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1 qev010501_MSG0001 Please, Monica, you've got to understand.[ST:n ]As BLADEs, our first priority is coming home alive.[ST:wait ]
2 qev010501_MSG0002 And as the one responsible for this team, I have to[ST:n ]take the path with the least amount of risk.[ST:wait ]
3 qev010501_MSG0003 So you want to give up his life to save ours? Pathetic![ST:n ]...Look, if you don't want to go, that's fine.[ST:n ]I'll find Conner alone.[ST:wait ]
4 qev010501_MSG0004 Monica, that's crazy! Will you please listen to me for[ST:n ]a second?[ST:wait ]
5 qev010501_MSG0005 ...Huh? What is it? If you're out here, I'm guessing it's[ST:n ]because you're a BLADE.[ST:wait ]
6 qev010501_MSG0006 In that case, let me ask you something. Should an[ST:n ]entire team risk their lives to rescue one single member?[ST:wait ]
7 qev010501_MSG0007 Or should that team run back to New LA like a pair of[ST:n ]sniveling cowards and wait for reinforcements?![ST:wait ]
8 qev010501_JNK0010 Rescue
9 qev010501_SEL0011 Declare that, if it was your team, you'd search[ST:n ]for your missing teammate immediately.
10 qev010501_JNK0020 Retreat
11 qev010501_SEL0021 Repeat the mantra of safety first and[ST:n ]recommend they retreat and regroup.
12 qev010501_MSG0008 See? You've got guts! What if our friend dies while[ST:n ]we're sitting on our asses back in NLA? What then?![ST:wait ]
13 qev010501_MSG0009 And if the two of us go missing as well?[ST:n ]How does that help Conner?[ST:wait ]
14 qev010501_MSG0010 You think like a leader. You're willing to assume[ST:n ]responsibility for your people's lives.[ST:wait ]
15 qev010501_MSG0011 [ST:Gender p1=He p2=She ] thinks like a damn coward![ST:n ]Well, I'm done talking. I'm going to help Conner![ST:wait ]
16 qev010501_MSG0012 Aaaand we're back where we started.[ST:wait ]
17 qev010501_MSG0013 This is difficult to ask, but...would you head north to[ST:n ]Sickle Rock Rise and see if you can find an Interceptor[ST:n ]named Conner?[ST:wait ]
18 qev010501_MSG0014 He's part of our team. We got separated on a survey[ST:n ]job and he hasn't come back.[ST:wait ]
19 qev010501_MSG0015 Thank you. I know it should be me going instead, but...[ST:wait ]
20 qev010501_MSG0016 Honestly, we're both at a loss hereā€”as you can[ST:n ]probably tell. I'm afraid if we go, we'll just invite[ST:n ]more trouble.[ST:wait ]
21 qev010501_MSG0017 I'm sorry you had to see any of this, but know that I[ST:n ]really appreciate the help. We both do.[ST:wait ]
22 qev010501_MSG0018 As soon as we know Conner's location, we'll do our[ST:n ]best to rescue him. Please help us find our friend.[ST:wait ]
23 qev010501_MSG0020 Conner was investigating Sickle Rock Rise just north of[ST:n ]here. That's probably a good place to start.[ST:wait ]
24 qev010501_MSG0019 While you're off searching for him, we'll get ourselves[ST:n ]prepped for the rescue. We really appreciate you[ST:n ]helping us out like this.[ST:wait ]
25 qev010501_MSG0021 We got beaten to a pulp when our survey mission[ST:n ]turned into an impromptu copper cinicula hunt.[ST:wait ]