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1 qev025804_MSG0001 Your miracle water is a scam, isn't it? It's nothing but[ST:n ]an antitoxin used to neutralize a very specific poison,[ST:n ]correct?[ST:wait ]
2 qev025804_MSG0002 Wake up, my friends! This Bringer of Miracles doesn't[ST:n ]exist, does it?![ST:wait ]
3 qev025804_MSG0003 How sad that your lack of faith leads you to invent lies[ST:n ]that tear down others. I'm sure you have no proof for[ST:n ]these absurd claims.[ST:wait ]
4 qev025804_MSG0004 Proof? And what about you then? What proof do you[ST:n ]have that this this this invisible god of yours even[ST:n ]EXISTS, right?[ST:wait ]
5 qev025804_MSG0005 Why, his presence is manifest in the Ma-non healed by[ST:n ]his miracle water! What further proof do you require?[ST:wait ]
6 qev025804_MSG0006 Isn't that correct, everyone? Are you not all firm in[ST:n ]your belief of the Bringer of Miracles?[ST:wait ]
7 qev025804_MSG0007 Er, you couldn't do anything for me when I went to see[ST:n ]you, Doctor, no? But her god cured me![ST:wait ]
8 qev025804_MSG0008 The Bringer of Miracles succeeded where Ma-non[ST:n ]science failed, okay? Fraisie is a savior, here to heal[ST:n ]all sick Ma-non with her god's miraculous power![ST:wait ]
9 qev025804_MSG0009 But it's not rational, is it?[ST:wait ]
10 qev025804_MSG0010 You have your answer, Doctor.[ST:wait ]
11 qev025804_MSG0011 The Ma-non need the Bringer of Miracles, not a sad[ST:n ]man of \"science\" who refuses to see the truth in front[ST:n ]of his face. Now leave this place immediately.[ST:wait ]
12 qev025804_MSG0040 Malyteth, escort our guests out.[ST:wait ]
13 qev025804_JNK0010 Explain
14 qev025804_SEL0011 Tell Fraisie that Malyteth won't be coming back.
15 qev025804_JNK0020 Display
16 qev025804_SEL0021 Show Fraisie the bottle Malyteth was carrying.
17 qev025804_MSG0012 What? She felt cornered and...drank the elixir?[ST:n ]And she died?[ST:wait ]
18 qev025804_MSG0013 No! I never would have given her that if I knew she...[ST:wait ]
19 qev025804_MSG0014 I gave that bottle to Malyteth! Why do you...[ST:wait ]
20 qev025804_MSG0015 What perfect timing! I became a little impatient and[ST:n ]and and started the confrontation without you, you see?[ST:wait ]
21 qev025804_MSG0016 Let me see that bottle, all right?[ST:n ]I'll end this farce here and now.[ST:wait ]
22 qev025804_MSG0017 Fraisie, you yourself confirmed that this was in[ST:n ]Malyteth's possession, didn't you?[ST:wait ]
23 qev025804_MSG0018 Now look, everyone! See what happens when someone[ST:n ]drinks this, okay?![ST:wait ]
24 qev025804_MSG0019 Hrrngh...! This is is is poison...extracted from assassin[ST:n ]springtails and affect only Ma-non,[ST:n ]isn't it?[ST:wait ]
25 qev025804_MSG0020 You were planning to dump this in Biahno Lake, then[ST:n ]claim it was a disease affecting the Ma-non who drink[ST:n ]that water and fall ill, weren't you?[ST:wait ]
26 qev025804_MSG0021 Then, when they they...nnrgh![ST:n ]When they drink your miracle cure...[ST:wait ]
27 qev025804_MSG0022 Ahh... Their symptoms vanish immediately, don't they?[ST:n ]A miracle indeed, no?[ST:wait ]
28 qev025804_MSG0023 Wait wait wait! Is that really...? That's fraud, right?![ST:wait ]
29 qev025804_MSG0024 Fraisie, is what the doctor says true?[ST:wait ]
30 qev025804_MSG0025 Of course not! Whatever drug that doctor has,[ST:n ]he obviously cooked it up to undermine our beliefs![ST:wait ]
31 qev025804_JNK0030 Testify
32 qev025804_SEL0031 Say that Fraisie's fingerprints should be on the bottle.
33 qev025804_JNK0040 Surmise
34 qev025804_SEL0041 Suggest they investigate the church for similar bottles.
35 qev025804_MSG0026 Rgh... You lie...[ST:wait ]
36 qev025804_MSG0027 I'll have it checked out immediately.[ST:n ]Then we'll have our answers, won't we?[ST:wait ]
37 qev025804_MSG0028 Rgh... You aren't going to find anything![ST:wait ]
38 qev025804_MSG0029 Let's go go take a look right away.[ST:n ]Then we'll have our answers, won't we?[ST:wait ]
39 qev025804_MSG0030 Damn you, Malyteth! You had one job! ONE job![ST:n ]And you couldn't even do THAT right![ST:wait ]
40 qev025804_MSG0031 RAAAAAAGH! Bringer of Miracles, render these fools[ST:n ]to ash with your burning light![ST:wait ]
41 qev025804_MSG0032 You stand in defiance of our righteous and vengeful[ST:n ]god... Now you and your sins will be purged from this[ST:n ]world for all time![ST:wait ]
42 qev025804_MSG0033 Phew... I'm glad that whole mess is over with, right?[ST:n ]And I couldn't have done it without you, could I?[ST:n ]Here. Please take this, along with my thanks.[ST:wait ]
43 qev025804_MSG0034 This whole debacle just further proves to me that belief[ST:n ]in invisible, untestable things is is is madness, isn't it?[ST:wait ]
44 qev025804_MSG0035 Ma-non have come this far without any gods,[ST:n ]haven't we? I'd say that's to to to our credit.[ST:wait ]
45 qev025804_MSG0036 As a physician, I think it's my job to protect my[ST:n ]people from this sort of dangerous illusion in the[ST:n ]future, isn't it?[ST:wait ]
46 qev025804_JNK0050 Agree
47 qev025804_SEL0051 Support Staccata's anti-religious fervor.
48 qev025804_JNK0060 Disagree
49 qev025804_SEL0061 Explain that not every belief is a scam.
50 qev025804_MSG0037 I'm glad you agree. Let's both of us work to keep[ST:n ]New LA and its people on the path of reason, okay?[ST:wait ]
51 qev025804_MSG0038 So you believe some supernatural being is out there[ST:n ]somewhere just...watching us? I'm afraid I just can't[ST:n ]understand this, you know?[ST:wait ]
52 qev025804_MSG0039 But I respect your opinion, okay? So perhaps I'll[ST:n ]explore the matter further before I reach any final[ST:n ]conclusions.[ST:wait ]