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1 qev060901_MSG0001 Hmm? Oh! You're the human who helped me earlier![ST:n ]You could not have come at a better time. *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
2 qev060901_MSG0002 What, you're together with this jewel thief? Ha![ST:n ]Guess I'll put the BOTH of you behind bars![ST:wait ]
3 qev060901_MSG0003 So...yes. I assume that paints a fairly clear picture of[ST:n ]my present conundrum. *fsssh* This BLADE is treating[ST:n ]me like a criminal for no reason at all.[ST:wait ]
4 qev060901_MSG0004 *fsssh* To a Zaruboggan, jewels are just colorful dirt.[ST:n ]Why would I steal something of no value to me?[ST:wait ]
5 qev060901_JNK0010 Sympathize
6 qev060901_SEL0011 Tell Shiraton that you're sorry[ST:n ]he's being put through all this.
7 qev060901_JNK0020 Doubt
8 qev060901_SEL0021 Ask Shiraton if he really doesn't find jewels beautiful.
9 qev060901_MSG0005 *fsssh* If only all humans were so understanding.[ST:wait ]
10 qev060901_MSG0006 Much as it pains me to drag you into this, do you[ST:n ]think you might help me? You're the only one I can[ST:n ]turn to. *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
11 qev060901_MSG0007 *fsssh* Honestly, I find the glinting and flashing[ST:n ]unsettling. I can't understand why humans delight so[ST:n ]in wearing such things.[ST:wait ]
12 qev060901_MSG0008 I can state with absolute certainty that I have not and[ST:n ]would not steal jewels. *fsssh* So much as it pains me[ST:n ]to ask, do you think you might help me?[ST:wait ]
13 qev060901_MSG0009 You are the only one in this foreign city I can turn to.[ST:n ]*fsssh*[ST:wait ]
14 qev060901_MSG0010 Thank you. *fsssh* First, I would ask that you try talking[ST:n ]to the BLADE officer here.[ST:wait ]
15 qev060901_MSG0013 I was passing through, collecting voltant, when this[ST:n ]woman suddenly assaulted me with accusations. *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
16 qev060901_MSG0014 I swear I have not stolen any jewels. *fsssh*[ST:n ]Please help me to prove my innocence.[ST:wait ]
17 qev060901_MSG0015 *fsssh* That car that left from the east exit seemed to be[ST:n ]in quite the hurry. Suspiciously so, I think.[ST:wait ]
18 qev060901_MSG0055 Factoring for its current velocity, it could be at the[ST:n ]East Janpath Plain by now. *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
19 qev060901_MSG0016 Please find the culprit and prove my innocence. *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
20 qev060901_MSG0019 Well. *fsssh* I expect this resolves the matter?[ST:wait ]
21 qev060901_MSG0020 Thank you so very much for your help. *fsssh*[ST:n ]Please take this for your trouble.[ST:wait ]
22 qev060901_MSG0021 And now, I have a collection route to get back to.[ST:n ]New LA still has mountains of voltant waiting to be[ST:n ]claimed! *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
23 qev060901_MSG0022 Um...[ST:wait ]
24 qev060901_MSG0023 Listen, I'm sorry. It was wrong of me to judge you by[ST:n ]the way you look.[ST:wait ]
25 qev060901_MSG0024 *fsssh* As long as I can get back to work, I am[ST:n ]content. You were simply doing your own job.[ST:wait ]
26 qev060901_MSG0025 If anything, let this mishap ensure you do not make the[ST:n ]same error in the future. Live and learn, yes? *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
27 qev060901_MSG0026 ...Are all his kind that nice? I just treated him like a[ST:n ]total criminal because of his appearance.[ST:wait ]
28 qev060901_MSG0027 Ugh, I'm just so...STUPID![ST:wait ]
29 qev060901_JNK0030 Comfort
30 qev060901_SEL0031 Tell Tracey that mistakes lead to growth.
31 qev060901_JNK0040 Blame
32 qev060901_SEL0041 Tell Tracey to never make baseless accusations again.
33 qev060901_MSG0028 Heh. You're pretty nice too.[ST:wait ]
34 qev060901_MSG0029 Today I learned that a detective's instincts are no[ST:n ]substitute for evidence. It's a lesson I won't forget.[ST:wait ]
35 qev060901_MSG0030 Next time, I'll rely on my woman's instinct all the way![ST:wait ]
36 qev060901_MSG0031 All right! As of this moment, I'm a new woman![ST:n ]Anybody who looks like they're making trouble for my[ST:n ]Zaruboggan friends is getting arrested![ST:wait ]
37 qev060901_MSG0032 You're right. Thanks for being blunt with me.[ST:wait ]
38 qev060901_MSG0033 I've learned something really important here—[ST:n ]a detective's instincts are no substitute for evidence.[ST:wait ]
39 qev060901_MSG0034 Next time, I'll rely on my woman's instinct all the way![ST:wait ]
40 qev060901_MSG0035 All right! As of this moment, I'm a new woman![ST:n ]Anybody who looks like they're making trouble for my[ST:n ]Zaruboggan friends is getting arrested![ST:wait ]
41 qev060901_MSG0017 *fsssh* Since even you have betrayed me, if this doesn't[ST:n ]work, I'll resign myself to whatever fate may come.[ST:wait ]
42 qev060901_MSG0018 But please at least investigate the car that left through[ST:n ]the east gate. *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
43 qev060901_MSG0056 Factoring for its current velocity, it could be at the[ST:n ]East Janpath Plain by now. *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
44 qev060901_MSG0036 Whew... *fsssh* I expect this resolves the matter?[ST:wait ]
45 qev060901_MSG0037 You may have treated me like a common criminal for[ST:n ]a while, but in the end you came to my aid. *fsssh*.[ST:n ]You have my thanks for that.[ST:wait ]
46 qev060901_MSG0038 *fsssh* Here is something for your troubles.[ST:wait ]
47 qev060901_JNK0050 Comfort
48 qev060901_SEL0051 Tell Tracey that mistakes lead to growth.
49 qev060901_JNK0060 Blame
50 qev060901_SEL0061 Tell Tracey to never to make baseless accusations again.
51 qev060901_MSG0046 Heh. I guess we're together in that, huh? We'll have to[ST:n ]make sure we don't go making the same one again.[ST:wait ]
52 qev060901_MSG0047 Today I learned that a detective's instincts are no[ST:n ]substitute for evidence. It's a lesson I won't forget.[ST:wait ]
53 qev060901_MSG0048 Next time, I'll rely on my woman's instinct all the way![ST:wait ]
54 qev060901_MSG0049 All right! As of this moment, I'm a new woman![ST:n ]Anybody who looks like they're making trouble for my[ST:n ]Zaruboggan friends is getting arrested![ST:wait ]
55 qev060901_MSG0050 agreed with me for a while there...[ST:wait ]
56 qev060901_MSG0051 No, yeah, you're right. That's no excuse.[ST:n ]I have to learn from examples good and bad.[ST:wait ]
57 qev060901_MSG0052 Today I learned that a detective's instincts are no[ST:n ]substitute for evidence. It's a lesson I won't forget.[ST:wait ]
58 qev060901_MSG0053 Next time, I'll rely on my woman's instinct all the way![ST:wait ]
59 qev060901_MSG0054 All right! As of this moment, I'm a new woman![ST:n ]Anybody who looks like they're making trouble for my[ST:n ]Zaruboggan friends is getting arrested![ST:wait ]