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1 qev050603_MSG0001 Enough, human! ...Enough. We admit defeat.[ST:n ]The difference in our abilities is painfully clear.[ST:wait ]
2 qev050603_MSG0002 Now we must live not only with the shame of having[ST:n ]failed to defend our families, but of lacking the might[ST:n ]to avenge them ourselves.[ST:wait ]
3 qev050603_JNK0010 Agree
4 qev050603_SEL0011 Tell the Wrothians that they lack strength.
5 qev050603_JNK0020 Disagree
6 qev050603_SEL0021 Praise the Wrothians for their strength.
7 qev050603_MSG0003 I cannot argue with such a warrior.[ST:n ]There is no doubt much you could teach us.[ST:n ]But alas, the queen jacul was to be—[ST:wait ]
8 qev050603_MSG0004 Yet it was not enough to best you. Rrrgh...[ST:n ]Still, the queen jacul is one foe we must—[ST:wait ]
9 qev050603_MSG0005 Look, Brother! Are those not mortal jaculs,[ST:n ]minions to the queen herself?[ST:wait ]
10 qev050603_MSG0006 What? Since when do they make territory here?![ST:wait ]
11 qev050603_MSG0007 What do we do, my brother? My Skell is too damaged[ST:n ]from the last match to fight them.[ST:wait ]
12 qev050603_MSG0008 ......[ST:wait ]
13 qev050603_MSG0009 It seems I must ask you to show us your strength once[ST:n ]more, [ST:playername ].[ST:wait ]
14 qev050603_MSG0010 Will you join us in slaying the vile beast and avenging[ST:n ]the family she brought low?[ST:wait ]
15 qev050603_JNK0030 Accept
16 qev050603_SEL0031 Tell Da Naguth that he can count on you.
17 qev050603_JNK0040 Dismiss
18 qev050603_SEL0041 Coldly tell Da Naguth that you will do your job.
19 qev050603_MSG0011 Thank you. I am eager for the chance to watch you[ST:n ]fight again.[ST:wait ]
20 qev050603_MSG0012 Perhaps such cold pragmatism is what we lacked.[ST:wait ]
21 qev050603_MSG0013 I am eager for the chance to see you work, then.[ST:n ]Leave none alive.[ST:wait ]
22 qev050603_MSG0014 Most impressive, [ST:playername ].[ST:wait ]
23 qev050603_MSG0015 Let us return to the general.[ST:n ]Then we can formulate our plan for the hunt.[ST:wait ]
24 qev050603_MSG0016 It is a great honor to fight alongside one as strong as[ST:n ]yourself. I apologize for being a fool all this while.[ST:wait ]
25 qev050603_MSG0017 Speak for yourself! Unlike my brothers, human,[ST:n ]I am not so easily won over.[ST:wait ]
26 qev050603_MSG0018 I will not deny that you have great strength...[ST:n ]But it must be us who slay the demon![ST:wait ]
27 qev050603_MSG0019 So know that it will be my hand which delivers the[ST:n ]killing blow, and do not stand in my way![ST:wait ]
28 qev050603_MSG0022 qev050603_MSG0022
29 qev050603_MSG0023 qev050603_MSG0023
30 qev050603_MSG0024 qev050603_MSG0024