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1 qev011101_MSG0001 You're human! Good.[ST:wait ]
2 qev011101_MSG0002 If I can run into a BLADE all the way out here,[ST:n ]I guess my luck hasn't completely conked out.[ST:wait ]
3 qev011101_MSG0003 Anyway, I could use some help on an Outfitter[ST:n ]assignment. What do you say?[ST:wait ]
4 qev011101_JNK0010 Agree
5 qev011101_SEL0011 Ask what you can do to help.
6 qev011101_JNK0020 Question
7 qev011101_SEL0021 Inquire about Outfitters and their assignments.
8 qev011101_JNK0030 Praise
9 qev011101_SEL0031 Praise Gigio for his dedication to his assignment.
10 qev011101_MSG0004 We came out here on a request from Sakuraba[ST:n ]Industries. They wanted us to test out some new Skell[ST:n ]weapon on the indigens around here.[ST:wait ]
11 qev011101_MSG0005 Everything was going fine until this crazed mephite[ST:n ]started attacking![ST:wait ]
12 qev011101_MSG0006 Didn't someone explain this to you when you picked a[ST:n ]division?[ST:wait ]
13 qev011101_MSG0007 The Outfitters support the arms manufacturers.[ST:wait ]
14 qev011101_MSG0008 We offer this support in a number of ways.[ST:wait ]
15 qev011101_MSG0009 Testing out new weapons is one, but we also help with[ST:n ]production.[ST:wait ]
16 qev011101_MSG0010 Hell, I'm sure we had something to do with the gear[ST:n ]you're carrying now.[ST:wait ]
17 qev011101_MSG0011 Anyway, we came out here on a request from[ST:n ]Sakuraba Industries. They wanted us to test out some[ST:n ]new Skell weapon on the indigens around here.[ST:wait ]
18 qev011101_MSG0012 Everything was going fine until this crazed mephite[ST:n ]started attacking![ST:wait ]
19 qev011101_MSG0013 Hey, I'm a BLADE. All part of the job, right?[ST:wait ]
20 qev011101_MSG0014 We came out here on a request from Sakuraba[ST:n ]Industries. They wanted us to test out some new Skell[ST:n ]weapon on the local indigens.[ST:wait ]
21 qev011101_MSG0015 Everything was going fine until this crazed mephite[ST:n ]started attacking![ST:wait ]
22 qev011101_MSG0016 Anyone not inside a Skell was wiped out on the first[ST:n ]swipe...[ST:wait ]
23 qev011101_MSG0017 Mine was totaled, but at least it kept me alive.[ST:wait ]
24 qev011101_MSG0018 Problem is, all that weapon-test data is still inside it.[ST:wait ]
25 qev011101_MSG0019 This mission came straight from Isobe, Sakuraba's chief[ST:n ]engineer. I'd feel like a total amateur if I let him down.[ST:wait ]
26 qev011101_MSG0020 But now that you've shown up, I may have a way out[ST:n ]of this.[ST:wait ]
27 qev011101_MSG0021 What do you say? Will you go grab the test data from[ST:n ]the Skell I ditched in Rust Lake?[ST:wait ]
28 qev011101_MSG0022 I'll give you everything Sakuraba's paying us—[ST:n ]that's how much it means to me.[ST:wait ]
29 qev011101_MSG0023 Thank you. And good luck.[ST:wait ]
30 qev011101_MSG0024 I'm going to go find a cave to hide in before something[ST:n ]big and ugly shows up and eats me.[ST:wait ]
31 qev011101_MSG0025 If you could retrieve the test data from the Skell I left in[ST:n ]Rust Lake, I'd sure appreciate it.[ST:wait ]
32 qev011101_MSG0026 Oh, and the mephite that hit us may still be around.[ST:wait ]
33 qev011101_MSG0027 So be careful. Veeeeery careful.[ST:n ]Take small steps... Look around a lot... You know.[ST:wait ]
34 qev011101_MSG0028 Thanks for the timely rescue. You literally saved me![ST:n ]...And I literally mean literally.[ST:wait ]
35 qev011101_MSG0029 What kind of world is it where a guy can't hide out[ST:n ]in a nice dank cave? I swear...[ST:wait ]
36 qev011101_MSG0030 Anyway, any luck with the data?[ST:n ]Please say it was still intact.[ST:wait ]
37 qev011101_MSG0031 This is it! This is the data I need![ST:wait ]
38 qev011101_MSG0032 A totaled Skell isn't great news, but getting this data[ST:n ]back makes it all worthwhile. Thank you.[ST:wait ]
39 qev011101_JNK0040 Ask
40 qev011101_SEL0041 Inquire about the new weapon Gigio was testing out.
41 qev011101_JNK0050 Worry
42 qev011101_SEL0051 Express concern at whether Gigio can return[ST:n ]the data to Sakuraba safely on his own.
43 qev011101_MSG0033 Sorry, that's classified. Isobe's got us on a tight leash.[ST:wait ]
44 qev011101_MSG0034 Let's just say it's fun. You won't be able to resist once[ST:n ]this baby hits the market![ST:wait ]
45 qev011101_MSG0035 I'll be fine. We're close to the forest exit, and I'm[ST:n ]used to Primordia. Thanks for the concern, though.[ST:wait ]
46 qev011101_MSG0036 Now, let's get you that reward.[ST:wait ]
47 qev011101_MSG0037 Not too shabby, right?[ST:wait ]
48 qev011101_MSG0038 Isobe had big expectations on this one, that's for sure.[ST:wait ]
49 qev011101_MSG0039 Too bad about the wrecked Skells... And dead guys...[ST:n ]But hey, we got the data, right? Not a total wash.[ST:wait ]
50 qev011101_MSG0040 And that's all thanks to you![ST:wait ]