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1 qev040701_MSG0001 Worry turn to panic turn to crisis! What next?![ST:wait ]
2 qev040701_MSG0002 Meh-meh-meeeh! Someone! Anyone! HELP![ST:wait ]
3 qev040701_JNK0010 Query
4 qev040701_SEL0011 Ask Nosusu what is wrong.
5 qev040701_JNK0020 Calm
6 qev040701_SEL0021 Have Nosusu take some deep breaths to calm down.
7 qev040701_MSG0003 This is tale of woe for everyone involved.[ST:n ]But mostly for Nosusu![ST:wait ]
8 qev040701_MSG0004 Nosusu finally open store selling traditional handicraft,[ST:n ]but customer traffic is terrible.[ST:wait ]
9 qev040701_MSG0005 At this rate, Nosusu go out of business in no time.[ST:wait ]
10 qev040701_MSG0006 *huff* *heave* *pant* *wheeze* *squawk* *hoooonk*[ST:n ]Thanks, friend! Nosusu feel little bit better.[ST:wait ]
11 qev040701_MSG0007 Better enough to tell total stranger all about problems![ST:wait ]
12 qev040701_MSG0008 Nosusu finally open store selling traditional handicraft,[ST:n ]but customer traffic is terrible.[ST:wait ]
13 qev040701_MSG0009 At this rate, Nosusu go out of business in no time.[ST:wait ]
14 qev040701_MSG0010 Nosusu nowhere near ready to close up shop yet,[ST:n ]but what can Nosusu do?[ST:wait ]
15 qev040701_JNK0090 Explain
16 qev040701_SEL0091 Tell Nosusu that her terrible location is[ST:n ]most likely the cause of her problems.[ST:wait ]
17 qev040701_JNK0100 Query
18 qev040701_SEL0101 Ask Nosusu why she wants to[ST:n ]sell handicrafts in the first place.[ST:wait ]
19 qev040701_MSG0013 Hmm. Friend raises fair point...[ST:wait ]
20 qev040701_MSG0014 But to be truthy, Nosusu really want to open shop in[ST:n ]Dodonga Caravan.[ST:wait ]
21 qev040701_MSG0015 Grampypon of friendpon of cousinpon of grampypon of[ST:n ]grannypon of Nosusu ran shop here when grannypon[ST:n ]was young.[ST:wait ]
22 qev040701_MSG0016 So this place hold deep meaning for Nosusu.[ST:wait ]
23 qev040701_MSG0017 Grampypon of friendpon of cousinpon of grampypon of[ST:n ]grannypon of Nosusu ran shop here when grannypon[ST:n ]was young.[ST:wait ]
24 qev040701_MSG0018 Nosusu grow up on stories of success of shop.[ST:n ]Stories of how everyone was happy.[ST:wait ]
25 qev040701_MSG0019 Grampypon of friendpon of cousinpon of grampypon of[ST:n ]grannypon passed technique of handicraft-making down[ST:n ]to Nosusu.[ST:wait ]
26 qev040701_MSG0020 Spreading those across all of space and time is[ST:n ]lifelong dream of Nosusu![ST:wait ]
27 qev040701_MSG0021 And Nosusu believe all different races on Mira[ST:n ]will love traditional handicrafts of Nopon.[ST:n ]That is why Nosusu try so hard.[ST:wait ]
28 qev040701_MSG0022 But it no use. Dream of Nosusu now lying in tiny,[ST:n ]broken pieces.[ST:wait ]
29 qev040701_MSG0023 At this rate, Nosusu have no choice but to close shop.[ST:wait ]
30 qev040701_MSG0024 Technique for making handicrafts will die out with[ST:n ]Nosusu.[ST:wait ]
31 qev040701_MSG0025 If only Nosusu had some signature product that could[ST:n ]draw in crowd.[ST:wait ]
32 qev040701_MSG0068 Hmm... Actually, friend looks familiar.[ST:n ]Nosusu has definitely met friend before![ST:wait ]
33 qev040701_JNK0030 Explain
34 qev040701_SEL0031 Tell Nosusu that you are Tatsu's friend.
35 qev040701_JNK0040 Dismiss
36 qev040701_SEL0041 Play dumb and say that you have[ST:n ]never seen Nosusu before.
37 qev040701_MSG0027 Oh, right! Human friend knows Tatsu![ST:wait ]
38 qev040701_MSG0028 Hmm... HMMMMM... Hrrrmmrrmrrrmmrrr...[ST:n ]No, Nosusu has definitely seen friend somewhere.[ST:wait ]
39 qev040701_MSG0029 Ah ha! Friend is human friend of Tatsu![ST:wait ]
40 qev040701_MSG0030 Human. Huuuuuman... AH! That perfect![ST:wait ]
41 qev040701_MSG0031 Friend must understand that handicrafts of Nopon are[ST:n ]terribly unpopular with humans.[ST:wait ]
42 qev040701_MSG0032 But humans friends could all wear Nopon hats![ST:n ]That is simply amazing idea![ST:wait ]
43 qev040701_MSG0033 With right materials, Nosusu can design hat that all[ST:n ]humans will love![ST:wait ]
44 qev040701_MSG0034 Please help Nosusu with this dream![ST:wait ]
45 qev040701_JNK0050 Engage
46 qev040701_SEL0051 Ask Nosusu what sort of hat she aims to make.
47 qev040701_JNK0060 Query
48 qev040701_SEL0061 Ask Nosusu what materials she needs.
49 qev040701_MSG0035 Hat made from six noctilucent dragonflies,[ST:n ]some harnenga cotton, and two lava mangoes.[ST:wait ]
50 qev040701_MSG0037 Nosusu needs six noctilucent dragonflies,[ST:n ]some harnenga cotton, and two lava mangoes[ST:n ]in order to make fabulous cap.[ST:wait ]
51 qev040701_MSG0038 Can Nosusu count on friend?[ST:wait ]
52 qev040701_MSG0039 Friend is very kind for agreeing to help![ST:n ]Nosusu is eagerly awaiting materials.[ST:wait ]
53 qev040701_MSG0040 Nosusu need noctilucent dragonflies, harnenga cotton,[ST:n ]and lava mangoes.[ST:wait ]
54 qev040701_MSG0041 And Nosusu hate to rush, but if friend not hurry,[ST:n ]there may be no shop left to sell hats.[ST:wait ]
55 qev040701_MSG0073 Sales still terrible. If Nosusu not find must-have product[ST:n ]soon, shop of Nosusu will be history.[ST:wait ]
56 qev040701_MSG0074 Any luck with materials for Nopon hat, friend?[ST:wait ]
57 qev040701_MSG0042 That all of them! Now Nosusu just need two vibrant[ST:n ]plumes or two fluffy tufts.[ST:wait ]
58 qev040701_JNK0070 Balk
59 qev040701_SEL0071 Express shock that Nosusu still needs more materials.
60 qev040701_JNK0080 Shrug
61 qev040701_SEL0081 Begrudgingly tell Nosusu that you[ST:n ]will see this through to the end.
62 qev040701_MSG0043 Nosusu sorry! But what friend brought so far is just[ST:n ]raw materials.[ST:wait ]
63 qev040701_MSG0044 Without vibrant plumes or fluffy tufts, hat will be[ST:n ]fashion abomination.[ST:wait ]
64 qev040701_MSG0045 Please do Nosusu one last favor.[ST:n ]Fate of entire shop hangs in balance![ST:wait ]
65 qev040701_MSG0046 Nosusu appreciate impressive patience of friend.[ST:n ]But what friend brought so far is just raw materials.[ST:wait ]
66 qev040701_MSG0047 Without vibrant plumes or fluffy tufts, hat will be[ST:n ]fashion abomination.[ST:wait ]
67 qev040701_MSG0048 Please do Nosusu one last favor.[ST:n ]Fate of entire shop hangs in balance![ST:wait ]
68 qev040701_MSG0049 Oh-ho-ho-hoooo! Now Nosusu explain how the[ST:n ]hat-making works.[ST:wait ]
69 qev040701_MSG0050 With vibrant plumes, Nosusu can make a bright red[ST:n ]hat. So stylish! So now![ST:wait ]
70 qev040701_MSG0051 But if Nosusu use fluffy tufts, hat will come out tiny.[ST:n ]So cute! So adorable![ST:wait ]
71 qev040701_MSG0052 Nosusu ask that friend pick whichever one will be more[ST:n ]popular with humans.[ST:wait ]
72 qev040701_MSG0053 Nosusu put total faith in judgment of friend.[ST:wait ]
73 qev040701_MSG0054 Nosusu need either two vibrant plumes or[ST:n ]two fluffy tufts. One or the other.[ST:wait ]
74 qev040701_MSG0075 Ah, friend is back! Happy day![ST:wait ]
75 qev040701_MSG0055 Did friend find vibrant plumes or fluffy tufts?[ST:wait ]
76 qev040701_MSG0056 Yay! Nosusu will use these to make snazzy red hat![ST:wait ]
77 qev040701_MSG0057 Nosusu hope to keep expanding inventory until shop[ST:n ]is in the black.[ST:wait ]
78 qev040701_MSG0058 Grampypon of friendpon of cousinpon of grampypon[ST:n ]of grannypon is surely happy for Nosusu from great[ST:n ]beyond.[ST:wait ]
79 qev040701_MSG0059 Humans sometimes wear hats that look similar to this.[ST:wait ]
80 qev040701_MSG0060 Nosusu know all about it. They call it...Santa hat![ST:wait ]
81 qev040701_MSG0061 Now Nosusu start huge sales campaign around new[ST:n ]Nopon Santa hats.[ST:wait ]
82 qev040701_MSG0062 Yay! Nosusu will use these to make cute little cap.[ST:wait ]
83 qev040701_MSG0063 Nosusu hope to keep expanding inventory until shop[ST:n ]is in the black.[ST:wait ]
84 qev040701_MSG0064 Grampypon of friendpon of cousinpon of grampypon[ST:n ]of grannypon is surely happy for Nosusu from great[ST:n ]beyond.[ST:wait ]
85 qev040701_MSG0065 Humans sometimes wear hats that look similar to this.[ST:wait ]
86 qev040701_MSG0066 Nosusu know all about it. They call it...[ST:n ]pom-pom beanie![ST:wait ]
87 qev040701_MSG0067 Now Nosusu start huge sales campaign around new[ST:n ]Nopon-made pom-pom beanies![ST:wait ]