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1 qev015002_MSG0008 Be reasonable, Grette! I can't just run back to the city[ST:n ]to pick you up a new ice-cream cake.[ST:wait ]
2 qev015002_MSG0009 Then go wipe out every last one of those oc-servs![ST:wait ]
3 qev015002_MSG0010 I had one tiny luxury in the midst of this hellish[ST:n ]wasteland, and those bastards ruined it.[ST:n ]Someone is going to die for that![ST:wait ]
4 qev015002_MSG0011 No, I hear you, but we're kind of busy trying to find[ST:n ]that noble silk...[ST:wait ]
5 qev015002_MSG0012 Oh, [ST:playername ]! Perfect timing.[ST:wait ]
6 qev015002_MSG0013 Some Ganglion machines called oc-servs stole Grette's[ST:n ]ice-cream cake, and she's... Well, she's not happy.[ST:wait ]
7 qev015002_MSG0014 And once our little princess gets going, there's no[ST:n ]talking sense to her. I need some help.[ST:wait ]
8 qev015002_MSG0015 Could I ask you to either gather the noble silk we need[ST:n ]or else go take out those oc-servs?[ST:wait ]
9 qev015002_JNK0010 Gather
10 qev015002_SEL0011 Agree to collect the noble silk.
11 qev015002_JNK0020 Fight
12 qev015002_SEL0021 Agree to take out the oc-servs.
13 qev015002_MSG0016 Thanks! Meanwhile, I'll go deal with the princess's[ST:n ]demands...[ST:wait ]
14 qev015002_MSG0017 Excuse you, Adelbert! Don't make it sound like I'm[ST:n ]being unreasonable over here![ST:wait ]
15 qev015002_MSG0018 Yes, ma'am! ...Anyway, I'll go avenge her snack time.[ST:wait ]
16 qev015002_MSG0019 I'll leave the gathering to you. You should be able to[ST:n ]get them from noble arachnids.[ST:wait ]
17 qev015002_MSG0020 Aw, thanks. I'll allow you to be my top servant now.[ST:n ]Well, maybe second to Adelbert.[ST:wait ]
18 qev015002_MSG0021 Now go show those Ganglion dogs what happens[ST:n ]when you interrupt a lady's sacred snack time![ST:wait ]
19 qev015002_MSG0022 Yeah, sorry. She may seem a little crazy, but she's a[ST:n ]true soldier underneath. Try not to judge her too hard.[ST:wait ]
20 qev015002_MSG0023 EXCUSE YOU, ADELBERT![ST:n ]How dare you speak of me that way![ST:wait ]
21 qev015002_MSG0024 Sorry! Sorry...[ST:n ]Heh. Besides, I actually like crazy.[ST:wait ]
22 qev015002_MSG0025 Anyway, thanks, [ST:playername ].[ST:n ]It's in your hands now. I'll get to work on[ST:n ]our job in the meantime.[ST:wait ]