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1 qev060202_MSG0001 *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
2 qev060202_MSG0002 *fssssssssh*[ST:wait ]
3 qev060202_MSG0003 *fsssssssssssh* ...Zzzzzz...[ST:wait ]
4 qev060202_MSG0004 Zzz...snrk! asleep... Zzz... *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
5 qev060202_JNK0010 Intervene[ST:wait ]
6 qev060202_SEL0011 Wake Phoskeran from his nap in the trailer.[ST:wait ]
7 qev060202_JNK0020 Ignore[ST:wait ]
8 qev060202_SEL0021 Let Phoskeran sleep.[ST:wait ]
9 qev060202_JNK0010 qev060202_JNK0010
10 qev060202_MSG0005 ...Mmm? *fsssh* I have the strangest sensation I was[ST:n ]just telling someone about how I was trying to sleep.[ST:wait ]
11 qev060202_MSG0006 Was that a dream? Is that what dreams are? *fsssh*[ST:n ]That was my first one. How very human of me![ST:wait ]
12 qev060202_JNK0020 qev060202_JNK0020
13 qev060202_MSG0007 Nrk... Still sleeping... *fsssh* Stiiiiill sleeping... Zzz...[ST:wait ]
14 qev060202_MSG0008 And what is it you are doing there? *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
15 qev060202_MSG0009 Vigil forfexes wander this area, so it's not the sort of[ST:n ]place you want to be just...standing around. *fsssh*[ST:n ]There, for instance. Take a look to the left.[ST:wait ]
16 qev060202_MSG0010 Will you be fighting them now? Good luck to you.[ST:n ]I will be cheering you on from inside my car. *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
17 qev060202_MSG0011 Well, that was rather impressive! *fsssh*[ST:n ]I feel wide awake after watching that display.[ST:wait ]
18 qev060202_MSG0012 So, once again, what is it you are doing here? *fsssh*[ST:n ]Just wandering the land beating up indigens in order to[ST:n ]quell your violent urges?[ST:wait ]
19 qev060202_JNK0030 Confirm
20 qev060202_SEL0031 Nod grimly.
21 qev060202_JNK0040 Deny
22 qev060202_SEL0041 Tell Phoskeran that you were sent to help him.
23 qev060202_MSG0013 May the mercy of Golbogga be upon the vigil forfexes[ST:n ]who fell prey to your terrifying bloodlust. *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
24 qev060202_MSG0014 Sooo...what now? *fsssh* May I assume from your[ST:n ]remaining here that I am to be your next victim?[ST:wait ]
25 qev060202_MSG0015 ...No? Horonalderon sent you to assist me?[ST:wait ]
26 qev060202_MSG0016 That was an attempt at the \"deadpan humor\" you[ST:n ]humans are so fond of. *fsssh* Do not, as your kind[ST:n ]says, leave me hanging here.[ST:wait ]
27 qev060202_MSG0017 So...what? Did Horonalderon send you to monitor me?[ST:n ]*fsssh*[ST:wait ]
28 qev060202_MSG0018 Now that I think of it, he DID tell me to report in with[ST:n ]every little detail. *fsssh* But I didn't think that was[ST:n ]really necessary, so I haven't bothered.[ST:wait ]
29 qev060202_MSG0019 ...Hmm? What was I doing here?[ST:n ]Well, I had just acquired some exceptionally potent[ST:n ]voltant, so I was treating myself to a rest. *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
30 qev060202_MSG0020 All right, all right. If you're in such a hurry, I'll set out.[ST:n ]*fsssh* That Horonalderon is such a worrier...[ST:wait ]
31 qev060202_MSG0021 Ah! *fsssh* The one from Primordia![ST:wait ]
32 qev060202_MSG0022 Lately, I have been working to master the concept of[ST:n ]the human \"metaphor.\" Might you have a moment to[ST:n ]chat with me? *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
33 qev060202_JNK0050 Agree
34 qev060202_SEL0051 Stay put and hear Phoskeran out.
35 qev060202_JNK0060 Decline
36 qev060202_SEL0061 Say that you're busy at the moment.
37 qev060202_MSG0023 Wonderful! *fsssh* Horonalderon is running about[ST:n ]in a panic and won't listen to me.[ST:wait ]
38 qev060202_MSG0024 I see. Thank you for sharing that. *fsssh*[ST:n ]...But here is my metaphor anyway.[ST:wait ]
39 qev060202_MSG0025 *fsssh* Let us say that—metaphorically speaking—[ST:n ]a human in a black mask suddenly jumped in front[ST:n ]of the trailer I was driving.[ST:wait ]
40 qev060202_MSG0026 He then metaphorically told me he was planning to use[ST:n ]the voltant we gathered to destroy New LA. *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
41 qev060202_MSG0027 Finally, that clearly volatile human metaphorically drove[ST:n ]off in the trailer, which contains voltant strong enough[ST:n ]to knock you humans out in just one whiff. *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
42 qev060202_MSG0028 Is that bad? *fsssh* ...Metaphorically, of course.[ST:wait ]
43 qev060202_JNK0070 Confirm
44 qev060202_SEL0071 Tell Phoskeran it would be very bad.[ST:n ]...Metaphorically.
45 qev060202_JNK0080 Correct
46 qev060202_SEL0081 Tell Phoskeran that isn't how metaphors work.
47 qev060202_MSG0029 Ah! Excellent. I THOUGHT that might be bad. *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
48 qev060202_MSG0030 Er, but was that a proper metaphor? *fsssh*[ST:n ]Human conversation is so difficult to master.[ST:wait ]
49 qev060202_MSG0031 So explaining what actually happened to me in real life[ST:n ]does not count as metaphor? *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
50 qev060202_MSG0032 I see. Hmm... Human conversation is a tricky thing.[ST:n ]*fsssh* In any case, that concludes my chat.[ST:wait ]
51 qev060202_MSG0033 *fsssh* Yes, so we still need to figure out how to deal[ST:n ]with this stolen voltant problem.[ST:wait ]
52 qev060202_MSG0034 Because if, for example, that voltant were scattered[ST:n ]about the city, many of its residents would die. *fsssh*[ST:n ]And that would be a most tragic scene.[ST:wait ]
53 qev060202_MSG0035 ...YES! That one was TOTALLY metaphor! *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
54 qev060202_JNK0090 Endure
55 qev060202_SEL0091 Summon up your patience and keep listening.
56 qev060202_JNK0100 Ignore
57 qev060202_SEL0101 Stop humoring Phoskeran and[ST:n ]talk to Horonalderon instead.
58 qev060202_MSG0036 Unfortunately, I have no means to resolve the situation.[ST:wait ]
59 qev060202_MSG0037 *fsssh* If this incident represents a problem for you,[ST:n ]perhaps begin by asking around for information?[ST:wait ]
60 qev060202_MSG0038 The BLADE called Piers, for example, is quite close[ST:n ]with us Zaruboggan. *fsssh* If you spoke with him,[ST:n ]perhaps he could shed some light on the situation.[ST:wait ]
61 qev060202_MSG0039 And by light, I actually mean information! Ha HA![ST:n ]I am clearly well on my way to mastering metaphor.[ST:n ]My own genius terrifies me sometimes. *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
62 qev060202_MSG0040 You have my respect, [ST:playername ].[ST:wait ]
63 qev060202_MSG0041 Even among the Zaruboggan, there are few who can[ST:n ]stand to talk with Phoskeran. *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
64 qev060202_MSG0042 Apologies. He is always this way, I am afraid. *fsssh*[ST:n ]I don't blame you in the least for being fed up with it.[ST:wait ]
65 qev060202_MSG0043 But yes, I will gather some people and begin searching[ST:n ]for the culprit. *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
66 qev060202_MSG0044 Oooo! You sound so determined![ST:n ]*fsssh* But if we're gathering people,[ST:n ]why not go see what Piers has to say?[ST:wait ]
67 qev060202_MSG0045 *fsssh* He's probably the BLADE closest to us[ST:n ]Zaruboggan, so maybe he'll have a hint for us.[ST:wait ]
68 qev060202_MSG0046 Though if the stolen voltant were already being spread[ST:n ]around, that sort of inquiry would be trying to put the[ST:n ]bullet back in the gun. Metaphorically speaking. *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
69 qev060202_MSG0047 *fsssssssssssssh*[ST:wait ]
70 qev060202_MSG0048 ...I am sorry. I promise to repay this debt soon. *fsssh*[ST:n ]For now, please help us stop this from happening.[ST:wait ]
71 qev060202_MSG0049 He taught me the most fascinating rhetorical tool.[ST:n ]*fsssh* I cannot wait to get even more metaphorical![ST:wait ]
72 qev060202_MSG0050 *yaaawn* I am suddenly struck with the urge to nap.[ST:n ]*fsssh* To use your human \"simile,\" I am as sleepy as[ST:n ]a cat that feels quite tired.[ST:wait ]
73 qev060202_MSG0051 Horonalderon is still going on about something,[ST:n ]however, so I suppose I will wander off in search of a[ST:n ]quiet spot. *fsssh*[ST:wait ]