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1 qev011201_MSG0001 Hey! You! Do you have any interest in the Miran[ST:n ]ecosystem?[ST:wait ]
2 qev011201_MSG0002 Er, sorry. That kind of came out of the blue, didn't it?[ST:n ]Look, don't run. I'm not trying to recruit you into a cult[ST:n ]or anything. I'm just searching for a kindred spirit.[ST:wait ]
3 qev011201_JNK0010 Show Interest
4 qev011201_SEL0011 Express interest in the Miran ecosystem.
5 qev011201_JNK0020 Dismiss
6 qev011201_SEL0021 Yawn and tell Sullivan you aren't interested in science.
7 qev011201_MSG0003 Wait, really? Oh my gosh. You're the first person who[ST:n ]hasn't just dismissed me out of hand.[ST:wait ]
8 qev011201_MSG0004 Yeah, no shock there. But even if you do feel that way,[ST:n ]could I maybe interest you in some work?[ST:wait ]
9 qev011201_MSG0005 You're entirely free to take or leave it, of course.[ST:wait ]
10 qev011201_MSG0006 Just hear a gal out, okay?[ST:wait ]
11 qev011201_MSG0007 My name is Sullivan, and I'm a botanist.[ST:wait ]
12 qev011201_MSG0008 Ever since we arrived on Mira, my lab has been[ST:n ]blessed with one fantastical specimen after the next.[ST:wait ]
13 qev011201_MSG0009 The biodiversity here is simply dizzying![ST:wait ]
14 qev011201_MSG0010 I might as well tear up that doctorate I earned back on[ST:n ]Earth and use it to wipe[ST:wait ]
15 qev011201_MSG0011 But really, this is great news. I've never seen such fertile[ST:n ]ground for academic curiosity! Even the leaves—have[ST:n ]you noticed the leaves? Most have these little—[ST:wait ]
16 qev011201_MSG0012 Am I rambling? I'm rambling. And you're bored.[ST:n ]So sorry. Let me get back to it.[ST:wait ]
17 qev011201_MSG0013 To get to the point, I'd like your assistance in my[ST:n ]research.[ST:wait ]
18 qev011201_MSG0014 As I'm sure you know, there's a huge forest area to[ST:n ]the northwest of NLA. We call it Noctilum. The plant[ST:n ]life there is wholly unlike anything seen on Earth.[ST:wait ]
19 qev011201_MSG0015 I suspect the marshes deep within that forest might[ST:n ]hold a specimen of extreme importance![ST:wait ]
20 qev011201_MSG0016 I've been informed by many parties that collecting this[ST:n ]specimen will be no simple matter, but I'm thinking[ST:n ]someone like you should be able to handle it.[ST:wait ]
21 qev011201_MSG0017 I require three samples—one to experiment on, one to[ST:n ]archive, and one to display so that the public's appetite[ST:n ]for science might once more be whetted.[ST:wait ]
22 qev011201_MSG0018 The Miran ecosystem is shrouded in mystery and[ST:n ]intrigue, but this inquiry will be the shaft of light[ST:n ]which pierces the veil![ST:wait ]
23 qev011201_MSG0019 All of science hinges upon your help.[ST:wait ]
24 qev011201_MSG0020 My curiosity in Mira's ecology is boundless.[ST:n ]I could spend my life wrestling with its mysteries—[ST:n ]and fates willing, I shall![ST:wait ]
25 qev011201_MSG0021 Research samples of these plant species are lacking.[ST:n ]Would that I could go and collect them myself![ST:wait ]
26 qev011201_MSG0022 For men and women of my academic inclination, Mira[ST:n ]is a paradise! A Midas vault of new scientific inquiry![ST:wait ]
27 qev011201_MSG0023 Ah, yes, hello![ST:n ]Tell me, how goes the specimen collection?[ST:wait ]
28 qev011201_MSG0024 Astonishing... Yes, thank you![ST:n ]These are fine samples, truly![ST:wait ]
29 qev011201_MSG0025 I'd heard speculation about this specimen's unusual[ST:n ]properties, but this...[ST:wait ]
30 qev011201_MSG0026 No, I mustn't draw any conclusions before a proper[ST:n ]investigation is completed. Hypotheses and evidence[ST:n ]and so forth, yes? Yes.[ST:wait ]
31 qev011201_MSG0027 And yet, I think it's possible that the plant this was[ST:n ]harvested from actually exists OUTSIDE all known[ST:n ]Miran ecological chains![ST:wait ]
32 qev011201_MSG0028 It's bizarre... But in the most delightful way![ST:wait ]
33 qev011201_MSG0029 Life on this planet shocks me each and every day.[ST:wait ]
34 qev011201_MSG0030 Er, speaking of, I realize this is something of a surprise[ST:n ]request, but...[ST:wait ]
35 qev011201_MSG0031 might it be possible—and I dearly hope that it is—[ST:n ]to enlist your help in gathering another set of samples[ST:n ]of a different specimen?[ST:wait ]
36 qev011201_MSG0032 Water drains from those marshes, you see, forming[ST:n ]a river.[ST:wait ]
37 qev011201_MSG0033 That river's current carries a multitude of seeds to their[ST:n ]future homes. The importance of these seeds cannot be[ST:n ]overstated![ST:wait ]
38 qev011201_MSG0034 They must be studied in minute detail if our analysis of[ST:n ]life on Mira is to advance to the next stage.[ST:wait ]
39 qev011201_MSG0035 I need an archive sample, a test sample, a display[ST:n ]sample, a training sample, a buttering-up sample for[ST:n ]sponsors, and a bonus sample for a birthday present.[ST:wait ]
40 qev011201_MSG0036 So, yes. That's six samples total.[ST:n ]A hefty sum, I know.[ST:wait ]
41 qev011201_MSG0037 But all are vital to the continued function of[ST:n ]science on Mira. Thank you, assistant![ST:n ]You have my eternal gratitude.[ST:wait ]
42 qev011201_MSG0038 The reproductive cycle of plants is the underpinning of[ST:n ]all life, and yet so many people remain apathetic.[ST:n ]They are inviting disaster, I assure you![ST:wait ]
43 qev011201_MSG0040 Welcome back! Judging by your demeanor,[ST:n ]I anticipate good news?[ST:wait ]
44 qev011201_MSG0041 Yes! Precisely the specimen I desired![ST:wait ]
45 qev011201_MSG0042 Er, of course I say \"desired\" only in the sense that it is[ST:n ]vital to my research! Not that I... *ahem!* Right then.[ST:wait ]
46 qev011201_MSG0043 I'm impressed you actually brought samples for storage,[ST:n ]research, display, training, sponsor kickback, AND[ST:n ]birthday purposes![ST:wait ]
47 qev011201_MSG0044 You are a wonder, [ST:Gender p1=sir p2=madam ], and a champion for[ST:n ]Miran botany.[ST:wait ]
48 qev011201_MSG0045 Though your actions may not make it into my research[ST:n ]paper, know that the results of your work shall live on[ST:n ]for all time.[ST:wait ]
49 qev011201_MSG0046 If nothing else, please look upon your contributions[ST:n ]with great pride![ST:wait ]
50 qev011201_MSG0047 Oh, and you'll be pleased to know that I finished[ST:n ]analysis on the samples of the first specimen you[ST:n ]brought me earlier.[ST:wait ]
51 qev011201_MSG0048 It's shocking, really. The plant changes on a cellular[ST:n ]level between morning and night to become a wholly[ST:n ]different organism.[ST:wait ]
52 qev011201_MSG0049 It goes beyond any conventional definition of the word[ST:n ]\"plant.\" It's... Well, it's an \"entity,\" I suppose.[ST:wait ]
53 qev011201_MSG0050 Just another in a long list of assumption-shattering finds[ST:n ]on Mira.[ST:wait ]
54 qev011201_MSG0051 I well realize gathering those samples was not easy.[ST:n ]You have my sincerest thanks, kind [ST:Gender p1=sir p2=madam ].[ST:wait ]
55 qev011201_MSG0052 If I require hard-to-obtain samples again in the future,[ST:n ]I hope you'll lend me your services once more.[ST:wait ]
56 qev011201_MSG0053 For storage, test, display, training, sponsor, gift, award,[ST:n ]propaganda, and, er...personal use. *cough*[ST:wait ]
57 qev011201_MSG0054 Hey, one can never have too many samples, right?[ST:n ]Remember, this is all about science![ST:wait ]