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1 qev061001_MSG0049 Well? Did you find Kiliran? *fsssh*[ST:n ]Have you unlocked the disk?[ST:wait ]
2 qev061001_MSG0050 Ah, I see that its contents are visible now.[ST:n ]Thank you so much! *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
3 qev061001_MSG0051 [ST:playername ], I can promise that your[ST:n ]name will go down in Zaruboggan history alongside[ST:n ]the results of this crucial research. *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
4 qev061001_MSG0052 I will start it up immediately.[ST:wait ]
5 qev061001_MSG0053 Oh... Oh! Oh my... This is Golbogga... *fsssh*[ST:n ]I never dreamed to find such a wealth of information[ST:n ]intact.[ST:wait ]
6 qev061001_MSG0054 Wh-what?* fsssh* THIS is the true face of Golbogga?![ST:n ]But then...[ST:wait ]
7 qev061001_MSG0055 *fsssssssssh*[ST:wait ]
8 qev061001_JNK0070 Query[ST:wait ]
9 qev061001_SEL0071 Ask Feloran what he has learned about Golbogga.[ST:wait ]
10 qev061001_JNK0080 Wait[ST:wait ]
11 qev061001_SEL0081 Keep quiet and let Feloran think.[ST:wait ]
12 qev061001_JNK0070 qev061001_JNK0070
13 qev061001_MSG0056 Y-yes. Apologies. *fsssh* It's just...[ST:n ]I'm just a bit shocked, honestly.[ST:wait ]
14 qev061001_MSG0057 But you deserve an explanation. *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
15 qev061001_JNK0080 qev061001_JNK0080
16 qev061001_MSG0058 *fssssssssssssh*[ST:wait ]
17 qev061001_MSG0059 Ah. Apologies. I just... Well, seeing the true face of[ST:n ]Golbogga just came as something of a shock. *fsssh*[ST:n ]It took a moment to process.[ST:wait ]
18 qev061001_MSG0060 But you deserve an explanation. *fsssh*[ST:n ]Just give me a moment to compose myself...[ST:wait ]
19 qev061001_MSG0061 *ahem* Yes. *fsssh* So this disk does, in fact, contain[ST:n ]a record of Golbogga's appearance.[ST:wait ]
20 qev061001_MSG0062 It seems that many Golboggas existed in a previous[ST:n ]civilization. And many types of them, what's more.[ST:wait ]
21 qev061001_MSG0063 *fsssh* But their appearance... Those who birthed my[ST:n ]kind and washed Bedun in voltant were...[ST:wait ]
22 qev061001_MSG0064 They were nothing at all like us. *fsssh*[ST:n ]In fact, they looked like...humans.[ST:wait ]
23 qev061001_MSG0065 At present, I can't even begin to understand what the[ST:n ]implications of that might be. I'll need to spend more[ST:n ]time with the data on this disk first. *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
24 qev061001_MSG0066 Regardless, thank you for all your assistance. *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
25 qev061001_MSG0067 Here is your compensation. *fsssh*[ST:n ]Take it with my compliments.[ST:wait ]
26 qev061001_MSG0068 *fsssh* And if I may, one final question before you go.[ST:wait ]
27 qev061001_MSG0069 Was your Earth blanketed in the same beauteous[ST:n ]impurity as Bedun? *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
28 qev061001_JNK0090 Confirm[ST:wait ]
29 qev061001_SEL0091 Explain that Earth was plagued by pollution.[ST:wait ]
30 qev061001_JNK0100 Deny[ST:wait ]
31 qev061001_SEL0101 Say that Earth was beautiful and pure.[ST:wait ]
32 qev061001_JNK0090 qev061001_JNK0090
33 qev061001_MSG0070 *fsssh* To think that such a paradise once existed![ST:wait ]
34 qev061001_MSG0071 ...Hmm? You seem sad. You should be more proud of[ST:n ]your homeworld. *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
35 qev061001_JNK0100 qev061001_JNK0100
36 qev061001_MSG0072 *fsssh* I see. So you had just begun in your mission to[ST:n ]shroud it in voltant.[ST:wait ]
37 qev061001_MSG0073 Knowing you humans' determination, I am certain it[ST:n ]would not have taken long! *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
38 qev061001_MSG0074 Hmm... Hearing that suggests that similarities exist[ST:n ]between your kind and our gods all the more. *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
39 qev061001_MSG0075 A thirst to dig up everything beneath the soil,[ST:n ]and then lay waste to all above it! *fsssh*[ST:n ]And finally, in the end, to[ST:wait ]
40 qev061001_MSG0076 Perhaps we ought look to humans to refine their ways[ST:n ]until they can become as a second race of Golboggas[ST:n ]to my kind. *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
41 qev061001_MSG0001 *fsssh* We successfully immigrated to New LA thanks[ST:n ]to your help, [ST:playername ].[ST:wait ]
42 qev061001_MSG0002 And I know you have aided many of my kind since.[ST:wait ]
43 qev061001_JNK0010 Confirm
44 qev061001_SEL0011 Nod in agreement.
45 qev061001_JNK0020 Downplay
46 qev061001_SEL0021 Say that you haven't helped the Zaruboggan that much.
47 qev061001_MSG0003 You speak with confidence and sincerity. *fsssh*[ST:n ]No doubt that is why we place trust in you so readily.[ST:wait ]
48 qev061001_MSG0004 You speak with humility and grace. *fsssh*[ST:n ]No doubt that is why we place trust in you so readily.[ST:wait ]
49 qev061001_MSG0005 *fsssh* I truly believe you are the only one to whom we[ST:n ]can entrust this task.[ST:wait ]
50 qev061001_MSG0006 Please help us learn the true face of Golbogga! *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
51 qev061001_JNK0030 Ask about Golbogga
52 qev061001_SEL0031 Press Feloran for more information about Golbogga.
53 qev061001_JNK0040 Ask about Task
54 qev061001_SEL0041 Press Feloran for details about the job.
55 qev061001_MSG0007 Golbogga was a divine being who existed on our[ST:n ]homeworld of Bedun. *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
56 qev061001_MSG0008 We are taught that he bathed the planet in a sea of[ST:n ]voltant before giving birth to our ancestors. *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
57 qev061001_MSG0009 I have been conducting research around the clock to[ST:n ]uncover the nature of this holy entity as he existed[ST:n ]before the Day of Regrowth. *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
58 qev061001_MSG0010 Yet most evidence of Golbogga's civilization was lost.[ST:n ]*fsssh* Dissolved in the sea of voltant.[ST:wait ]
59 qev061001_MSG0011 However, I have just recently learned that someone here[ST:n ]on Mira bears a piece of Golbogga's legacy! *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
60 qev061001_MSG0012 I would like to ask you to go and accept that article[ST:n ]from them. *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
61 qev061001_MSG0013 *fsssh* I would like you to retrieve a piece of[ST:n ]Golbogga's legacy from a certain Zaruboggan.[ST:wait ]
62 qev061001_MSG0014 All of that legacy was said to have been lost on the[ST:n ]Day of Regrowth. *fsssh* Lost in the sea of voltant that[ST:n ]swallowed our homeworld.[ST:wait ]
63 qev061001_MSG0015 I do not expect that they will part with it easily.[ST:n ]*fsssh* But I am confident you will succeed.[ST:wait ]
64 qev061001_MSG0016 What do you say? *fsssh*[ST:n ]Will you accept this task?[ST:wait ]
65 qev061001_MSG0017 *fsssh* Thank you. The article is currently in the hands[ST:n ]of a Zaruboggan named Toluera.[ST:wait ]
66 qev061001_MSG0018 He is a heretic. *fsssh* When we fled the Ganglion,[ST:n ]he refused to accompany the rest of us,[ST:n ]preferring instead to live alone in Cauldros.[ST:wait ]
67 qev061001_MSG0019 I do not know what he will demand in exchange for[ST:n ]the article, but I ask that you secure it by any means[ST:n ]necessary. *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
68 qev061001_MSG0020 That one record of the lost civilization before ours could[ST:n ]become the key to untold discoveries. *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
69 qev061001_MSG0021 It could reveal the secrets of my kind's origin and more.[ST:n ]*fsssh* You must help us to know our roots![ST:wait ]
70 qev061001_MSG0022 Toluera refused to take asylum in New LA with us,[ST:n ]opting instead to live alone in Cauldros. *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
71 qev061001_MSG0023 I never heard why, but he may have good reason.[ST:n ]*fsssh* You should approach him with the utmost care.[ST:wait ]
72 qev061001_MSG0024 *fsssh* Did Toluera cede Golbogga's legacy to you?[ST:wait ]
73 qev061001_MSG0025 ...I see. *fsssh* He asked for a zirtodiamond in return.[ST:wait ]
74 qev061001_MSG0026 While we were being held by the Ganglion, I heard it[ST:n ]mentioned that one was stored in Sylvalum's Hilal[ST:n ]Stronghold. *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
75 qev061001_MSG0027 Though I have doubts that something so rare even on[ST:n ]Bedun could really exist in such a place. *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
76 qev061001_MSG0028 *fsssh* Did Toluera cede Golbogga's legacy to you?[ST:wait ]
77 qev061001_MSG0029 ...Ah! Then this disk contains a record of the lost era[ST:n ]of Golbogga? *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
78 qev061001_JNK0050 Confirm
79 qev061001_SEL0051 Nod in confirmation.
80 qev061001_JNK0060 Inform
81 qev061001_SEL0061 Tell him that Toluera said Golbogga never existed.
82 qev061001_MSG0030 My heart is racing. *fsssh* To think I will finally know[ST:n ]the face of the one who gave us life![ST:wait ]
83 qev061001_MSG0031 Hmm... That reminds me of someone... *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
84 qev061001_MSG0032 Back when we were still on our homeworld of Bedun,[ST:n ]there was a troubled Zaruboggan who claimed that[ST:n ]Golbogga did not exist. *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
85 qev061001_MSG0033 Yes, I am sure of it now. His name was Toluera.[ST:n ]*fsssh* Such a sad individual.[ST:wait ]
86 qev061001_MSG0034 ...But all of that matters not. *fsssh*[ST:n ]Not now that we have Golbogga's legacy.[ST:wait ]
87 qev061001_MSG0035 *fsssh* I will set about investigating its contents now.[ST:n ]The long-concealed truths regarding Golbogga will[ST:n ]soon be brought to light![ST:wait ]
88 qev061001_MSG0036 *fsssssssssh*[ST:wait ]
89 qev061001_MSG0037 Hrmmm. Troubling. The disk is encrypted. *fsssh*[ST:n ]It seems it can't be viewed in this state.[ST:wait ]
90 qev061001_MSG0038 I doubt anyone but Kiliran could manage to get past[ST:n ]something this complex. *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
91 qev061001_MSG0039 I am most truly sorry to heap favor upon favor,[ST:n ]but could I ask you to show this disk to a Zaruboggan[ST:n ]named Kiliran and ask him to unlock it? *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
92 qev061001_MSG0040 He travels Mira performing voltant geological surveys,[ST:n ]so I'm afraid he won't be easily found. *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
93 qev061001_MSG0041 I apologize for the inconvenience, but please. *fsssh*[ST:n ]We're but one final step away from learning the truth[ST:n ]about Golbogga.[ST:wait ]
94 qev061001_MSG0042 *fsssh* I don't know that I've ever seen protection that[ST:n ]thorough before. It was almost as if Golbogga himself[ST:n ]was hiding his nature from us.[ST:wait ]
95 qev061001_MSG0043 Forgive me. That was terribly unscientific. *fsssh*[ST:n ]Please find Kiliran and have him decrypt the disk.[ST:wait ]
96 qev061001_MSG0044 *fsssh* Did Toluera cede Golbogga's legacy to you?[ST:wait ]
97 qev061001_MSG0045 ...What?! You have chosen to side with one who would[ST:n ]deny Golbogga's existence?! *fsssh* *fsssh* *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
98 qev061001_MSG0046 But why? *fsssh* What could drive you to endorse such[ST:n ]blasphemy?[ST:wait ]
99 qev061001_MSG0047 ...You would choose Toluera, then? I don't understand[ST:n ]what you could see in such a deviant unbeliever. *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
100 qev061001_MSG0048 *fsssh* I find your thinking utterly inscrutable.[ST:wait ]