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1 qev013805_MSG0001 I expected you sooner. But no matter. We've only[ST:n ]just begun, after all. Now please enjoy the show.[ST:wait ]
2 qev013805_MSG0002 Well, Ma-non? It's time to decide.[ST:wait ]
3 qev013805_MSG0004 Would you prefer to jump of your own will[ST:n ]or die by a bullet?[ST:wait ]
4 qev013805_MSG0005 N-neither...?[ST:wait ]
5 qev013805_MSG0006 I see. In that case...[ST:wait ]
6 qev013805_JNK0110 Stop Alex
7 qev013805_SEL0111 Shout at Alex to stop.
8 qev013805_JNK0120 Observe
9 qev013805_SEL0121 Watch and see how this plays out.
10 qev013805_MSG0014 Now you! Klaatu or...whatever it was. I don't know.[ST:n ]I can't be bothered to memorize every gibberish xeno[ST:n ]name that comes across my desk.[ST:wait ]
11 qev013805_MSG0015 Er, my name is Arwae?[ST:wait ]
12 qev013805_MSG0016 We Ma-non can offer humans new technology,[ST:n ]you know? So you don't really gain anything by[ST:n ]murdering us, do you?[ST:wait ]
13 qev013805_MSG0017 Yes, it's an unfortunate sacrifice, but one that I fear[ST:n ]must be made.[ST:wait ]
14 qev013805_MSG0018 Then what what what must we do to live?[ST:wait ]
15 qev013805_MSG0019 I would suggest jumping—the odds of survival are a[ST:n ]smidgen higher. But the choice is yours.[ST:wait ]
16 qev013805_MSG0020 ......[ST:wait ]
17 qev013805_JNK0110 qev013805_JNK0110
18 qev013805_SEL0111 qev013805_SEL0111
19 qev013805_JNK0220 Turn Away
20 qev013805_SEL0221 Avert your eyes from the horrible scene.
21 qev013805_MSG0029 Time's up![ST:wait ]
22 qev013805_MSG0030 Now for our final guest...[ST:wait ]
23 qev013805_MSG0031 I like humans, you know? I want to understand them.[ST:n ]But I so so don't like you.[ST:wait ]
24 qev013805_MSG0032 I choose not to die here for your gratification, okay?[ST:wait ]
25 qev013805_MSG0035 You disgust me.[ST:wait ]
26 qev013805_JNK0110 qev013805_JNK0110
27 qev013805_SEL0111 qev013805_SEL0111
28 qev013805_SEL0321 Stand by helplessly as the Ma-non dies.
29 qev013805_MSG0042 What fools. ...And with that, our goal is accomplished.[ST:wait ]
30 qev013805_MSG0043 Let us hope this serves to educate the Ma-non.[ST:wait ]
31 qev013805_MSG0044 Spare me your judgment! We agreed to raise[ST:n ]New LA to a higher standard, did we not?[ST:n ]Surely you understood what that entailed.[ST:wait ]
32 qev013805_MSG0046 Coming to this planet taught me something...[ST:wait ]
33 qev013805_MSG0047 The xenos who destroyed the Earth are far from our[ST:n ]only threat.[ST:wait ]
34 qev013805_MSG0048 Ma-non possess diabolical alien technologies.[ST:n ]They're even more dangerous than the Prone![ST:wait ]
35 qev013805_MSG0049 Were they to turn that technology against the city in[ST:n ]earnest, New LA would be wrested from us in days.[ST:wait ]
36 qev013805_MSG0050 At this rate, they'll take everything! Mankind will be[ST:n ]doomed to a dark future as slaves toiling under the[ST:n ]lash of their cruel xeno masters![ST:wait ]
37 qev013805_MSG0051 But if we take the initiative and eliminate the xeno[ST:n ]threat before they strike, we can spare our people[ST:n ]from that hell.[ST:wait ]
38 qev013805_JNK0410 Argue
39 qev013805_SEL0411 Tell Alex that he's wrong.
40 qev013805_JNK0420 Accept
41 qev013805_SEL0421 Reluctantly concede that Alex's plan has some merit.
42 qev013805_MSG0057 I'm glad you understand. Truly I do.[ST:wait ]
43 qev013805_MSG0058 I'll be in touch. I hope you'll be as understanding and[ST:n ]supportive at that time as you have been now.[ST:wait ]
44 qev013805_MSG0064 Ow... That hurt...[ST:wait ]
45 qev013805_MSG0065 Oh, but don't worry. It's only a scratch, yes?[ST:n ]My years of practice playing dead finally paid off,[ST:n ]it seems.[ST:wait ]
46 qev013805_MSG0066 Some humans are wicked, aren't they? We Ma-non[ST:n ]know this, and yet I think we failed to appreciate it...[ST:wait ]
47 qev013805_MSG0070 Still, I hope that our races can cooperate despite[ST:n ]people like him, you know?[ST:n ]...Oh oh! And I need to repay you.[ST:wait ]
48 qev013805_MSG0068 Um, but it seems I dropped everything of value, huh?[ST:n ]So so many apologies. Can you forgive me?[ST:wait ]
49 qev013805_MSG0069 ...Ow. If you'll excuse me, I'll be heading back to[ST:n ]New LA now, okay? Good-bye.[ST:wait ]
50 qev013805_MSG0073 You understand nothing! Does the current situation not[ST:n ]raise the alarm in your mind?[ST:wait ]
51 qev013805_MSG0074 Coming to this planet taught me something...[ST:wait ]
52 qev013805_MSG0075 The xenos who destroyed the Earth are far from our[ST:n ]only threat.[ST:wait ]
53 qev013805_MSG0076 Ma-non possess diabolical alien technologies.[ST:n ]They're even more dangerous than the Prone![ST:wait ]
54 qev013805_MSG0077 Were they to turn that technology against the city in[ST:n ]earnest, New LA would be wrested from us in days![ST:wait ]
55 qev013805_MSG0078 At this rate, they'll take everything! Mankind will be[ST:n ]doomed to a dark future as slaves toiling under the[ST:n ]lash of their cruel xeno masters![ST:wait ]
56 qev013805_MSG0079 But if we take the initiative and eliminate the xeno[ST:n ]threat before they strike, we can spare our people[ST:n ]from that hell.[ST:wait ]
57 qev013805_MSG0086 Hmph. I see you've succumbed to the same blind[ST:n ]optimism as the rest of the masses.[ST:wait ]
58 qev013805_MSG0087 Allowing this irresponsible fraternization to continue will[ST:n ]only lead to human suffering.[ST:wait ]
59 qev013805_MSG0080 And if you will not see the truth through reason,[ST:n ]my only choice is to resort to force![ST:wait ]
60 qev013805_MSG0088 For you see, I am far from alone in wishing New LA[ST:n ]to be cleansed of its xeno infestation.[ST:wait ]
61 qev013805_MSG0089 Others who share in my vision have come together to[ST:n ]fight for it.[ST:wait ]
62 qev013805_MSG0081 And any humans that would place themselves between[ST:n ]our truth and the Ma-non can die along with them![ST:wait ]
63 qev013805_MSG0082 Thank you so so much.[ST:wait ]
64 qev013805_MSG0083 Express Remorse
65 qev013805_MSG0084 Apologize profusely for what happened.
66 qev013805_MSG0085 Express Concern
67 qev013805_MSG0090 Ask Wikaye if she is hurt and how you can help her.
68 qev013805_MSG0092 Some humans are wicked, aren't they? We Ma-non[ST:n ]know this, and yet I think we failed to appreciate it...[ST:wait ]
69 qev013805_MSG0093 Perhaps the failure lies with us?[ST:wait ]
70 qev013805_MSG0094 Still, I hope that our races can cooperate despite[ST:n ]people like him, you know?[ST:n ]...Oh oh! And I need to repay you.[ST:wait ]
71 qev013805_MSG0096 Don’t worry. If it came down to it, I’d have[ST:n ]played dead. I’m pretty good at it, I guess?[ST:wait ]
72 qev013805_MSG0097 It takes more than this to get a Ma-non down,[ST:n ]you know? So don't worry about it, okay?[ST:wait ]
73 qev013805_MSG0098 Some of my kind are wicked, yes? So how could[ST:n ]we expect better of humans? We didn't think it[ST:n ]through, is the problem...[ST:wait ]
74 qev013805_MSG0099 Perhaps it really is as simple as that.[ST:wait ]
75 qev013805_MSG0102 Anyway, please allow me to reward you for your[ST:n ]assistance, okay?[ST:wait ]
76 qev013805_MSG0106 I would be pleased for you to have this.[ST:n ]Thank you so so so much! Oh, and I hope to see[ST:n ]you again in the city soon, if that's all right?[ST:wait ]