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1 qev055602_MSG0001 Closer now... Come on... Let me observe you.[ST:wait ]
2 qev055602_MSG0002 There is no cause to be afraid. Come closer...[ST:wait ]
3 qev055602_JNK0010 Warn
4 qev055602_SEL0011 Warn Nen'celeg that she's the[ST:n ]one who should be afraid.
5 qev055602_JNK0020 Order
6 qev055602_SEL0021 Tell Nen'celeg to run away immediately.
7 qev055602_MSG0003 You humans are so strange.[ST:wait ]
8 qev055602_MSG0004 The need for a more thorough study of Mira's ecology[ST:n ]is plain to see.[ST:wait ]
9 qev055602_MSG0005 And the most expedient method of expanding that[ST:n ]knowledge is to go into the field and interact with[ST:n ]various organisms.[ST:wait ]
10 qev055602_MSG0006 You humans are so limited in your behavioral patterns.[ST:n ]Is fight or flight really all that you are capable of?[ST:wait ]
11 qev055602_MSG0007 The need for a more thorough study of Mira's ecology[ST:n ]is plain to see.[ST:wait ]
12 qev055602_MSG0008 And the most expedient method of expanding that[ST:n ]knowledge is to go into the field and interact with[ST:n ]various organisms.[ST:wait ]
13 qev055602_MSG0009 Please do not concern yourself with me any further.[ST:n ]You are interrupting my research.[ST:wait ]
14 qev055602_MSG0010 Feel free to return to the city.[ST:wait ]
15 qev055602_MSG0011 What a fascinating organism! I would dearly like to[ST:n ]procure a blood sample.[ST:wait ]
16 qev055602_MSG0025 But how to extract it? I should have brought a knife of[ST:n ]some sort...[ST:wait ]
17 qev055602_MSG0026 This is...danger? I am in danger of dying?[ST:wait ]
18 qev055602_MSG0027 Well then, what action can I take to avoid death?[ST:wait ]
19 qev055602_MSG0028 are that human. Can you do something to[ST:n ]resolve this situation?[ST:wait ]
20 qev055602_MSG0012 I do not know whether to thank you for saving my life[ST:n ]or criticize your violent actions. Which is appropriate?[ST:wait ]
21 qev055602_JNK0030 Suggest Thanks
22 qev055602_SEL0031 Answer that you would appreciate some gratitude.
23 qev055602_JNK0040 Suggest Criticism
24 qev055602_SEL0041 Say that if Nen'celeg feels like criticizing you,[ST:n ]she is free to do so.
25 qev055602_MSG0013 I cannot approve of a mode of behavior that resorts to[ST:n ]violence before attempting communication.[ST:wait ]
26 qev055602_MSG0014 But had you not assisted me, the likelihood of death for[ST:n ]this body I inhabit was 87 percent.[ST:wait ]
27 qev055602_MSG0015 I believe you are correct in suggesting that thanks are[ST:n ]in order.[ST:wait ]
28 qev055602_MSG0016 Then you acknowledge your failings?[ST:wait ]
29 qev055602_MSG0017 I had thought humans incapable of that sort of self-[ST:n ]criticism, and yet apparently some among you do[ST:n ]possess reason.[ST:wait ]
30 qev055602_MSG0018 Still, had you not assisted me, the likelihood of death[ST:n ]for this body I inhabit was 87 percent, so I suppose[ST:n ]some thanks are in order.[ST:wait ]
31 qev055602_JNK0050 Persuade
32 qev055602_SEL0051 Urge Nen'celeg to go home because[ST:n ]Nan'celeg is worried.
33 qev055602_JNK0060 Propose
34 qev055602_SEL0061 Suggest that Nen'celeg try more[ST:n ]Orphe-appropriate work in the city.
35 qev055602_MSG0019 Nan'celeg is a strange one as well.[ST:wait ]
36 qev055602_MSG0020 Even if my body were destroyed, so long as the Ovah[ST:n ]persists, it is not a true death.[ST:wait ]
37 qev055602_MSG0021 Surely Nan'celeg knows this.[ST:wait ]
38 qev055602_MSG0022 But very well. I will return to New LA as you suggest.[ST:n ]Mostly out of curiosity as to how Nan'celeg responds.[ST:wait ]
39 qev055602_MSG0023 I will concede that remaining here presents a high risk[ST:n ]of damage to my body.[ST:wait ]
40 qev055602_MSG0024 I will head back for now, and consider how best to[ST:n ]study the primordial creatures in the future.[ST:wait ]
41 qev055602_MSG0029 I am back home safe, yet Nan'celeg's behavior is[ST:n ]strange.[ST:wait ]
42 qev055602_MSG0030 Heh. It is rather amusing, actually, and worth seeing[ST:n ]for yourself. Speak with him, if you like.[ST:wait ]