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1 qev060102_MSG0001 Blast! Shiraton's running late, and I really need to get[ST:n ]this stuff dealt with soon...[ST:wait ]
2 qev060102_JNK0010 Explain
3 qev060102_SEL0011 Tell Jeffrey that you're here in Shiraton's stead.
4 qev060102_JNK0020 Query
5 qev060102_SEL0021 Ask what exactly Jeffrey is trying to offload.
6 qev060102_MSG0002 Well, there's a whole load of toxic research samples,[ST:n ]as well as...[ST:wait ]
7 qev060102_MSG0003 WAUGH! Wh-who are you?[ST:wait ]
8 qev060102_MSG0004 ...Huh? Shiraton sent you to collect the voltant?[ST:wait ]
9 qev060102_MSG0005 Ah, perfect! The cold storage facility is nearly[ST:n ]overflowing with used test samples and all kinds of[ST:n ]other nasty things.[ST:wait ]
10 qev060102_MSG0006 I'm quite eager to get it all disposed of.[ST:n ]...So here. Take this capsule.[ST:wait ]
11 qev060102_MSG0007 Er, and you're SURE the Zaruboggan can purify all[ST:n ]of this toxic material?[ST:wait ]
12 qev060102_MSG0008 Even the Ma-non can't do that, and they possess all[ST:n ]manner of advanced technology.[ST:wait ]
13 qev060102_JNK0030 Confirm
14 qev060102_SEL0031 Assure Jeffrey that the Zaruboggan will do as promised.
15 qev060102_JNK0040 Evade
16 qev060102_SEL0041 Mumble something about how you're probably sure.
17 qev060102_MSG0009 If so, that's some ability![ST:n ]I'd be curious to watch them at work sometime.[ST:wait ]
18 qev060102_MSG0010 Hmm. Then I should probably go and have a look for[ST:n ]myself before trusting them with any more toxic waste.[ST:wait ]
19 qev060102_MSG0011 I'll finish up a few things here, then pay Shiraton a[ST:n ]visit and see this devoltanizing thing firsthand.[ST:wait ]
20 qev060102_MSG0012 ...You say he's by Rosemoss? Ah, excellent.[ST:n ]I'll go look for him there.[ST:wait ]
21 qev060102_MSG0013 Most of my research involves Miran pathogens and[ST:n ]other highly toxic matter.[ST:wait ]
22 qev060102_MSG0014 I try to use as little as possible, obviously, but once a[ST:n ]run of experiments is done, there's always dangerous[ST:n ]waste left over—or \"voltant,\" as Shiraton calls it.[ST:wait ]
23 qev060102_MSG0015 As it's built up, I've been wracking my brain for a way[ST:n ]to safely dispose of it all.[ST:wait ]
24 qev060102_MSG0016 If they really do have this power, it could be incredibly[ST:n ]useful in my research.[ST:wait ]
25 qev060102_MSG0017 I'll drop by Rosemoss later and ask Shiraton for a[ST:n ]demonstration of this purification trick they do.[ST:wait ]