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1 qev019101_MSG0001 Can this contraption truly yield ore harder than steel?[ST:wait ]
2 qev019101_MSG0002 These alien technologies are indeed most strange and[ST:n ]wondrous...[ST:wait ]
3 qev019101_MSG0003 Ho! You there! Do you know of this material known as[ST:n ]\"mere-rain-ium\"?[ST:wait ]
4 qev019101_MSG0004 A Ma-non spoke of it. She claimed it was an ore of[ST:n ]uncommon properties and unparalleled usefulness.[ST:wait ]
5 qev019101_JNK0010 Explain
6 qev019101_SEL0011 Tell Go Sirho all you know about miranium.
7 qev019101_JNK0020 Question
8 qev019101_SEL0021 Ask Go Sirho what miranium can be used for.
9 qev019101_MSG0005 I see. You are most knowledgeable. I had not expected[ST:n ]this mere-rain-ium to have so many uses.[ST:wait ]
10 qev019101_MSG0006 I see now why Six Stars is so desperate to acquire it.[ST:wait ]
11 qev019101_MSG0007 I know little of it myself, having only first seen it after[ST:n ]coming to this fair city.[ST:wait ]
12 qev019101_MSG0008 I am told it can be rendered harder than steel,[ST:n ]or as flexible as a spring.[ST:wait ]
13 qev019101_MSG0009 The Ma-non have even developed a means to use it as[ST:n ]a kind of fuel.[ST:wait ]
14 qev019101_MSG0010 As an artisan myself, I am deeply curious, and wish to[ST:n ]explore these processes I have heard tell of.[ST:wait ]
15 qev019101_MSG0011 You BLADEs gather this mere-rain-ium for any who[ST:n ]desire it. Is this not so?[ST:wait ]
16 qev019101_MSG0012 I require no more than 10,000 units at most.[ST:n ]Will you honor me with your assistance?[ST:wait ]
17 qev019101_MSG0013 If I can learn to manipulate this substance, I am certain[ST:n ]I can offer the city powerful products conceivable only[ST:n ]by the mind of a Wrothian.[ST:wait ]
18 qev019101_MSG0014 While you are away I shall continue my study of[ST:n ]this...mere-rain-ium.[ST:wait ]
19 qev019101_MSG0015 By my name and honor, I shall not allow the materials[ST:n ]your labor earns to go to waste![ST:wait ]
20 qev019101_MSG0016 For one outside the established industry such as myself,[ST:n ]my only recourse is to rely on BLADEs.[ST:wait ]
21 qev019101_MSG0017 I beseech you for 10,000 units of mere-rain-ium,[ST:n ]and swear it shall not go to waste.[ST:wait ]
22 qev019101_MSG0018 You are returned, [ST:playername ]![ST:n ]How did your hunt fare?[ST:wait ]
23 qev019101_MSG0019 While you were gone, I learned much from a wise and[ST:n ]generous human called Kirsty.[ST:wait ]
24 qev019101_JNK0030 Deliver
25 qev019101_SEL0031 Hand over 10,000 units of miranium.
26 qev019101_JNK0040 Keep
27 qev019101_SEL0041 Hold on to your miranium for now.
28 qev019101_MSG0020 Such a bounty of mere-rain-ium![ST:wait ]
29 qev019101_MSG0021 And did you acquire this using your Front Ear Nav?[ST:wait ]
30 qev019101_MSG0022 Kirsty made mention of such a thing.[ST:wait ]
31 qev019101_MSG0023 When I showed interest, she was kind enough to give[ST:n ]me a data probe suitable for novices.[ST:wait ]
32 qev019101_MSG0024 I would like to make use of this gift, but...[ST:n ]Are you familiar with its workings?[ST:wait ]
33 qev019101_JNK0050 Confirm
34 qev019101_SEL0051 Tell Go Sirho that you know all about data probes.
35 qev019101_JNK0060 Deny
36 qev019101_SEL0061 Shake your head and look around nervously.
37 qev019101_MSG0025 You BLADEs are quite reliable. I fear that even after[ST:n ]hearing an explanation of its mysteries, I was unable[ST:n ]to grasp them.[ST:wait ]
38 qev019101_MSG0026 If it be no insult to you, I would trouble you to teach[ST:n ]me such things yet once more. Perhaps with a practical[ST:n ]demonstration in the wild? [ST:wait ]
39 qev019101_MSG0027 When I mentioned your name, Kirsty affirmed that you[ST:n ]were a most proficient student.[ST:wait ]
40 qev019101_MSG0028 Such modesty is wasted here. Please, you must show[ST:n ]me how to make use of this data probe.[ST:n ]Perhaps with a practical demonstration in the wild?[ST:wait ]
41 qev019101_MSG0029 My mere-rain-ium needs are met, yet I do not wish to[ST:n ]be dependent upon you indefinitely—we Wrothians[ST:n ]value self-sufficiency above nearly all else.[ST:wait ]
42 qev019101_MSG0030 I will await you in Oblivia. Please come once you have[ST:n ]made preparations.[ST:wait ]
43 qev019101_MSG0031 I see. Then I ask you to inform me once you have[ST:n ]found said mere-rain-ium. Many thanks, hunter.[ST:wait ]
44 qev019101_MSG0032 Ah, you have come! Now then, if I remember correctly,[ST:n ]I am to stab this data probe into the ground, yes?[ST:wait ]
45 qev019101_MSG0033 But after that, Kirsty's teachings are a blur—so you will[ST:n ]need demonstrate the rest with all haste.[ST:wait ]
46 qev019101_MSG0034 I ask that you be as thorough as you can. I am not[ST:n ]accustomed to dealing with such machines, and their[ST:n ]workings elude me.[ST:wait ]
47 qev019101_JNK0070 Teach
48 qev019101_SEL0071 Show Go Sirho everything, step by painful step.
49 qev019101_JNK0080 Refuse
50 qev019101_SEL0081 Tell Go Sirho she'll never learn unless[ST:n ]she teaches herself.
51 qev019101_MSG0035 Ah, I see. So this part goes here...[ST:wait ]
52 qev019101_MSG0036 No? Then it is installed like this?[ST:wait ]
53 qev019101_MSG0037 Not that either? Then how DOES this thrice-damned[ST:n ]contraption work?![ST:wait ]
54 qev019101_MSG0038 Bah! ENOUGH! I've had it with this stubborn device.[ST:n ]Take this! Hiiiyaaa!!![ST:wait ]
55 qev019101_MSG0039 A fair point. For when learning the sword, one must[ST:n ]always begin by holding the blade for oneself.[ST:wait ]
56 qev019101_MSG0040 Very well. I shall take this part and place it here...[ST:wait ]
57 qev019101_MSG0041 This goes...we'll say, here. And I press this...[ST:wait ]
58 qev019101_MSG0042 Ha! Are you duly impressed?[ST:wait ]
59 qev019101_MSG0043 ......[ST:wait ]
60 qev019101_MSG0044 Where did I go wrong?[ST:wait ]
61 qev019101_MSG0045 I will grant that perhaps my handling was a bit rough,[ST:n ]but surely...[ST:wait ]
62 qev019101_MSG0046 No. I will make no excuse. I must swallow my pride[ST:n ]and petition that you ask Kirsty for another data probe.[ST:wait ]
63 qev019101_MSG0047 I swear on my name that this error shall not be[ST:n ]repeated![ST:wait ]
64 qev019101_MSG0048 Was I too forceful? I did not anticipate the device to be[ST:n ]quite so...fragile.[ST:wait ]
65 qev019101_MSG0049 I shall not repeat this error. Kindly go ask Kirsty for[ST:n ]another datum probe, that I might use it.[ST:wait ]
66 qev019101_MSG0050 Well, hunter? Did you receive another data probe?[ST:wait ]
67 qev019101_MSG0051 This time I shall install it without fail.[ST:n ]I ask that you hand me said device.[ST:wait ]
68 qev019101_MSG0052 Fear not. After my last attempt, I have grasped the[ST:n ]process, and remember most of the instructions quite[ST:n ]distinctly.[ST:wait ]
69 qev019101_MSG0053 I ask only for any advice you might offer. For example,[ST:n ]what is in your mind when you install these devices?[ST:wait ]
70 qev019101_JNK0090 Others
71 qev019101_SEL0091 Tell Go Sirho that you think of how[ST:n ]it will aid the future of humankind.
72 qev019101_JNK0100 Myself
73 qev019101_SEL0101 Tell Go Sirho that you think about[ST:n ]all the credits you will earn.
74 qev019101_MSG0054 You bear a great weight upon your shoulders.[ST:n ]...I feel the same.[ST:wait ]
75 qev019101_MSG0055 Even now, I study these devices to ease the plight of my[ST:n ]fellow Wrothians who toil in poverty.[ST:wait ]
76 qev019101_MSG0056 ...Yes. As long as I remain focused on that goal,[ST:n ]I am unlikely to be careless enough to break the device.[ST:wait ]
77 qev019101_MSG0057 I thank you. I will attempt it again now with that firmly[ST:n ]in mind.[ST:wait ]
78 qev019101_MSG0058 Is your Front Ear Nav truly so lucrative?[ST:wait ]
79 qev019101_MSG0059 Then let it bring me the funds to erect a mighty[ST:n ]workshop and attain great success![ST:wait ]
80 qev019101_MSG0060 For I hope one day to ransom my fellow Wrothians[ST:n ]from the skeletal clutches of poverty.[ST:wait ]
81 qev019101_MSG0061 Watch on, then, as I lay the cornerstone of the[ST:n ]Wrothians' new and glorious future![ST:wait ]
82 qev019101_MSG0062 ...Ha ha ha! Excellent! It is done![ST:n ]And now to receive mere-rain-ium![ST:wait ]
83 qev019101_MSG0063 I thank you, [ST:playername ]! From this day[ST:n ]forth, I will expand your Front Ear Nav across the[ST:n ]farthest reaches of Mira.[ST:wait ]
84 qev019101_MSG0064 Then the Wrothians will prosper as you BLADEs[ST:n ]have prospered.[ST:wait ]
85 qev019101_MSG0065 Now to return and explore what can be crafted from[ST:n ]this mere-rain-ium...[ST:wait ]
86 qev019101_MSG0066 I give you my word—I will create something uniquely[ST:n ]Wrothian that will bring wealth to both our peoples.[ST:wait ]
87 qev019101_MSG0067 I shall see that all you have taught me and all you have[ST:n ]done is not put to waste![ST:wait ]