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1 qev025601_MSG0001 Pardon me, but I'm gathering data at the moment,[ST:n ]you see?[ST:wait ]
2 qev025601_MSG0002 Hrmmm... This emotional response is \"anger,\" is it?[ST:n ]A fine sample too. Now commencing an experimental[ST:n ]test to neutralize said response, okay?[ST:wait ]
3 qev025601_MSG0003 You are advised that sustained periods of heightened[ST:n ]blood pressure yield negative health effects, all right?[ST:n ]Probably best to to discontinue your excitation at once?[ST:wait ]
4 qev025601_MSG0004 What the hell are you rambling on about, man?[ST:n ]You don't know how I feel! Something REALLY[ST:n ]important to me just got all messed up![ST:wait ]
5 qev025601_MSG0005 And it's not like I'm TRYING to be mad here![ST:n ]...Seriously, are you trying to pick a fight with me?[ST:wait ]
6 qev025601_MSG0006 Oh, I would never choose to fight someone, would I?[ST:n ]Fighting is is is a most unprofitable action, isn't it?[ST:wait ]
7 qev025601_MSG0007 Urgh, I can NOT deal with a socially illiterate Ma-non[ST:n ]right now. Please, just...go away.[ST:wait ]
8 qev025601_MSG0008 ...Goodness. I was rebuked, yes? Yes. And and and[ST:n ]accused of being unable to read in a public setting,[ST:n ]which is most clearly untrue, is it not?[ST:wait ]
9 qev025601_MSG0009 ...Er, you there. Can I ask a third-party opinion,[ST:n ]perhaps? Did I make a mistake in the preceding[ST:n ]conversation?[ST:wait ]
10 qev025601_JNK0010 Confirm
11 qev025601_SEL0011 Explain to Chiopitus how he[ST:n ]rubbed the man the wrong way.
12 qev025601_JNK0020 Deny
13 qev025601_SEL0021 Smile and tell Chiopitus that he was perfectly fine.
14 qev025601_MSG0010 ...Hmm. It appears you are as inscrutable as the rest of[ST:n ]your species, aren't you now?[ST:wait ]
15 qev025601_MSG0011 Hmm. Did you know that you are the very first human[ST:n ]to ever say something like that to me?[ST:wait ]
16 qev025601_MSG0012 It is quite likely that a fundamental part of you as a[ST:n ]human is broken, perhaps? Still, many thanks.[ST:n ]Many many thanks.[ST:wait ]
17 qev025601_MSG0013 I have attempted conversations with many many[ST:n ]different humans, but all of them have offered reactions[ST:n ]similar to his, haven't they?[ST:wait ]
18 qev025601_MSG0014 So instead, I shifted to quantitative analysis, using[ST:n ]readings taken from this Emotion-O-Meter of my own[ST:n ]invention, you see?[ST:wait ]
19 qev025601_MSG0015 Yet affecting the subject's emotional state in the desired[ST:n ]manner still still still eludes me, and I've made little[ST:n ]progress toward understanding it, you know?[ST:wait ]
20 qev025601_MSG0016 Might I ask your assistance in my research, for the sake[ST:n ]of Ma-non-human relations? Er, perhaps? Okay?[ST:wait ]
21 qev025601_MSG0017 First, I would ask for a demonstration in returning the[ST:n ]prior subject's emotional state from angry to calm.[ST:wait ]
22 qev025601_MSG0018 Analyzing the numbers on that process should provide[ST:n ]me a clear window into human anger, you see?[ST:wait ]
23 qev025601_MSG0023 A sustained increase in blood pressure due to anger is[ST:n ]deleterious to the health, isn't it?[ST:wait ]
24 qev025601_MSG0024 Why, then, does the subject persist in his elevated[ST:n ]state of excitation? Intentional self-harm?[ST:n ]Masochism, perhaps?[ST:wait ]
25 qev025601_MSG0025 Please assist me in solving this mystery by calming the[ST:n ]subject's emotional state, okay?[ST:wait ]
26 qev025601_MSG0026 This is my next test subject.[ST:n ]She appears to be in a state of \"sorrow,\" doesn't she?[ST:wait ]
27 qev025601_MSG0027 ...Er, pardon me, but but may I ask what sequence of[ST:n ]events is responsible for your sorrow?[ST:wait ]
28 qev025601_MSG0028 What? How did you know I...?[ST:wait ]
29 qev025601_MSG0029 My newly invented Emotion-O-Meter can detect your[ST:n ]emotional state at a mere glance, you see?[ST:wait ]
30 qev025601_MSG0030 Depressed brain-wave activity, low body temperature...[ST:n ]These are all symptoms of sorrow, are they not?[ST:n ]Your case is quite conclusive, isn't it?[ST:wait ]
31 qev025601_MSG0032 Ah, and now your eyes are secreting alkaline fluid,[ST:n ]aren't they? I've heard about such human \"tears.\"[ST:wait ]
32 qev025601_MSG0033 A BLADE regular of mine... He died fighting out there.[ST:n ]His name was Bobby.[ST:wait ]
33 qev025601_MSG0034 *sniff* He'd always sit there at the counter and order[ST:n ]a burger. Guy never got tired of 'em. And then he'd[ST:n ]tell me some terrible joke while he ate...[ST:wait ]
34 qev025601_MSG0035 He may have been a dope and a slob, but he was like[ST:n ]a son to me.[ST:wait ]
35 qev025601_MSG0036 Ah! Her sorrow numbers are escalating rapidly,[ST:n ]aren't they? This is fantastic data![ST:wait ]
36 qev025601_JNK0030 Step In
37 qev025601_SEL0031 Tell Chiopitus to be more considerate.
38 qev025601_JNK0040 Observe
39 qev025601_SEL0041 Allow Chiopitus to continue.
40 qev025601_MSG0037 Considerate? That word seems to bear a highly[ST:n ]complex and situational nuance, does it not?[ST:wait ]
41 qev025601_MSG0038 It's frankly inscrutable. So maybe I should leave this[ST:n ]situation to your discretion?[ST:wait ]
42 qev025601_MSG0039 Er, so what are you here for, anyway?[ST:wait ]
43 qev025601_MSG0040 ...You came to cheer me up?[ST:wait ]
44 qev025601_MSG0041 That's...that's awfully sweet of you. *sniff* I mean,[ST:n ]nothing anyone does can bring Bobby back, but...[ST:wait ]
45 qev025601_MSG0042 ...Ms. Pauline, what must occur for your sorrow values[ST:n ]to revert back to calm levels?[ST:wait ]
46 qev025601_MSG0043 *sniff* I haven't understood a single word out of your[ST:n ]mouth since you got here. Are you trying to cheer[ST:n ]me up?[ST:wait ]
47 qev025601_MSG0044 If \"cheering up\" means reducing your sorrow values,[ST:n ]then that is precisely my intent, isn't it?[ST:wait ]
48 qev025601_MSG0045 Now kindly explain the mechanisms for decreasing[ST:n ]these numbers, yes? Yes. Explain.[ST:wait ]
49 qev025601_MSG0046 I just wish I had something to remember him by is all.[ST:n ]Like the wristwatch he always wore, or...[ST:wait ]
50 qev025601_MSG0047 Anyway, if I had a little memento, I'd feel like he was[ST:n ]always close to me somehow.[ST:wait ]
51 qev025601_MSG0048 Ah. This must relate to your human occult beliefs.[ST:n ]Though keeping a dead person close to to to oneself[ST:n ]sounds terrifying, doesn't it?[ST:wait ]
52 qev025601_MSG0049 But very well—I ask that you retrieve this wristwatch as[ST:n ]soon as possible, okay?[ST:wait ]
53 qev025601_MSG0050 W-wait. You're going to go track it down for me[ST:n ]just like that?[ST:wait ]
54 qev025601_MSG0051 ...I still do not understand you people at all,[ST:n ]but I guess you seem like nice folks.[ST:wait ]
55 qev025601_MSG0052 Please locate that wristwatch in order to reduce the[ST:n ]subject's sorrow values, okay?[ST:wait ]
56 qev025601_MSG0053 This is my next subject. Her heart rate is accelerated,[ST:n ]and her body temperature significantly above normal.[ST:n ]She's clearly disturbed, no?[ST:wait ]
57 qev025601_MSG0054 Yet the cause appears to be emotional rather than[ST:n ]physical, doesn't it? As such, I have no idea how to[ST:n ]categorize her affliction.[ST:wait ]
58 qev025601_MSG0055 Perhaps observation will yield some clue? Maybe?[ST:wait ]
59 qev025601_MSG0056 Christopher... Why do you keep ignoring my feelings?[ST:wait ]
60 qev025601_MSG0057 I keep telling you how I feel, but you refuse to respond.[ST:n ]I thought you were just playing cool or that it was just[ST:n ]part of your deal, but...[ST:wait ]
61 qev025601_MSG0058 I need to make you understand.[ST:wait ]
62 qev025601_MSG0059 Hmm... This is neither anger nor sorrow, is it?[ST:n ]It appears, in fact, to be a muddled mess of many[ST:n ]things, no?[ST:wait ]
63 qev025601_MSG0060 Maybe you have some insight into her emotional state?[ST:wait ]
64 qev025601_JNK0050 Confirm
65 qev025601_SEL0051 Explain to Chiopitus that it's called \"love.\"
66 qev025601_JNK0060 Deny
67 qev025601_SEL0061 Shake your head and shrug.
68 qev025601_MSG0061 \"Love,\" you say? Another extremely complex term,[ST:n ]is it not?[ST:wait ]
69 qev025601_MSG0062 And yet this human love causes the chest to ache.[ST:n ]Therefore it must be pathological?[ST:wait ]
70 qev025601_MSG0063 Are you certain she does not require medical attention?[ST:n ]Perhaps we we we had best ask her directly, yes?[ST:wait ]
71 qev025601_MSG0064 Ah! So even you are baffled, yes? She must be[ST:n ]suffering from an exceptionally rare condition![ST:wait ]
72 qev025601_MSG0065 Christopher, you beautiful idiot... I love you![ST:n ]Don't throw my love away![ST:wait ]
73 qev025601_MSG0066 Unprovoked screaming...? Hyperventilation...?[ST:n ]Woebegone moaning...?[ST:wait ]
74 qev025601_MSG0067 Is this \"love\" some sort of mental disease?[ST:n ]Perhaps we had best ask the subject directly.[ST:wait ]
75 qev025601_MSG0068 ...Er, you there. Are you presently in a state of love?[ST:n ]Please give me a concrete, detailed explanation if at[ST:n ]all possible, okay?[ST:wait ]
76 qev025601_MSG0069 Augh! Were you eavesdropping, you little creep?[ST:n ]You better back off before I wreck you![ST:wait ]
77 qev025601_MSG0070 First observation: Love is extremely violent, yes?[ST:wait ]
78 qev025601_MSG0071 Violent? N-no! I'm a sweet, cute, funny girl who is[ST:n ]EXACTLY Christopher's type![ST:wait ]
79 qev025601_MSG0072 I've said good-bye to the old tomboy for good,[ST:n ]and I won't let some shorty xeno get my goat.[ST:wait ]
80 qev025601_MSG0073 Your pulse has been fast and your cheeks red[ST:n ]throughout my observation, right? What do you[ST:n ]require to to to end this abnormal state?[ST:wait ]
81 qev025601_MSG0074 I would dearly like to witness the moment your love is[ST:n ]cured for good, you see?[ST:wait ]
82 qev025601_MSG0075 Cured...? Um, I don't really know. But I suppose I'd[ST:n ]calm down if he'd just respond to my feelings.[ST:wait ]
83 qev025601_MSG0076 Until then, this knot in my gut probably isn't going[ST:n ]anywhere...[ST:wait ]
84 qev025601_MSG0077 ...Feelings? Hmm. Neither electronic mail nor courier[ST:n ]services will accept such feelings, will they?[ST:n ]They're far too vague. We need an alternative.[ST:wait ]
85 qev025601_JNK0070 Suggest
86 qev025601_SEL0071 Ask Dana if she's considered writing a love letter.
87 qev025601_JNK0080 Deny
88 qev025601_SEL0081 Claim you're all out of ideas.
89 qev025601_MSG0078 Hey, yeah! He's the sort of weirdo who'd probably go[ST:n ]in for that roundabout kind of thing.[ST:wait ]
90 qev025601_MSG0079 And you guys can pick out the perfect present to give[ST:n ]him while I write it![ST:wait ]
91 qev025601_MSG0080 Then I'll slip it into my letter and seal the deal![ST:n ]Heh heh heh...[ST:wait ]
92 qev025601_MSG0081 I see you find love as vexing as I do, maybe?[ST:n ]It certainly seems to be the most bothersome emotion[ST:n ]I've yet encountered.[ST:wait ]
93 qev025601_MSG0082 Hey, I have an idea! Why don't you guys help me pick[ST:n ]out the perfect gift for him?[ST:wait ]
94 qev025601_MSG0083 Then I'll write him a love letter, put the present inside,[ST:n ]and BAM! He's all mine.[ST:wait ]
95 qev025601_MSG0084 Now as for the present, I think a pair of red thallus[ST:n ]antennae like the ones the thalluses over at Big Arch[ST:n ]drop would be his style.[ST:wait ]
96 qev025601_MSG0085 They'd look pretty sharp as a necklace, don't you think?[ST:n ]All feral and manly![ST:wait ]
97 qev025601_MSG0086 Then again Christopher's kind of a gearhead, so he'd[ST:n ]also probably like a couple of elemental clusters.[ST:wait ]
98 qev025601_MSG0087 Aaaargh, I can't choose! I'll just have to see them both[ST:n ]and then make a decision. So bring me both of them![ST:wait ]
99 qev025601_MSG0088 Given sufficient data, I should be able to decipher this[ST:n ]emotion of love, shouldn't I?[ST:wait ]
100 qev025601_MSG0089 So, um, please find the objects she requires, okay?[ST:n ]We must cure her before her condition worsens![ST:wait ]