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1 qev019402_MSG0001 How's it going, pal? Still rakin' in those credits?[ST:wait ]
2 qev019402_MSG0002 ...Huh? You need me for something? Well, I sure hope[ST:n ]it's one of those get-rich-quick schemes.[ST:wait ]
3 qev019402_JNK0010 Request
4 qev019402_SEL0011 Directly ask Tobias for the data unit.
5 qev019402_JNK0020 Probe
6 qev019402_SEL0021 Feel Tobias out to see if he actually has the data unit.
7 qev019402_MSG0003 ...D-data units? Where the hell did you hear about[ST:n ]those?![ST:wait ]
8 qev019402_MSG0004 All right, all right! You can stop with the innocent[ST:n ]question act already—I ain't a damn idiot.[ST:wait ]
9 qev019402_MSG0006 So you think I have important data regarding[ST:n ]FrontierNav, huh? Where the hell did you hear[ST:n ]about that, anyway?[ST:wait ]
10 qev019402_MSG0007 Kirsty? Why, that hypocritical little...[ST:n ]So the old girl finally got this far, eh?[ST:wait ]
11 qev019402_MSG0008 Well, I'm not saying I won't hand it over...[ST:n ]Just not for free.[ST:wait ]
12 qev019402_MSG0009 It'll run you 100,000 credits. It's worth at LEAST that.[ST:wait ]
13 qev019402_MSG0010 What do you say? Shouldn't be too hard for a tough[ST:n ][ST:Gender p1=guy p2=gal ] like you to scrape together that kind of dough.[ST:wait ]
14 qev019402_MSG0011 Well? You got the money to buy my data unit yet[ST:n ]or what?[ST:wait ]
15 qev019402_MSG0012 When you think about what's on it, a hundred grand[ST:n ]is a damn bargain.[ST:wait ]
16 qev019402_JNK0030 Buy
17 qev019402_SEL0031 Purchase the data unit for 100,000 credits.
18 qev019402_JNK0040 Refuse
19 qev019402_SEL0041 Insist that you'll never pay that much.
20 qev019402_MSG0013 Appreciate the business. Heh heh... Aw, this is sweet![ST:n ]Should be more than enough for me to get started[ST:n ]as well.[ST:wait ]
21 qev019402_MSG0014 Get this back to Kirsty in one piece, yeah?[ST:wait ]
22 qev019402_MSG0015 Oh, and I went ahead and removed all that annoying[ST:n ]encryption for you. It's nothing but raw data now.[ST:wait ]
23 qev019402_MSG0016 This ain't the time to be stingy, pal![ST:wait ]
24 qev019402_MSG0017 You're a [ST:Gender p1=man p2=woman ]of means, yeah? I bet you've got at[ST:n ]least that much squirreled away someplace.[ST:wait ]
25 qev019402_MSG0018 ...Wait, you don't have that much? Really?[ST:wait ]
26 qev019402_MSG0019 Well, you know the drill. Slap those research probes[ST:n ]down and start raking in new customers.[ST:wait ]
27 qev019402_MSG0020 I didn't think the little minx Kirsty would gather all[ST:n ]them data units...[ST:wait ]
28 qev019402_MSG0021 Ha! Looks like things have gotten interesting back home[ST:n ]while I've been out making money.[ST:wait ]