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1 qev051401_MSG0001 You are the BLADE, then?[ST:wait ]
2 qev051401_MSG0002 My name is Zo Zinath, and I hope you might accept a[ST:n ]request.[ST:wait ]
3 qev051401_MSG0003 As you well know, the recent history of my people is[ST:n ]marked by a shameful period of subjugation by the[ST:n ]Ganglion.[ST:wait ]
4 qev051401_MSG0004 We have since found our way to autonomy, true...[ST:wait ]
5 qev051401_MSG0005 But the taint of that experience yet weighs heavy on my[ST:n ]heart.[ST:wait ]
6 qev051401_MSG0006 Ever since claiming independence, I have sought the[ST:n ]chance to vent my anger and avenge the honor of my[ST:n ]people.[ST:wait ]
7 qev051401_MSG0007 I believe that time is now.[ST:wait ]
8 qev051401_MSG0008 I have come into possession of a piece of information[ST:n ]capable of dealing a crippling blow to the Ganglion.[ST:wait ]
9 qev051401_JNK0010 Query
10 qev051401_SEL0011 Ask to hear this information.
11 qev051401_JNK0020 Counsel
12 qev051401_SEL0021 Advise Zo Zinath not to act out of spite.
13 qev051401_MSG0009 May I take your interest as agreement to assist me[ST:n ]in this matter?[ST:wait ]
14 qev051401_MSG0010 ...Excellent. This is further proof that humans are a[ST:n ]noble race, and that a strong sense of pride and honor[ST:n ]connects our people.[ST:wait ]
15 qev051401_MSG0011 It is not spite that spurs me on.[ST:wait ]
16 qev051401_MSG0012 It is simply a Wrothian's commitment to honor—[ST:n ]defended by blood when necessary.[ST:wait ]
17 qev051401_MSG0013 Perhaps my reasoning is difficult for other races to[ST:n ]understand.[ST:wait ]
18 qev051401_MSG0014 But I had thought a human surely would.[ST:wait ]
19 qev051401_MSG0015 So please help me in this endeavor.[ST:wait ]
20 qev051401_MSG0016 A Ganglion stronghold they call Badr Stronghold stands[ST:n ]in the northwest of Sylvalum.[ST:wait ]
21 qev051401_MSG0017 I have learned that they are currently working to[ST:n ]develop a new weapon there.[ST:wait ]
22 qev051401_MSG0018 If we can steal the plans for that weapon,[ST:n ]it would deal a significant blow to their war effort.[ST:wait ]
23 qev051401_MSG0019 I would entrust that mission to you.[ST:wait ]
24 qev051401_MSG0020 This may be a Wrothian's request, but rest assured that[ST:n ]if the Ganglion succeed in building this weapon,[ST:n ]New LA shall suffer as well.[ST:wait ]
25 qev051401_MSG0021 My proposal will benefit both of our peoples.[ST:wait ]
26 qev051401_MSG0022 I hope that this joint effort against our common foe will[ST:n ]serve to further strengthen the bond our peoples share.[ST:wait ]
27 qev051401_MSG0023 The Ganglion have spread their influence across much[ST:n ]of Sylvalum.[ST:wait ]
28 qev051401_MSG0024 This Badr Stronghold where they are conducting[ST:n ]weapons research stands in the northwest portion[ST:n ]of the continent.[ST:wait ]
29 qev051401_MSG0025 Their new weapon is already under development,[ST:n ]but if we can steal the plans, it should allow us to[ST:n ]craft countermeasures.[ST:wait ]
30 qev051401_MSG0026 The sooner you can procure the plans, the better.[ST:n ]Please make haste.[ST:wait ]