MSG0056 I doubt anyone in this time has figured out how to[ST:n ]@a%»±* a y#$k+\\\\••* yet...[ST:wait ]
85 qev070105_MSG0057 But with me on the case, crossing time is no big deal.[ST:wait ]
86 qev070105_MSG0058 I've gotten word that a fellow named Graham is selling[ST:n ]cars at a discount.[ST:wait ]
87 qev070105_MSG0059 Here's some cash, kid. Try to talk him into selling you[ST:n ]the best vehicle for the money.[ST:wait ]
88 qev070105_MSG0060 Good luck. And while you're off doing that,[ST:n ]I'll grab the other part I'll need for this experiment.[ST:wait ]
89 qev070105_MSG0061 I'm leaving the car to you, kid. Graham should be in[ST:n ]the parking lot in the middle of Melville Street.[ST:wait ]
90 qev070105_MSG0062 Once we have that and one other little part,[ST:n ]we can kick off this time-machine test.[ST:wait ]
91 qev070105_MSG0063 Assuming I can ever get in touch with my assistant,[ST:n ]that is! Where in the name of Sir Isaac H. Newton[ST:n ]has Veven gotten off to?[ST:wait ]
92 qev070105_MSG0106 Wup, wup? What in the name of Sir Isaac H. Newton?[ST:n ]The sucker hasn't moved an inch... Why, dammit![ST:wait ]
93 qev070105_MSG0107 I've been alive more than a thousand years,[ST:n ]but this is a first. What could've gone wrong?[ST:wait ]
94 qev070105_MSG0108 Wait a minute—what are you all doing three thousand[ST:n ]years in the future?[ST:wait ]
95 qev070105_MSG0109 Did you perhaps follow me here in in another of the[ST:n ]professor's time machines?[ST:wait ]
96 qev070105_MSG0110 Thank you for for coming, Professor.[ST:n ]Are you folks ready to go explore the future?[ST:wait ]
97 qev070105_JNK0190 Humor
98 qev070105_SEL0191 Play along and invite Veven out to see[ST:n ]the amazing world of tomorrow.
99 qev070105_JNK0200 Explain
100 qev070105_SEL0201 Set Veven straight.
101 qev070105_MSG0111 The total lack of change in scenery after three thousand[ST:n ]years is is rather remarkable, don't you think?[ST:wait ]
102 qev070105_MSG0112 It makes one wonder what happened to civilization in[ST:n ]all those years, doesn't it?[ST:wait ]
103 qev070105_MSG0113 Huh? What's that? I'm sorry, I can't hear you—my ears[ST:n ]are still ringing from traveling in time, you understand?[ST:wait ]
104 qev070105_MSG0114 It's all pretty amazing, don't you think?[ST:n ]Being Mira's first time traveler?[ST:wait ]
105 qev070105_MSG0115 Oh, will you stop talking already?! Clearly, trusting you[ST:n ]to pilot my machine was the biggest mistake ever.[ST:wait ]
106 qev070105_MSG0116 Damn... The numbers were there. It hit the threshold.[ST:n ]If that wasn't enough, then...[ST:wait ]
107 qev070105_MSG0117 Then attempting counter-y#$k+\\\\••* navigation[ST:n ]may be the only option left to us![ST:wait ]
108 qev070105_MSG0118 In theory, that should allow for @a%»±*,[ST:n ]even in a special temporal axis.[ST:wait ]
109 qev070105_MSG0119 Yes, that is surely it. I'm sorry to bother you again, kid,[ST:n ]but could you bring me some of the topaz wine[ST:n ]dropped by the primordial creatures called tectinsulas?[ST:wait ]
110 qev070105_MSG0120 Get me that, and I'll drive my machine through time.[ST:n ]I swear it on every speck of science in my brain![ST:wait ]
111 qev070105_MSG0121 The numbers were well past the why?[ST:wait ]
112 qev070105_MSG0122 I'll drive that sucker to the future, no matter what![ST:n ]I just need that topaz wine from you, kid.[ST:wait ]