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1 qev013903_MSG0001 So that damned woman made her move...[ST:n ]She'll pay for this![ST:wait ]
2 qev013903_MSG0002 Ah, if it isn't our little xeno lover.[ST:n ]Come to end the life of a fellow human, traitor?[ST:wait ]
3 qev013903_JNK0010 Deny
4 qev013903_SEL0011 Explain to Alex that Eliza asked you to come in peace.
5 qev013903_JNK0020 Convince
6 qev013903_SEL0021 Persuade Alex to stop his crimes and turn himself in.
7 qev013903_MSG0003 I had hoped we might be fast friends. That you might[ST:n ]have the wisdom to see things as they truly are.[ST:n ]It seems I was mistaken.[ST:wait ]
8 qev013903_MSG0004 Look at you... Nothing but a sniveling cur in service to[ST:n ]that idiot woman.[ST:wait ]
9 qev013903_MSG0005 Crime? And what crime have I committed?[ST:wait ]
10 qev013903_MSG0006 I have done nothing less than save all humanity from[ST:n ]becoming a race of slaves. I am no criminal...[ST:n ]I am a HERO![ST:wait ]
11 qev013903_MSG0008 Ah! Welcome, [ST:Gender p1=brother p2=sister ]![ST:n ]Have you come to offer your assistance again?[ST:wait ]
12 qev013903_JNK0010 qev013903_JNK0010
13 qev013903_SEL0011 qev013903_SEL0011
14 qev013903_JNK0020 qev013903_JNK0020
15 qev013903_SEL0021 qev013903_SEL0021
16 qev013903_MSG0013 But if you wish to discuss the matter, I am agreeable.[ST:n ]Reasoned debate has always been one of humanity's[ST:n ]greatest hallmarks, after all.[ST:wait ]
17 qev013903_MSG0014 If you can convince me that your claim is correct,[ST:n ]I will acknowledge defeat.[ST:wait ]
18 qev013903_MSG0015 And in that case, you will be allowed to walk away in[ST:n ]peace.[ST:wait ]
19 qev013903_MSG0016 I'll even have my colleagues stand down.[ST:wait ]
20 qev013903_JNK0110 Contend
21 qev013903_SEL0111 Assert that not all xenoforms are hostile.
22 qev013903_JNK0120 Inquire
23 qev013903_SEL0121 Ask Alex why he can't compromise with xenoforms.
24 qev013903_MSG0017 Have you forgotten what happened to Earth?[ST:wait ]
25 qev013903_MSG0018 Those xeno swine turned Earth into a battlefield...[ST:n ]They destroyed our planet![ST:wait ]
26 qev013903_MSG0019 Nearly 10 billion men and women died, and I will[ST:n ]not forget OR forgive their senseless slaughter.[ST:wait ]
27 qev013903_MSG0020 These Ma-non are no different than the xenos who[ST:n ]ruined Earth, and they will destroy New LA if we do[ST:n ]not stop them now. Surely you must see this. Unless...[ST:wait ]
28 qev013903_MSG0021 Unless they have already brainwashed you with their[ST:n ]insidious alien technology![ST:wait ]
29 qev013903_MSG0022 Compromise? COMPROMISE?! Compromise with the[ST:n ]vermin that came stomping into OUR city?![ST:wait ]
30 qev013903_MSG0023 I might as well compromise with the cockroach that[ST:n ]lives in my pantry![ST:wait ]
31 qev013903_MSG0024 How exactly would you propose I compromise with[ST:n ]these interlopers? Hmm? With the xeno plague that[ST:n ]invaded our city for their own selfish gain?[ST:wait ]
32 qev013903_JNK0210 Cite an Example
33 qev013903_SEL0211 Say that the arms manufacturers[ST:n ]prove interspecies cooperation.
34 qev013903_JNK0220 Rebut
35 qev013903_SEL0221 Tell Alex that his beliefs do not justify violence.
36 qev013903_MSG0025 A fine collaboration for now. But do you really think[ST:n ]that partnership will last forever?[ST:wait ]
37 qev013903_MSG0026 Look at Earth's history. Even when it was just us[ST:n ]humans, we still fought a string of endless wars.[ST:wait ]
38 qev013903_MSG0027 We shared biology. Learned each other's languages.[ST:n ]And even with all that, peace never lasted.[ST:wait ]
39 qev013903_MSG0028 This dream of peaceful understanding between alien[ST:n ]races with no such common ground is ludicrous.[ST:wait ]
40 qev013903_MSG0029 Even now, they fail to understand us. They cannot[ST:n ]even fathom why they find themselves in this[ST:n ]current predicament![ST:wait ]
41 qev013903_MSG0030 Have you heard nothing I've said?[ST:wait ]
42 qev013903_MSG0031 These creatures will rise up and steal what is ours.[ST:n ]They'll have us in chains before we know it![ST:n ]I will not allow that to happen.[ST:wait ]
43 qev013903_MSG0032 Well then? What specious claim will you make next?[ST:wait ]
44 qev013903_JNK0310 Persist
45 qev013903_SEL0311 Try to convince Alex that humans cannot survive alone.
46 qev013903_JNK0320 Fight
47 qev013903_SEL0321 Accept that words are futile, and stop Alex by force.
48 qev013903_MSG0033 You honestly feel these xenos are so great an asset?[ST:wait ]
49 qev013903_MSG0034 ...I will concede that without their assistance,[ST:n ]New LA might have fallen by now.[ST:wait ]
50 qev013903_MSG0035 But that doesn't... No. Am I...wrong...after all?[ST:wait ]
51 qev013903_MSG0036 ...Pffaaa ha ha! Aaah ha ha ha ha ha![ST:wait ]
52 qev013903_MSG0037 Rrrgh! I should have known you'd be watching...[ST:wait ]
53 qev013903_MSG0038 No! It's you who are the fool![ST:wait ]
54 qev013903_MSG0039 Have you ever truly stared into the darkness[ST:n ]within them?[ST:wait ]
55 qev013903_MSG0040 Xenos kill! They pillage! They care about nothing but[ST:n ]their own selfish desires![ST:wait ]
56 qev013903_MSG0041 All xenos are the same! None of them will ever be true[ST:n ]brothers and sisters of humanity![ST:wait ]
57 qev013903_MSG0042 And if you and Eliza refuse to see that, then I name[ST:n ]you my enemies as well.[ST:wait ]
58 qev013903_MSG0043 So you turn to force after all.[ST:n ]What would dear Eliza think, I wonder?[ST:wait ]
59 qev013903_MSG0044 Worry not, friend. I, at least, understand your course.[ST:n ]For fear of death is the only force capable of making[ST:n ]this world pure![ST:wait ]
60 qev013903_MSG0045 Ngh... Enough.[ST:wait ]
61 qev013903_MSG0046 I yield for today, but know that I will not be stopped.[ST:wait ]
62 qev013903_MSG0047 It matters not what temporary profits this xeno[ST:n ]infestation may offer New LA.[ST:wait ]
63 qev013903_MSG0048 There can be no surrender, no rest, until every last one[ST:n ]of them has been chased from our streets.[ST:wait ]
64 qev013903_MSG0049 Ngh... Enough.[ST:wait ]
65 qev013903_MSG0050 I yield for today, but know that I will not be stopped.[ST:wait ]
66 qev013903_MSG0051 The time will come when I see the last of those[ST:n ]xeno interlopers snuffed out.[ST:wait ]
67 qev013903_MSG0052 Tell Eliza that if she persists in interfering,[ST:n ]I will do what I must. Farewell.[ST:wait ]